

Hoseok gasps. "You went to Seokjin and Namjoon's WITHOUT me?" He pouts, causing everyone at the table to laugh. "I feel betrayed." Yoongi pats the younger boy's head in a fake-comforting way.

"If it makes you feel any better, they didn't invite me either." Hoseok smiles at the unusual gesture from his hyung.

"So much better, Yoongs!" He clutches his heart dramatically; ever the comedian.

"You never texted me to say you got home, Jimin." Seokjin says quietly to the boy beside him. "Everyone okay?"

"Yeah, I stopped by Yoongi's and forgot sorry." Seokjin raises an eyebrow expectantly. "What?"

"You tell me.." He teases. Jimin hits his hyung's arm playfully. "OW! Moon, baby! HE HIT ME!!" Seokjin yells, overreacting. Across the table, Namjoon rolls his eyes.

"And?" Seokjin gasps at the reply.

"You're meant to help mee–" He whines. Hoseok offers a sympathetic gaze at the older male.

"Welcome to the club, hyung." Another round of laughter goes around the table.


Yoongi walks down the hallway with his hands in his pockets. He zones out, paying no attention to the bustle around him and focusing only on the music playing in his ears. It's a new song that he has been working on, trying to place what is missing from it. Suddenly he flinches as he feels someone place an arm around his shoulders. Hoseok pulls his arm away and mumbles an apology. Yoongi pulls out his earphones and Hoseok's face lights up.

"What are you listening to?" Yoongi shakes his head.

"You won't recognise it, Hope."

"Try me" Hoseok grins, accepting the challenge. Yoongi chuckles and disconnects the buds from his phone, so that his friend can hear it as well. Hoseok pulls a shocked expression. "Wow.. I actually don't know this song! What's it called? It's good!" Yoongi can feel a smile creep across his face.

"I... wrote it," The younger males's draw drops.

"Seriously?" He gives a thumbs up, afraid to pat his hyung's back in case it hurts him. "Amazing!"


"Have you written any more?" Yoongi nods his head, slightly embarrassed but glad that someone is interested in his work.

"Do you want to come over after school? I can show you some." The bright boy dances with excitement and runs off to his class. 'I'll take that as a yes,' Yoongi pulls out his phone to text his address to the younger male.


Yoongi paces inside his home, stressed. He has laid an assortment of snacks out, not sure what his friend prefers. He has changed into a clean shirt, discarding his hoodie in an effort to seem more 'friendly'. He starts to stress. 'Was it a bad idea to invite Hoseok over? What if he doesn't like my work? Was I stupid to try to open up to someone?' He is about to message Hoseok to cancel when he hears a knock on the door; it's too late to turn back now.

"Hi! I brought hamburgers and sprite," The red haired boy says with a broad smile as he removes his coat.

"Cool." The older male notices that his friend is standing awkwardly by the door. "Y-you can come in," Hoseok lets out a friendly laugh as he enters. His eyes dance around the foreign room, admiring the older male's taste.

"How long have you lived on your own?" His curiosity breaks out yet again. Yoongi pauses to think.

"3 years, maybe? But I only moved in here around 6 months ago, when I joined your school." 'Has it already been that long since they all met?' Yoongi realises.

Hoseok lets his eyes wander for another moment, before remembering what he came for. "So!" He claps his hands. "The songs!" Yoongi nods nervously and beckons his friend into the next room, where they settle in the middle of the double bed. The older male pulls out his laptop and opens various different programs, to which Hoseok watches in interest. Even before it begins to play, he is impressed by the complexity he sees on the screen. Yoongi passes him a pair of bulky headphones.

"The sound comes out better this way," He reasons and Hoseok pulls them over his ears. Yoongi presses play and Hoseok jerks.

"TOO LOUD! TOO LOUD!" He jumps and, embarrassed, Yoongi adjusts the volume.


"Yeah, thanks" As his ears stop ringing and adjust to the new noise, Hoseok is overwhelmed by the emotions that run through his body, tingling his nerves. "Wow." The pair sit on the bed for an hour as the younger boy listens to each and every song with a genuine interest and appreciation. Yoongi realises that he was silly to doubt his friend and feels at ease.

At last Hoseok pulls the headphones off of his ears. "I'm starstruck."
