
Chapter 16: Macao Arc (3)

Chapter 16: Macao Arc (3)

~Silva POV~

"Purple Blast!"

"Purple Beam!"

"Purple Gatling Gun!"

Watching from the sidelines keeping myself out of dangers way I managed to see Macao fighting some of the Vulcans that I helped found for him to begin fighting against using his Purple Flare Magic.

Have to admit he certainly knows how to take care of himself against a 1 vs 6 as the oversized monkeys are attacking but Macao is doing well enough handling them as I watch a pro at work in action.


[Vulcan Lv.? Mountain Vulcan]

Viewing them made me frown seeing these Mountain Vulcans are stronger than me or that my <Observe> skill is too low to notice them.

The same could be same about Macao level as well too high for me to see. How high does one level need to be?

Are they valued by the person's experience and danger level to everyone else?

Or are there other criteria needed to be examined properly?

Regardless though the Vulcans appear to be large, anthropomorphic monsters that resemble primates. They possess distinctive facial features, elongated chins, prolonged ears, and pointed heads that resemble a single horn on top of their head. Vulcans have gargantuan arms and sequentially large hands that attach to their muscular torsos.

In comparison to their upper body, Vulcans evidently possess a pair of smaller-scaled legs that feature a long tail connected to the bottom of their torsos. The fur on their arms forms a decorative pattern unique to each species.

And if the title the Vulcan has is entitled to anything the Mountain Vulcan has a different appearance than the normal one's.

All Vulcan species possess identical anatomy, Magic, and Abilities, but they each have noticeable differences that distinguish one another.

Mountain Vulcans possess a monochromatic color scheme, with their fur-colored white and their pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored black. The lower half of their body is a darker shade of black and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five black circles on each arm, which are composed of black tufts of fur.

But because of these species of Mountain Vulcans are notably depicted to live in large packs hence the reason why the request to eliminate 20 of them was on the request board.

Although it's reasonable for the price because of their unique skills they have human speech not much, but the enhanced strength is no joke especially since apparently all species have <Take–Over Magic>.

Vulcans possess the ability to utilize Take Over Magic, which they employ by taking over human bodies in order to survive…


When I actually think I couldn't help but shiver at the thought because these things are just roaming around with no issues whatsoever and can hide in human society whenever they please… if they had the thought process of doing so.

You know when one thought Natsu taking caring one in the early episodes are small fries reality puts things into a different perspective of things.

This world is dangerous.

Even when I got ambushed by the wolves, I didn't give it much serious thought till now because of the adrenaline coursing through me. But thinking about it now, I could've really died if I wasn't powerful or strong enough.

No better yet if I wasn't given the time to train to develop my skills I would've died then and there getting drunk off my own arrogant power.

"Purple Fist!"


Burning the rest of the Mountain Vulcans easily enough Macao cracked his knuckles so that I can hear him grinning at his work, "Heh! This here is nothing kiddy. At times on the job eliminating monsters like these comes with the job. Can't let these fellas cause problems for the common folks."

Nodding my head, I began to use <Observe> to see if there are any more around till, I didn't see anymore around with me beginning to go over Macao for my report.

When I landed Macao grinned coming towards me having his Purple Whisp floating near him to keep his warmth as he talked to me, "Got to say kid you sure are having a learning experience listening to a pro here. Certainly, helps with you having that Eye Magic to locate thing searching these Mountain Vulcans easier."

I couldn't help but shrug lightly as I replied since I used my <Observe> skill to spot them out on the job easily enough, "Sure. But you Macao have the literal firepower to deal with them. Although I do have a question I want to ask?"

He nodded as he gestured at me as I was curious about the concept of ending a life in dire situations from a Fairy Tail member and asked in a curious tone, "I heard from others in the past that sometimes Mages will fight against others Dark Guilds wiping them out or arresting them. I'm curious about your perspective on how you deal with them. Do you just knock them out while waiting for the Magic Council Rune Knights or at times when facing them are there times you can't let an enemy live because of the risk they bring to without risking your life on the line?"

