
Eye of the Storm

"Come on Yoshida!" Rimuri laughed as she pulled me down the mall.

"H-Hold on! I have my own two legs to walk with!" I said.

"Mmm...I won't let her have all the fun!" Mae said then hurried after us.

"Well Orimi, how about we have a little spa session. My treat~ I need my nails done anyway." Fujin smiled.

"Yes!~ Let's go!~" Orimi giggled. "As an honorary girl, I shall hook you up with my favorite styles!~"

"Ooh~ I can't wait to see the outcome!~" Fujin smiled.


"Yoshida! What's that?!" Rimuri asked pointing at a bakery.

"It's a bakery. They sell things like bread, macarons, cakes, cookies, pies. Stuff like that." I answered and watched her place her hands on the glass like a child. "You want some?"

She looked at me and nodded quickly. I chuckled and held her hand and walked into the bakery with her. Mae followed us in and we went to the front.

"Alright, if you want my recommendation, I would choose the Oreo Cake." I said.

Mae stood on the other side of me and crossed her arms. "Affirmative. The Oreo Cake is new and already has good reviews."

Rimuri looked at Mae and frowned. She crossed her arms and looked at the glass. "I want the Oreo Cake only because you recommended it, Yoshida~"

I chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of my head. "Three Oreo Cakes please." I said to the worker.

The worker nodded at me and cut three even slices of the Oreo Cake and placed them on three different plates. "That'll be ¥2076.97."

I nodded and took out my wallet and paid the worker in exchange for the cakes. I handed Mae and Rimuri their slices and we walked out the bakery together.

Rimuri took a bite out of her cake and held her cheek, making a sound of pleasure and satisfaction. "Sho...good...~"

I chuckled and looked at Mae, who was silently enjoying her slice. "The verdict?~"

"It's enjoyable." Mae answered.

"The same old Mae, being mysterious as always.." I chuckled.


Yaseo aimed at the Monster that appeared in Kurosaki and watched her. The monster spread her wings and smirked at Nene and Yaseo. Nene grunted softly and kept aim on her.

"Another Monster...what is going on? It's been 20 years since we defeated that stupid monster...now in this decade two Monsters have appeared. The Abyssal White Monster...and now this...this Tengu." Yaseo grunted softly.

"This phenomenon...it just might be the start of the era once more. The Monster Era has begun once again. We have to stop this by any means." Nene said. "Unit N311E to HQ, permission to attack."

"Negative. She hasn't made a move yet. It's better to just keep watch for now. From where her coordinates are, she's on top of Kurosaki Mall. She's smarter than Rimuri that's for sure. She knows if you attack, you'll be endangering the entire mall. It's strange though...she didn't cause a Collosal Burst when she arrived." Ochiyo said in her earpiece.

"That's why I'm confused on what to do... we're at a constant stalemate." Nene responded.

Ochiyo grunted a bit and watched from her monitors. "There's no telling what may happen...for now Threat Levels are only Level 1. I suggest retreating. I don't want to test my luck."

"Understood. You hear that Commander Yaseo? We've been given orders to retreat!" Nene said then began to fly back to HQ.

Yaseo grit his teeth and glared at the new Monster. "Tch...fine." He flew after Nene and retreated back to HQ.

The monster watched then spread her wings. "Now to find that human."

She flew off and black feathers began floating down. Some of the people noticed and thought it was strange for corvids to be in the area.


"Okay now I'm flat out broke until next week. Why do I come up with these ridiculous plans..?" I sighed as I carried the bags out the mall.

"Even though you walked yourself into this, I appreciate it." Mae smiled then took her bags out of my hands. She got even closer to me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

Rimuri watched in shock and jealousy. "Get your filthy lips off my human!" Rimuri wailed, flailing her arms around in a circle.

I chuckled and looked at Rimuri. "Calm down, it was just a kiss on my cheek."

"Oh no, we did much more than that before you called." Mae said and held my arms, looking at Rimuri with her usual stoic expression. "He made me his..~"

"What?!" I asked and blushed madly.

"What do you mean?! Yoshida what do her words mean?! What does she mean when she said you her yours?!" Rimuri asked.

"I- I uh-" I stuttered.

"It means, we played really naughty at my place..~" Mae said, squishing her breasts against my arm.

