
Chapter 4. Hastinapur and 'Dharm','Adhram'.

After coming home 'Karna' he ate lunch. After some rest he went towards door.

His mother asked "where are you going beta?".

He said " I'm going to neighbour mother."

His mother said " ok come back before evening".

He said "ok mother".

He roaming in neighbourhood where basically 'Suta(servant)' community lived at the back of 'Hastinapur'. Only poor 'Vaisya' (commons) community people's lived.

Other 'Vaisya' people lived in commoner area of inner circle.

'Brahmins'(who does Puja in temple.)

Living in inner circle of 'Hastinapur' capital city. Mostly near temple area.

'Khatriya' people lived in central area of 'Hastinapur' capital city area allowed by Royal family. And centre of the 'Hastinapur' capital city is huge 'Hastinapur' Palace. Palace is huge, golden colour, shining under the sun which looks like golden temple. At the top of palace 'Hastinapur' falg is swinging in wind.

From Palace to Hastinapur main gate a straight huge road well build, clean. Two sides of road two small road for people walking. All the facilities is present in central district. For lavish lifestyle for royals. Has well organised training ground . Palace itself is surrounded by beautiful small lakes and gardens.

Two sides of road beautiful well organised market. Which filled with people. On the main road soldiers doing their daily petrol. All soldiers are 'Ardh rathi' caliber and they are in 10 people squad and there captain 'Rathi' caliber.

Whole central area is surrounded by stone wall,wall is well decorated . On the wall soldiers petroling side of walls all the times. Wall has 3 sub gate and 1 main gate based on direction( North, South, East, West.). North gate is main gate.

And whole central area surrounded by commoner district. Which is surrounded by Huge stone wall which equipped with very good defence system. And 20 people squad soldiers well equipped petroling. 19 people 'Ardh rathi' caliber and their captain 'Rathi' caliber.

And this wall built 5 gate 4 sub gate 1 main gate. Main gate is North direction which is directed straight to Central main gate. And other all 4 gates is diagonally situated one gate North-east,

North-west, South-east, South-west direction. All gate has a 'Ati rathi' Warrior stationed. Only North gate has 2 'Ati rathi' Warrior stationed. Main gate and sub gate are all time busy people coming and going outside city. For coming and going nessecary steps should be taken.

Soldiers are wearing Dark coloured boys kimono style shirt. And white colour Kurta style pants.(a pant which has loose fitting and which is held together with rope which also made by same meterial). Different squads has different weapons and all has seme armour, have leg and thigh light armour, body has light armour for Archer and swordsman as well as havy armour for mace fighter, spear fighter and axe fighter. All of them wearing leather footwear.

Common people are wearing different coloured Kimono style shirt and Doti for the comfort. Women are wearing different coloured saree and baluse. With light jwellery. And footwear leather or wooden.

'Karna' never gone to Central district but has gone to commoner district. Commoner district is also well organised but is not beautiful as central district. It has necessarily facilities and some entertainment facilities.

'Suta' community also well organised. But lifestyle besed family members earrings. Maximum people wearing old Shirts and old Doti. Some people wearing Kurta style pants. Very little people is wearing footwear. Here no security in 'Suta' community.

'Karna' house located South side at the last corner. With the walking distance has 'Ganga' river. And on the bank of Ganga river has mediam size forest. Which is little far from walking distance.

'Karna' is walking in suta community and helping people from neighbourhood.

Some children are playing. He watched them and let out a heavy sigh. He has no time to play he knows how mach discrimination has in 'Dwapar yuga' society. Only 'Bramhin' and 'Kshatriya' has right to weild high level knowledge and weapons. Common people has right but basic knowledge and basic weapons. Only suta has no rights.

'Karna' thought that this is real world not a T.V series or flim. Which only shows bright side. Here very dark side is hidden beneath bright sight. He knows that weakness is great sin . Someone has to have power to gain respect. And he is 'suta puta' he has to fight for himself and for oppressed people.

He is 'Suta' but living well because his father is charioteer of 'Mahamatim' 'Ganga' putra 'Bhishma'. So he get some good ammount of salary. He knows other are poor in neighbourhood. So his mother keep right amount of money or ration and daan (give away) the executive ammount.

His father dose not object anything about his mother . Because he respect her very, and loved her very. Not only he respects his wife he respects every woman. He said to karna he should help others in your power and respect women, he said women are everything.

If all women decide not to give birth then humanity will go extinct.

Now he knows from where 'Karna' learns about his morals. He also respect them and learns from them.

'Karna' knows that higher class people distorted meaning of 'Vedas' and with the name of 'Veda' they are oppressing lower class people and lower class people doesn't have knowledge so the accepted the oppression.

Lower class people thought birth are based on past life karma.

All people forgetting their 'Dharm' and doing 'Adhram'.

'Brahmins' 'Dharm'is share knowledge equally to people. Do Puja and share blessing to everyone. They forgot about their 'Dharm'. They discriminate to lower caste people. Lower caste people have no has permission to enter temple they have to pray from outside.

'Kshatriya' 'Dharm' is fighting to protect his own people. They forgot about their own 'Dharm', they only only protect higher class people. They brutality consume lower class people. Always discriminate against lower class people.

All us have 'Dharm'.

In a family, A husband has Pati 'Dharm', which says a husband should respect his wife. A wife has Patni 'Dharm', which says, a wife should support her husband and rectify his mistakes, helps him to be a better person. A son has putra 'Dharm', which says, a son should help his family anyway possible and respect elders and love younger. A daughter has putri 'Dharm', which says, a daughter should helps her mother, and respect elders and love younger.

In a society , rich people should help others . Poor people also help eachother.

A teacher should no discriminate against his own students. A judge should absolutely base on justice, never should favour one side.

All things have limit. 'Dharm' has limit, A 'Dharm' when it hurt humanity then it's 'Adhram'.

If a 'Adhram' helps humanity then it's 'Dharm'.

Above all, 'Dharm'is Humanity.
