
Chapter 14. Search for Guru.

     Karna' is in dillema, how he is going to ask for permission from his parents. He hesitating to tell them about his journey to 'Mahendragiri'.

     He was spacing out while dinner, seeing her son spacing out 'Radha' maa asked her son, " 'Radhey' what are you thinking about? If you want to tell something tell us."


     Listening to his mother he regained his senses, and said " Mother , Father I was thinking about to go on a long journey to find about my Guru."

      His father 'Adhirath' listening to this took a sigh and said, " I was thinking when you're gonna ask about that."

     His father also said," You can go on a journey, but are you sure about that you are going find your one Guru, if Bhagwan 'Parshuram' doesn't take 'Suta' student, what are you going to do? "

    Karna' said, " I am sure he will accept, because God doesn't discriminate against caste, if not I will do penance to his Guru Devadi Dev 'Mahadev'."

    His mother got emotional nad said in cring voice, " Beta forgive us for not abel to help you in your dream, forgive us for being 'Suta'."

    He shocked after listening to his mother and said, " Mother what are you saying, I never resent you and father for anything mother. You  gave everything to me, I am forever grateful to you, how can you say something like that? I'm proud being 'Suta', if I was given a chance to choose I will choose each and every time to be your son. And I forever will Known 'Adhirath' putra 'Vasusena' and 'Radha' nandan 'Radhey'."

       And also said, pleadingly, " Mother please don't say something like that again please, in this world expect you and Baba I don't have anyone. If you even tell me give up my dreams and put down my weapons I will do without hesitation but don't say anything about that please."

       His mother come over and hugged Karna' and kissed his face and said, " Ok Beta, I will never say something like that. You don't have to put down your dream, You can go and look for your Guru', but you have take care of yourself ok ."


      His father also smiled seeing mother and son, and said, " when will you go?"

      Karna' pondered for a while and said, " I have to prepare for this journey, so a week later , "

      His father said," Ok, if you need anything you can say. "


      He said to his mother, " Mother, can you prepare some rice and dal. And Baba can you arrange  a Good quality, healthy Balck Horse."

        His mother and father smiled and said, "yes Beta, anything  else you need?"

      He said ," No need mother, that's enough, everything else needs I have collected on my own."

     For next few days Karna' began to prepare his Shirts and pants, ( he stitch his own shirts and pants according to his own needs without changing core style of 'Dwapar yuga'.), His handmade High' grade leather shoes ( pump shoes for men with little bit of extra grip and sound absorption trade.)

     He also make his own High grade light armour, arms guards and utility belt ( which can hold a sword on left side right side can hold a watar bottle. And back side it can hold a Dagger.)  made of hard leather.

     His own handmade High'  grade wooden bow and arrows ( with metal head , and his special arrows, also wooden arrow for silent shot) with spare 2 sets with quiver.

    He has made his own handmade High' grade 'Katana' ( which looks like Enma from 'one peace' ). A Dagger for emergency defending.

     His own medium grade wood cutting axe, and a medium grade horse saddle.

      The day has come for Karna's departure, after morning Puja he came for breakfast and after breakfast he began to prepare his black horse with white spot on legs like a band and white spot on head like a tilak, he named his horse 'Umbra' meaning darkest part of shadows. He bonded with his Horse 'Umbra' quite a bit. His Horse is a female, and she quite attracted to Karna'.

       After preparing he also wore a dark coloured shirt and white coloured pant. Black armour, arms guards, utility belt and shoes. He has quiver on his back filled with arrows and a plain looking but High' grade Bow. on his life side of utility belt a slelted 'Katana'. Back side A dagger, and right side a gourd watar bottle. He looking like a worrior ready for war.

    Karna' bend down and and touched feet of his perents, and said, " Pranam, Mata Pita."

    They said,  " may God bless you in this journey."

     His mother then hold his son arm and said with teary eyes, " Bata, be well on journey , eat and sleep time to time, take care of your health and 'Umbra'."

     His mother then goes to 'Umbra' and touched her hear and said " Be well and take care of my son,"

     The horse neighed as if she understood the worlds of 'Radha' maa.

   He again said goodbye to his family and left Hastinapur through backside forest.

    He looked back at 'Hastinapur' and left with resolute look.

     While traveling he thought his journey is just began. He has long way to go. He has to survive, he has to struggle, he has to fight for equality of people. He has to fight for oppressed people in society. He has to fight for his dream, he has to fight for 'Dharm' he has to fight for 'Humanity'.


     Karna' in 16 years of life he has became a loner to a son and worrior. He opens his Data panal to see.

'Radhey' 'Karna'./ 'Vasusena'./'Karna' (suryaputra).

Race: Human(with divinity).

Rank: .Ardh Rathi.

Level. 10/30.


      Photographic memory. L 11/20.

      Healing factor. L 10/30.(U)

      Pseudo photosynthesis. L 10/20.

      Hawk eye. L 18/20.

      Superhuman reflexes. L 12/20.

      Superhuman stamina. L 14/20.

      Superhuman speed. L 12/20.

      Superhuman strength. L 9/20.

      Heightened senses. L 10/20.

      Language efficiency. L 8/20.

      Emotional control. L 11/20.

      Pain resistance. L 12/20.

      Heat resistant. L 16/20.

      Fire resistant. L 13/20.

      Indomitable will. L 14/20.

      Sewing. Max.

      Cooking. Max.

      Housework. Max.

      Swimming. Max.


      Poison resistance. Max.

      Master archery. L 15/50.(U).

      Master swordsmanship. L 1/50.(U)

      High unarmed combat. L 38/40.(U)

      High axe fighting. L 35/40.(U)

      Silent step. Max.

      Aura councelling. L 15/20.

      High Meditation. L 30/40.(U)


      Master weaponsmith. L 20/50.(U)

( basic L 1-20, high L 1-40, master L 1-50,

Grand master L 1-75, perfect L 1- ???.)


      Supirior archery talent.

      Supirior swordsmanship talent.

      Top weaponry talent.

      Top unarmed combat talent.

      Top Aura talent.

      Top chakra talent.

      Top stealth talent.

      Top weaponsmith talent.

      High disguise talent.






       Surya kabaj(Armour) G devine.

       Surya kundal.(earrings) G devine.


       Bow and Arrow. G high.

       Sword (katana). G high.

       Leather armour. G high.

       Dagger. G mediam

       Axe . G mediam.

    He satisfied with his progress. He smiled and closed data panal, he noticed that his senses are not evolving. It stopped and his archery, swordsmanship, unarmed combat and axemanship also at bottleneck. He knows that what he needs now is battle experience then he can improve himself. It's time for battle experience.

   Karna' always trying to find his perpose in this life, why he sent here, what his duty in this life he thinking, he thinking about his perpose in life .

     This is  journey to find his Guru and his perpose of life.

