
A Ticket Out Of Here?

Bella and Rachel entered once again but this time, they were a lot more careful.

The chaotic state of the camp made it easy for them to sneak in but the ladies had covered themselves from head to toe with the guts of the zombies.

This made them imperceivable to the zombies and allowed them to sneak through them.

The gunfire had subsided, this either meant that the men had been killed or they were waiting out the night, the latter seemed more plausible.

It was suicide fighting zombies in darkness and they realized that soon enough because, with everyone that died, the zombies gained another soldier.

There was no winning, Bella and Rachel soon heard gunshots nearby, it came from a building.

They didn't think much of it but they knew they needed to stay away from that building.

"Where is the car?" Rachel asked and Bella pointed ahead.

She saw nothing but darkness and realized that she needed to make Bella walk in front of her.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
