

The three girls were forced to illuminate themselves with candles and barely functioning flashlights, Olivia had calmed down a bit by now and was able to explain more clearly what happened, the other two were able to somewhat convince that perhaps, John hadn't been killed even though his silence over the phone seemed to indicate otherwise.

Suddenly, light shone through the windows and slits of the curtains, looking outside, a police car had just pulled in front of the house.

"Thank god..." Ava reached for the doorknob to open it, the keys being left in the lock, as most people believed that this would prevent any lockpicking.

Olivia stopped her however and Lily kept on watching the police car, no one was getting out of it.

"They shouldn't know where I am" said Olivia, seeming overly paranoiac but once the headlights went off and only then the sound of someone opening the door was heard, it didn't seem right.

They didn't hear any footsteps walking up to the frontdoor, neither did anyone call out to them or knock, there was no light either, it didn't make sense for anyone to navigate through the pitch blackness willingly, when they could have just left their headlights on.

Olivia was petrified, Lily stepped away to grab a knife reflexively and Ava tried listening through the door, leaning her head close to the door as she started trembling.

At first, she didn't hear anything, she leaned a bit more, hearing a big, unnatural breathing for a second before a fist burst through the door.

Ava screamed as she jumped back, the hand almost grabbing her but not able to take a grasp of anything, the instead reached for the doorknob, quickly trying to turn the keys.

Lily, coming back to see this horrifying scene, stabbed at the hand, the blade sank deeply before she removed it with a sudden jerk, the person on the other side didn't make a noise and only pulled their hand back.

Silence was back as only the sound of the three girls ragged breathing permeated the air, all three looked at the door intently, expecting someone to burst through or for a hand to appear again.

Instead, all three had their focus diverted as a window in the room to the right of the entrance broke and something heavy seemingly fell to the ground, illuminated dimly by candles at first, the humongous frame of Than was fully in view on the flashlights were pointed at him.

Turning his neck stiffly to look at them, the moment he swiftly turned the rest of his body, the three of them suddenly scattered, either completely silent with fear or screaming like a maniac, for the same reason.

Ava run up the stairs, going to her little cousin without realising it while the other two went straight to the the opposite of where Wilkerson was standing.

Walking normally and looking around with any sense of urgency, blood from his hand wound dropping to the ground, Than looked at the two girls and up the stairs, giving them one last look before beginning his ascension up stairs.

Completely ignoring them.

"Oli! Call the cops! You can hyperventilate latter!" lily told her friend, noticing that the steps the intruder was taking were wide as he was already at the top of the stairs and disappearing from view.

"O-Okay" she responded, barely able to type the number correctly while Lily, as if possessed, went after the guy that seemed half as big as her.

Ava had locked herself and her now awake cousin inside of his room but within moments, the door was already being assaulted, the tip of knife stabbing through the door as Than took his time to break it down.

She looked around the room for something to defend Mark with, her sight falling upon an old TV kept in a corner, the type that looked like big boxes and an inbuilt video tape player when those weren't obsolete.

As the door was chipped away, Than suddenly turned around as he felt as knife sinking into his back, the edge of the blade tickling his spine, he backhanded his attacker straight against the wall, looking down upon Lily who not just a little dazed by that hit.

The nearly broken down door to his left was opened up by a little kid and Ava pretty much ran into him with the heavy TV, the screen breaking and the whole weight against his head pushing him into the room being him.

"Hurry!" Ava pushed Mark to run away as she picked up Lily, already seeing Wilkerson pushing the TV off of him and standing back up, shard of the screen stuck in his mask and neck.

They only made it to the top of the stairs when he was already upon them slashing Ava's back and pushing the two of them down the stairs.

Something cracked but none of the two knew what it was yet, Than tilted his head a bit, watching them struggle to get back up before walking down the stairs, his hand on the railing as he stared at them stumbling away, by the looks of it, the source of the crack was from Ava's right leg.

Olivia was nowhere to be seen, the back door was open, giving a straight view to the shed in the backyard.

Lily was pretty much near unconsciousness and Ava couldn't run anymore, the two girls could only see as Than was catching up to them, the kitchen knife rotating in his hand as he prepared to deal the killing blow, for they could no longer fight back at all.

A vase struck his back and turning, he saw Mark pale as a sheet, seeming to wholeheartedly be regretting antagonising The Slasher.

He tried to say something along the line of 'leave them alone!', but the words were stuck in his throat, Than didn't pay attention to him any longer and turned back to his two hopeless victims.

But someone that he could not ignore showed up next, as it turns out, Olivia hadn't been so far, having gone to retrieve something from the shed.

The chainsaw roared dangerously, looking at Olivia, Wilkerson started moving toward her without hesitation, with nothing but a kitchen knife in hand.
