
We leave at Dawn

I could only describe myself as stupid. In that specific second my decision had seemed right but the truth was that now I am not so sure. Sylia did not ask me anything after that. She simply gave me some time to rest, deeming our little attempt fruitless as she took Sawn away so they could discuss their next move.

Finally alone I allowed myself to lay on the soft bed of the guest room. It wasn't anything fancy, it wasn't even that big but it was enough for me to be able to actually get some rest. I took a shower, washing off all of the pain, the feeling of the claws, the blood dripping on my forehead. I wanted those memories to disappear the same way the water did down the drain. I didn't want another painful memory in my head but no matter how hard I would try I knew very well it wouldn't happen because in these memories I had my first lead, something I could use on my own to find the answers.

The peace of clothing was definitely something they would try to take advantage of now and on the way I would start my own plan.

Wrapping my body with a beige towel I stepped out of the shower still trying put everything in order in my head. I sat down at the edge of the bed, looking at the wooden floor for a while, spacing out as his voice echoed in the walls of my brain. "I am sorry." he had said. Sorry, sorry for ruining my life? Sorry for killing all these people or sorry that he saved me, that he did something he shouldn't have.

"I hope he can answer all that before I kill him." I mumbled.

While I was in the shower quite some time had passed. Sawn had not appeared yet even though he told me that he would come to me once he was done talking with Sylia. I was curious, I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about, what they would decide and if I would be able to play a part in all of this without having to fight about it too much. There was always a big possibility that they would try to keep me here, for my safety. That was something I wouldn't allow, I promised myself as I looked at my clothes.

They were not in the best state and honestly, after I took a shower I felt a bit disgusted to wear them. Thankfully, the people here had gotten as far as to get me some clothes and I realized it when I opened the small white closet in the room. It was a simple pair of black jeans and a T-shirt. It would do much better actually than my other clothes. I wore them, feeling the clean fabric on my body satisfied when I heard a knock on my door.

I rushed to the door knowing that the only person visiting me could have been Sawn and opened it wide only to face him, looking at me with a half smile.

"I see you've gotten comfortable." He commented, once he noticed the new clothes I was wearing.

"Yeah, it feels good to take a proper shower and rest normally." I answered as I stepped back, allowing him to enter. He walked in, sitting where I did before and he caressed the white sheets of the bed, watching me sit opposite of him, on a back office chair that came with a simple matching desk. There was a lamp on it, a piece of paper and a pen, in case I probably needed them.

"Just so you know I was the one asking for clothes to be brought to you." he told me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Well that is so kind of you." I told him, my tone slightly ironic.

"Well you are welcome." He answered back in the same playful way.

"Did you talk with Sylia?" I asked, wanting to get right to the chase. I didn't feel ready enough to engage in small talk. The truth was I had so much on my mind, I was so fixated on one thing that even if the country got invaded I wouldn't realize it.

"Yes, we did talk and we seem to have a plan."

"And what is that?"

"I will come in contact with a witch we have worked with in the past. The matter of her payment will be a bit troublesome but the council will do something about it. I want to go and give her the piece of fabric we found. She might be able to trace it back to its owner." he explained and I felt relieved. I was right, that was going to be their plan, now all I had to do was find a way to act parallel to them, take advantage of their means and connections without seeming suspicious.

"When do we leave?" I asked Sawn and he scoffed.

"You will be staying here. Get some proper rest."

"Of course not." I objected. "You know very well that I need to be in on this. I won't be able to rest until whoever did this is found."


"No, you said you understand." I told him, looking at him straight in the eyes. "You know my pain so why can't you help me? Please Sawn. You brought me here, let me help you." I begged him. He looked away from me, as if he didn't bear meeting my eyes. A sigh escaping from his lips he shook his head, obviously perplexed. I placed my palm on top of his, squeezing his hand. "Please." I repeated and he sighed a second time, louder.

"I could get in trouble for this…if something goes wrong."

"I will do anything you say."


"I swear." I lied again and for a second I felt ashamed. I had grown accustomed to it so fast, soon I would feel no remorse. "I will do as you say, I won't create any problems."

"Taking you with me will be against orders, it will be as if I am stealing you." Sawn told me and I smiled.

"Then steal me away." I stated with confidence and his eyes widened, like a deer in front of headlights. He looked cute that way and I couldn't help but laugh. "You don't want to?" I asked him and he coughed.

"Fine. But don't create any troubles for me. We leave at dawn."
