POV Draco:
In his long, billowing black cape, the boy stood on the muddy grass, the relentless downpour soaking his attire. The night enveloped everything in its inky darkness, the moon obscured by a blanket of ominous clouds, while the faint glimmers of light emanated from the majestic windows of the colossal castle.
"Hello," chimed a gentle and sweet voice, but an unexpected shiver of fear coursed through his spine, compelling him to turn around, his heart pounding with trepidation.
Perched on a nearby roof, a girl sat gracefully, her long, ebony hair dancing in the wind as her legs playfully dangled over the roof's edge.
There was no need to ponder how she arrived there, for he was all too aware of the girl's true nature - no, the beast that confronted him.
"Why did you wish to meet me?" he attempted to sound arrogant and confident, but his voice faltered into a stutter as his nerves took hold.
Gracefully, the girl leaped down from the roof, securing her skirt with her pale hands. Landing with a seamless thud on the grass, she stood firmly on her two feet without so much as a blink.
'Yes, she can't be a human. She didn't even budge from the landing. How high that even was?'
Stopping just a few steps away from him, her dark eyes bore into his, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I should be asking you the same. Tell me, why do I evoke such fear in you?"
"I-I am not..."
"Skip your excuses. I know your father must have said something. What it was?"
His heart skipped a beat, and true terror enveloped him. She had seen through all his pretenses, his lies now shattered and scattered before he could even attempt to employ them.
'Should I admit... No, she already saw through it all.'
"The ministry, they know you're neither wizard nor muggle! You're not even human."
"So? In that case... what am I?" She took another step closer, her eyes mere inches from his, delving into his soul with their profound, bottomless darkness.
"You are a Nephalem! A dangerous magic beast!" Though he didn't fully grasp the term's significance, fear still gripped him, primarily due to the enigma surrounding her nature as a magic beast.
"Curious, why are they allowing me to stay here?"
"How could I know that? My father didn't tell me. He just warned me to not provoke you."
"I see that you are a clever young man. You possess the ambitions one would expect from a Slytherin."
Draco paled; he was well aware of the creature's cunning nature, and he found the excessively sweet, honeyed words unsettling, sensing the hidden trap lurking within them.
The beast, disguised as a girl, seemed to sense his fear and smiled even wider, her hand casually brushing against his shoulder.
"Theoretically speaking, if I was this so-called Nephalem, then I might know why they didn't want to kill me. I heard Nephalemns fulfill wishes, no, they fulfill transactions. For an appropriate price, they can prolong your life, give you power, riches, and even love."
Her smile faded away, leaving behind only the motionless, cold mask, "However, only those who are smart can profit. Those dumb and stupid will be scammed and cheated. Which one of them you are?"
POV Lumina:
Lumina was deep in her thoughts, confused about the ministry's conjecture, 'Nephalem? Am I truly one of them? Is my father one of them?'
Until now, she believed herself to be a demon, devil, or fallen angel. However, now, another option appeared.
"I will give you time to decide. Do you want to reach the top? If yes, seek me later." Lumina threw one last glance at the scared boy before slowly walking away.
She was too distracted by thinking about her nature as she ran through the dark and empty corridors of the castle to even pay attention to her steps.
'Nephalem should be a hybrid of an angel and demon.'
She felt she still had power and affinities of the light like an angel, but at the same time, she showed the hellfire and darkness powers that should belong to a demon.
'Maybe fallen angel?' She didn't know what to do. There were many terms always used to describe beings like her, 'Demons, devils, and fallen angels. Are they the same terms for one type of being, or are they entirely different races, just similar ones?'