Rimuri began to grow extremely jealousy and pulled me away from Mae. "No! I refuse to believe that! My human will never go for the likes of you! Right, Yoshida? You would never pick her over me...You touched me there on our first day.."

"Huh?" Mae asked, raising an eyebrow. "You did what to her?"

"You've got it all wrong! It wasn't like that!" I said with a nervous laugh.

Fujin and Orimi walked out the mall and noticed the scene between Rimuri, Mae, and me. Fujin smiled and sighed softly. Orimi giggled a bit then felt a the winds picking up.

Mae and Rimuri stopped their bickering when they felt the winds as well picking up. I looked up and noticed a bit of rain pouring.

"The forecast is really off...It wasn't even supposed to rain today. Come on let's go home!" I said then then hurried over to my car.

Everyone followed and we put everything in the trunk then got in the car. I drove home and Mae began to check the status of the weather.

"What..?" Mae asked in shock.

"What's the matter Mae?" Fujin asked.

"A hurricane is happening out of nowhere!" Mae said.

{Warning! Warning! A Level 4 Threat has arrived at Kurosaki! Everyone retreat to your homes because of the intense weathers! I repeat everyone retreat to your homes because of the intense weathers!}

"Crap! Why now?!" I asked and continued to drive home before the rain started crashing down too heavily.


We all rushed inside the rental home and heard a loud thunderclap. Orimi squeaked and held onto me. I held her and looked out the window. Mae tried to contact HQ, but the hurricane was preventing communications.

Suddenly, the power went out and lightning began to crash down and thunder boomed loudly. Orimi was extremely scared now.

"It's a Monster.." Rimuri said.

Everyone looked at her then she transformed into her Monster Form. I held Rimuri's shoulder and she looked at me.

"If you go out there, Yaseo will definitely attack you as well." I said.

"As much as I don't want to protect you, Yoshida's right. Even if you want to help, you'll just end up being killed again and there's no telling if you will be able to come back again." Mae said.

Rimuri looked at Mae then closed her eyes and reverted back to normal. "I see. So the bad robot people are still after me.."

"No, only him. I'm gonna try to get in contact with HQ to see what I can do. This is a Level 4 Hurricane...if this keeps up..." Mae said.

"Fujin." I said. "Take Orimi and Rimuri. If Rimuri is right and it is a Monster, I have to get to her before the MHF does."

"You got lucky the first time, Yoshida. Don't be stupid!" Mae said and hurried over to me. "You might've gotten lucky the first time in saving Rimuri, but this is a monster you've never encountered a monster capable of causing this deadly hurricane!"

"That might be true, but I still have to try. If I saved Rimuri, I'm sure I can save this monster." I said.

Mae looked at me and gripped my sleeve. "I can't let you do this. Commander Yaseo is targeting you as well because he suspects you're a monster. You're only on Level 1 Alert, but if you do anything crazy..."

"I promise to you, I am Human. I was blessed with a miracle from a Goddess or something like that. I'll do my best to be safe." I said then handed Orimi to Fujin. I grabbed my keys and hurried to the door. "Keep me updated on what HQ says so I know what to avoid!"

I left the house and got into my car. I started it and drove off into the hurricane. My windshield wipers immediately broke off the moment I put them on. I noticed MHF members rushing toward the eye of the storm. I noticed Mae had called me. I answered and put it on speaker.

"Turn left! If you keep going straight, Commander Yaseo will see your car!" Mae said.

"Okay." I said then drifted left then sped down the street.

"You're 6 miles away from the center! It looks like...the Eye of the Storm near Kurosaki Outlook!" Mae informed.

"Thank you, Mae." I nodded and kept driving.

Mae kept giving me directions in avoiding Yaseo until I reached the Outlook. I got out the car and grunted as I was nearly blown away by the winds. I opened one eye and noticed a woman standing on the rails of the outlook.

She has pale, creamy colored skin, and a voluptuous figure, with curvy hips and a large bust. Her eyes shined a light purple and she wore red eye shadow. Her dark bluish hair is intricately done, with a "hime cut", Princess Style, of perfectly straight bangs and side-locks. The woman wore a kimono that oirans, or Japanese courtesans, used to wear in earlier times. The kimono is both blood-red and black, and the skirt and wide sleeves have intricate patterns and designs on them. She wore the kimono loosely so her cleavage was more exposed.