Taking my question Macao paused before suddenly surprising me with an answer as if it was something simple but nothing to scoff at either, "Well… this is something that the Guild Master told to each of us in our time when were faced against such a situation. It really comes down to if you ever find yourself against an enemy, you can't spare without risking your life then don't hesitate."

Blinking in genuine surprise at this Macao explained to me how I saw making me think deeply about my choices with a neutral expression next a serious tone in his voice turning his back at me, "After all you have only one life in this world, Silva. And the Guild Master would rather have us back alive than corpses. Take it from experience kid I've done this a lot longer than you. Just sit back and let a pro show you how it's done."



Hearing the footsteps of him going forward all I was left with was shock at such an answer. But then again though this is more realistically an answer.

You know I can start to see why Macao gets in control of the Guild in the future even if his bad with the business side or keeping things together, but he certainly has the experience needed.

Smirking at this revelation I just received from him it did give me more to get a clearer answer about killing now at least.

Only necessary not needed unless against certain unredeemable people but I lack the experience to judge things fairly or lack of awareness.

I just didn't expect Fairy Tail to be okay on the sbjuect since they are usually sparing the enemy kind of thing but...

Perhaps its better listen to what my elders say because they have yet to provide a wealth of knowledge that even I might not be aware of.

I have yet to still learn what this world has to offer and the experience I need to survive for the incoming future ahead of me.

Oh, great…


After wandering around for a bit Macao and I found a cave nearby as he told me to rest for the night inside getting my attention, "Alright Silva! We'll call it in for tonight. We don't need to over-exhaust ourselves searching for the Mountain Vulcans. They always go in groups so it's best to rest up if we can."

Nodding in understanding I go over to Macao to see signs of harm and use <Observe> to see if his injured or has signs of exhaustion.


[Macao Conbolt Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard

Description: Macao Conbolt is a veteran Mage of Fairy Tail, and their Fourth Guild Master in the future. Seemingly trying to put up a front but his fatigue is getting to him.]


Taking a moment to get some food provisions and handing it to the man from my bag I can already tell the thankful expression as he gives me a thumbs up for my actions, "Good thanks for the grub. I was feeling just a bit tired now but food in a man's stomach helps even better. I can help us set up a fire."

Agreeing with the guy I took out some dried wood as he blinked questioning me about the wood, "You brought that along with you? At the very least your insightful to plan ahead in advance before coming here."

Shaking my head I replied and gestured to my only weapon the Rune Sword in a sheepish tone to him as I scratch the back of my head, "Not exactly. I only have this sword as a weapon. I'm hoping to gain some experience before challenging myself on some quest, but your advice did shed some light for me to think things through more carefully. Plus, it couldn't hurt to have some essential supplies like wood for the fire in case I get stuck on a freezing mountain like Mt. Hakobe."


Proving my point taking out some firewood that I killed off the wolves aiming at me I thought hey this would be for convenient firewood if I ever needed it.


And thus, bringing it out with Macao firing it up and smirks commenting about being prepared for the situation, "That's sure convenient. At the very least you came prepared in advance with your materials."

I merely gave a curt nod agreeing as I was taking out some food, spices, and fresh cooking utensils preparing to make some food while gaining a skill, "Yup. Got some essentials like camping supplies or food that will last a while along with spices. Never could tell when one's on the job walking back or have food prepared not to get hungry on the job."

Macao sweat dropped a bit as I prepare a pan and crack some eggs with some salt for my cooking out of the bag I carry around, "Uh… well if anything you're prepared? And are you only cooking eggs?"

I nodded since I can't cook other food before as I never did any cooking except for some basic food.


[Due to cooking food a skill has been generated to cook food better!]

[Skill: <Cooking> learned!]

Something like that.

That was when I heard a sigh escape from the guy as he just rest, up for the night as I try to grind my cooking skill in peace.

[<Cooking> LEVEL UP!]

Is it possible for female characters to get that ahoge face?

[<Cooking> LEVEL UP!]


Must test that idea out…

Even if I die I will at least confirm this theory if it works just like Food Wars.

Although I could ask Macao in helping me out with my swordsmanship since I want to focus on leveling up the current sword skills I have. Could use the time to practice after all.

No time like the present to try right?

Could use some pointers on how to regulate my Magic Power why not ask tips from a pro.
