
Chapter 3

I'm back as usual🌚🤭my update time is irregular and I'm sorry for that but I promise to upload daily so check back every day😊if I'm ever unable to upload I'll try my best to inform y'all. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well👋😊


*Louis POV*

I enter the dinning and my dad throws me a 'why'd you change?'look but I acted like I didn't notice. I turned my to where Endo was sitted only to see him smiling and chatting with a girl I've never seen before. He didn't even notice I'd arrived,what the actual f is going on?

After I was sitted my dad cleared his throat and said...

"Now that Lou's is here...shall we begin to eat?"

"oh Lou, you're here."


Through out dinner I kept glancing over at Endo and the girl. They kept smiling at each other sheepishly 'God this ticked me off' could they be any more annoying? Then right before dessert was set out Endo said he had something to say and asked for our attention. My heart sank at that moment because I pretty much already knew what he was gonna say.

"So dad I know when you asked earlier I said Elsie was a friend...but honestly we're in a relationship"

"we've been together for about six months now and I thought I should tell y'all."

"Son, I'm pretty sure everyone here could tell that you both are dating from the way you kept flirting with each other"Mr morge said

"It was a very annoying sight"said hector

"Real...I literally threw up in my mouth like 7 different times while eating"Continued Hazel

Endo's mom Mrs morge giggled and said"well as long as you're happy son then it's fine."

"So you really don't mind that I'm dating? or that I kept it a secret from you?"

"Your dad and I both think you're old of to date and about keeping it a secret,we kinda already suspected it."

"You did? how?"

"Well you were beginning to smile at your phone more frequently and you'd stay up late for hours too and that wasn't exactly in your habit until recently."

"And Alex I'm sorry for suddenly bringing someone over, I intended to introduce her to my family only to find out we were having dinner here"

"oh it's fine, it's been lovely meeting her"

"Thank you Dr Brisker"

"Just call me Alex,that way I feel less old"

Everyone broke into a fit of laughter and I managed to fake one as well. 'I really wasn't buying this' like why the h**k did he have to introduce her to his entire family, it's not like they're getting married soon or anything. So what if they've been dating for six months,huh? How sure are they that they'd still be together in a week. Ugh! this is really pissing me off. My thoughts were interrupted when Elsie said...

"You must be Louis, I've heard so much about you"

'God why's she so pretty' I took her out stretched hand faking the best smile I could.

"Now shall we have dessert I made apple and butterscotch pie"

"Ouhh"echoed in the room

"Dad I'll skip dessert"

"But it's your favorite"said Endo

"Yeah...is something wrong? are you sick?"

"Dad...I'm fine,I just don't feel like it today."

"Okay,if you say so honey"

"Good night dad...and good night to everyone as well"

I walk to my room and take off the dress I'm wearing, I throw the clothes I had on previously back on and lay down on my bed. I pull out my phone and decide to read a manga so I don't think of anything that had happened.

Endo text's me at me midnight and leave him on read,I really don't wanna talk to him rn. He calls me repeatedly so I switch off my phone and went to bed.


Incase you were wondering who Hector and Hazel are,they're Endo's younger siblings(Twin's).I'll update y'all on thier character's soon. Also I was wondering if i should dedicate a chapter to introducing all the characters or just keep doing it the way I'm doing it rn,Let me know what y'all think I'm the comments☺️.

I tried to make this chapter as long as possible,so please enjoy T_T

See y'all tomorrow✌️😚