The woman summoned an orange fan and covered part of her face and giggled as she looked at the MHF members. "It is such a delight seeing you all here~ My name is Karasu Raitengu, and you all have met your fate..~" Karasu said then spread her black wings that emerged from her back.

"It is over for you to die!" Yaseo bellowed. "All units fire!"

The MHF members began to take aim at Karasu. They rapidly fired bullets at her, but she swiped her fan and powerful winds spiralled around her, deflecting the bullets. Yaseo rushed toward Karasu and slashed with his energy sword.

Karasu summoned her katana and parried his attack then hit him with a spinning kick then flew after him. She stomped on his stomach three times, on the third time she sent him crashing to the ground.

"Wind." She said and spun around and swiped her fan, summoning a tornado.

I watched the tornado and noticd it destroying a bit of the surroundings. I grunted and rushed toward Karasu. "Hey! Hey!"

Karasu heard my voice and smirked. "My target."

Yaseo noticed me then stood up. "What the hell are you doing here?! Go home!"

"You all can't win against her!" I said then watched Karasu fly toward me.

She kicked my stomach and had a sadistic smile on her face then she launched me away through a statue. "The human that tamed a Monster is no normal human, so far he's proving to be worthless..~"

Yaseo looked surprised after what Karasu did. He noticed Karasu flying after me once again and flew after her. "He's just a kid dammit! Your focus should be on us!"

I grunted and coughed blood then heard clacking next to me. I looked up and noticed Karasu had landed beside me. She crouched down and grabbed my hair, forcing me to look into her eyes.

"Hmm...I can't sense Monster Aura from your body. So how did you do it..? How did you save the Abyssal White Monster..?" Karasu asked.

I couldn't talk since the pain I felt was too great. The amount of force behind that kick was serious. She didn't even hold back.

"Not talking huh...Oh well. It's such a shame a cute guy like you has to die." Karasu said then threw me over toward the tornado.

I grunted and was caught by the wind currents of the tornado and began to suffocate. I tried my hardest to find an escape but by the time I thought of something, I had already died.


"No!" Mae yelled.

"What?! What happened?!" Fujin asked.

"His signal...it's gone." Mae said sadly.

Rimuri's eyes widened then she rushed out of the house and toward my location. .

"Rimuri wait!" Orimi called out and tried to run after her.

Mae pulled her back. "Don't! You'll die in those winds..."

Orimi grunted softly and sighed. She felt extremely useless that she couldn't help at all.

"Yoshida! Please don't be dead! Please!" Rimuri yelled and transformed into her Monster Form and jumped up then slid her panties off and created a big blob from her womanhood in the shape of a bird.

She landed on the bird and the bird flew to my location. "I'm coming for you, Yoshida!!"


I laid in the middle of the tornado then my heart thumped hard and I gasped for air then sat up. I panted and my hands shook. "Another miracle..?"

I noticed Monster Aura flowing my body.

Yaseo heard beeping and pressed his earpiece.

"THREE MONSTERS! THREE!" Ochiyo yelled.

"Three?!" Yaseo asked.

"The two are obviously Rimuri and Karasu, the third is weak...I can't tell where the coordinates are! Wait- The third disappeared!" Ochiyo said.

"Tch...Three monsters...why is that blob creator here..?" Yaseo asked and flew in the sky.

Karasu ended the tornado and looked down at me and noticed I was still alive. "The hell..? Hmph...interesting."

I looked up at Karasu and grunted then fell to my knees. My body was still shaken by my second death experience.

"I'll let you all live for now. I will return!" Karasu said and high winds blew around her body then she disappeared in the wind.

Yaseo looked over at me and noticed Rimuri land beside me. He was about to take aim at Rimuri.

"Don't. Leave her be. Just retreat. She isn't a threat to us anymore." Ochiyo said.

Yaseo sighed and lowered his gun. "All units, retreat!"

Rimuri and I watched the MHF members retreat then we sighed. She helped me onto her bird and flew off.

Karasu Raitengu...she was on my mind because of how dangerous she was. I knew the next time she appeared, she would come with more power. She would come in a more dangerous way. I needed to find a way to tame her before she causes too much destruction...
