
ch 7: ewww

In a seemingly normal day in the village we could see a girl in the tent giving...bj?

Suck* suck* suck* " ughhhh~~" squirt*

"Hah hah hah, Rimuru sama, you're amazing," said the blue haired oni it was souei.

Souei has about the same size as benimaru but thinner, so Rimuru is still satisfied.

"I love your dick souei" said rimuru while cleaning the cum of his face.

Knock kock*

"Rimuru sama shion is here," said shion before entering. "I should go now, rimuru sama," said souei "uhm" rimuru said in agreement.

Rimuru pov*

"So what can I do for you, shion?" I asked the no brain but oppai girl in front of me.

"Ahhh, Rimuru sama, I am your secretary, so I should always be with you," she said smugly, raising her gigantic oppai.

"Hai." I said since I don't know what to say to the oppai girl.

'Hmm, now that I think about it since dzaddy oni's are here that means gabiru coming here is close hmmmm' and suddenly I had the best idea. KUFUFUFUFUFU

"KWAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" I laughed loudly, "Hmm? What's so funny, rimuru sama? " The oppai girl ask."Hmmm? Nothing shion,nothing at all, " I said the last part mischievously with a hint of mischief in my eyes.

'BTW, since I'm literally so powerful, can't I just use timeskip??'

[Yes master can do that] ciel answered me

Ohhhhh, then hehehehe TIMU SKIPPU

timeskip ( brought to you by Rimuru twerking)

'Oyyy, what's with the twerking part!!!'

Anyway, it is time to humiliate gabiru sama~~~

When we saw gabiru and he asked to fight the ruler, I didn't send gobuta, but I used my tentacles to melt his clothes off now, his naked ti be honest it looks disgusting ewww.

Anyway, I continued to do this, just like what I did to gobuta back in the prison.

After that he cum the end.









After that, I called souei to go "talk" to the chief of the lizard man, but in reality, we know he's going to threaten them, so yeah.

After all that, things went the way in the anime.

Except I'm smart and rimuru is mehh~~ "

So I was not shocked when they said 200 ,000 orcs that gave my subordinate confident.

I mean, it's the number one rule in making a country. It's in the book of "How to Build a Country 101" ls to never show fear or shock to your subordinates.

So anyways, after that, treyni came and asked me to defeat it.

And my response what "yeah,sure,noted"

And she sits and literally eats potato 'hmmm reminds me of sasha from aot ughhh sniff* remembering her makes me cry sniff*'

Anyways, next is off to defeat the ugly shit

??? Pov

'Hmmm, he sure is entertaining' thought the mysterious person.
