

Present time


"Is this really all you wear?" He asks, amazed. Yoongi shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't really care what I look like," Seokjin peers at him with squinted eyes before pointing to the hair on his head.

"You literally have green hair."

"Mint." Yoongi corrects him defensively and Seokjin chuckles. "But this is why I asked you to help me, Jin hyung. We have 3 days and I don't have anything formal." The younger male returns to the conversation. Seokjin nods his head.

"Come on, then. We're going out." The two head outside of Yoongi's apartment and he unlocks his car, slipping into the driver's side. Seokjin tuts.


"Do you even know where we're going?" Yoongi groans and switches to the passenger seat, allowing Seokjin to drive them.

The drive is simple and short; they reach their destination soon. Yoongi's eyes wander around the vast store in amazement. "It's so... big," He comments, mentally slapping himself for the lack of creativity in word choice. They are greeted by a middle aged woman with long brown hair and a blue shift dress, who claims her name is Hae.

"It's good to see you again, Nuna." Seokjin replies to her warmly, bowing. Yoongi follows his hyung's actions.

"What are you looking for today?"

"Ah, we're here for my friend today. We've got our ball coming up and someone wants to look snazzy. So, a tux?"

"Well, we have plenty of those," Hae jokes and the pair chuckle. She turns to face the younger male. "If you'll come with me, I can get your measurements." Yoongi's face cannot show the sudden fear that emerges.

"I-uh-" He struggles to find the words.

"If you don't mind, can we browse a few that are already in store?" Seokjin says and glances at his friends, who nods gratefully.

"Sure," Hae directs them to a section in the back corner of the store. Seokjin helps Yoongi to choose a few suits that look his size.

"You can try these on, and we can go from there." He hands the clothes to the younger male and sits back in an armchair outside of the fitting room, opening his phone to see a message.


Namjoon: Where are you?

Seokjin: I'm out with Yoongi. Helping him get a tux for the ball!

Namjoon: Ah.

Namjoon: I hope you're having fun :)

Seokjin: I miss you babe

Namjoon: Same ;)

Seokjin: Do we need anything from the supermarket?

Namjoon: I don't think so.

Seokjin: Alright. I love you, my moon <3

Namjoon: My baby <3

Seokjin: Aish you're making me blush Joonie :3

Namjoon: [photo attached]

Namjoon: Do you want me to make you blush, baby?


Namjoon: I know :P

Seokjin: I need to go now Yoongi's waiting for me

Namjoon: Aw that just sounds like an excuse to get away from me :(

Seokjin: Maybe it is. Bye. See you later.

Namjoon: <3

Namjoon: I'll be waiting ;)

Seokjin pushes his phone back into his pocket and his eyes travel up and down the boy in front of him. Yoongi has chosen out a purple tux that perfectly compliments his hair.

"Wow, you have fashion sense," Seokjin says in awe, giving a thumbs up.

"Do you think Jimin will like it?" Yoongi asks shyly. Seokjin laughs.

"Yoongs, that kid will like anything you wear. Or don't wear..." He winks and Yoongi's face turns red.


Seokjin closes the door behind him quietly. He and Yoongi had ended up eating out for dinner, and he has gotten home much later than he had expected. The lights in the living room are off; he decides that the others are already asleep. Slipping off his shoes and turning the light on, he is startled by the man sitting on the sofa. He smiles upon recognising the face, approaching the younger male slowly.

Namjoon watches him with his deep brown eyes. His white blonde hair is messy, as if it had just been washed. Seokjin wants to smell it. The younger boy is wearing a white singlet, revealing arms that have taken a long time to build. Seokjin gulps and, suddenly, he is pulled in by the waist onto his boyfriend's lap. Before he can react, their lips collide, sending a shiver down his spine.

They kiss passionately, and Seokjin lets out a gasp as he feels Namjoon's hands slide underneath his waistband, trailing past his hips. Namjoon gropes his thighs, pulling the older male closer into him as he moans.

"Hyung, shut up." The lovers break apart to see the maknae leaning on the bench.

"Were you watching us?" You perv–" Seokjin scolds, irritated by the unwanted interruption. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Namjoon's mouth curve into a smile.

"Nah, I came to get a glass of water 'cause you woke me up." Jungkook teases.

"You're just jealous that you're not doing the same thing to Taehyung," Seokjin barks back pettily. Namjoon finally breaks into laughter, unable to contain it watching the siblings bicker. "That's not helping–" Seokjin grumbles with a pout. Namjoon pecks the older male on the lips lightly.

"Sorry, babe. Let's go to bed." Seokjin nods and lays his head onto his boyfriend's shoulder, who carries him out of the living room. He makes sure to pull a face at his brother as they pass.

Jungkook chuckles and downs the water in his glass. He thinks about what his brother had said. It's true, he wants Taehyung badly. But Taehyung doesn't seem to get any of the messages he sends.
