
Chapter 11: What Is Adversity

As dawn broke, a thick fog settled over the estate, obscuring the roads and streets. With daylight overhead, the early risers were already up and about, moving as they prepared for the hours to come.

At present, Aziel stood at the gated entrance of the estate, staring at the familiar figure blocking his path. It had been four days since he'd obtained a status plate, with the majority of his time being spent training and growing accustomed to his skills.

Even he himself had been stunned by the various applications of his abilities, further solidifying the fact that he couldn't be evaluated by the standards of this world. Moreover, while his stats hadn't grown all that much, he was certainly a lot stronger now than when he first entered the capital.

At this moment, the figure standing in front of him spoke.

"I've already considered the possibility….but you're truly leaving now, aren't you?"

Eleanor's composed voice reached his ears. No fluctuations could be heard as she questioned him, her face devoid of any melancholy.


Aziel's response didn't elicit a reaction from her, gazing at him with similar calmness. However, after a few seconds, she covered her mouth, giggling softly. Though it sounded light, Aziel could perceive the bitterness in her voice.

"I see. I figured that'd be the case…"

"What, you want me to stay…?"

Her facade of composure nearly crumbled, only held together by a bittersweet smile.

"Now why would you go and say that…"


"You truly are inconsiderate, testing a girl at a time like this…"

She knew that no matter what she said or how she felt, he had no intention of staying. It was just another probe, a test to gauge whether or not she was worth speaking to.

Considering her circumstances, if she was weak enough to beg him, it would be as if she never existed in his eyes. Though it wasn't something Aziel explicitly stated, she could feel it deep down, an instinct.

"I'd expected this outcome, but now that it's here, I just…."


"So…when will I see you again?"

"No time soon…"

Eleanor pursed her lips, stepping aside as she made way for him. It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear, but she couldn't stop him, nor did she try to.

"You'll certainly miss me, won't you?"

"I wouldn't count on it."

"You're just…."

Despite her attempts at easing the atmosphere, she couldn't stifle the sigh escaping her lips. He was merciless and unchanging. He refused to keep pace with anyone, they'd be forced to follow alongside him or be left behind.

It was that simple.

As he walked past, Eleanor called out, asking a question that had been on her mind from the moment they met.

"How….how are you able to believe in yourself this much…?"

Turning his head, he looked at her, waiting for her to finish.

"This confidence, this drive, this faith….how? Where does it come from?"

Her eyes conveyed the desperation hidden within. It was said that people often envy those who possess what they lack. They're either attracted to them…or hate them.

Aziel's sharp gaze peered into hers for a moment, answering all of her questions in a concise manner.

"Because no one can stop me."

It was a matter of fact.

A fact she understood quite well.

Eyes widening, the meaning of his words echoed in her mind on repeat as she stared at his broad back receding in the distance. The corners of her lips quivered as she forced a smile.

Clenching her fists, her hands trembled for a few seconds, unfurling them a moment later with a sigh.

"You could've at least said goodbye, idiot…."

Turning around, Eleanor headed back to the mansion, only this time, her expression was one of determination. Her gaze sharpened, her steps firmer and more resolute, her head held high.

"Since no one can stop you, I'll be damned if anyone can stop me either."

Her lips twisted into a smirk, using similarly unrefined words as he had for the first time in her life. She'd made her decision, she would take charge of her own life, destroying anything and everything that tried to impede her.

The way of Aziel Nox, she engraved his attitude into her heart, never forgetting what it meant to be unstoppable. A man who knew not adversity, but overwhelming victory.

Entering the mansion, she was greeted by the head butler, Serion.

"Good morning, Eleanor-sama. You're up—"

The words died in his throat upon seeing her demeanor, the gaze in which she looked at him with.


"Yes, my lady."

He unconsciously bowed his head, not meeting her gaze.

"Prepare a schedule for me, I'll be training with the knights from today onward."

An authoritative voice entered his ears, prompting him to react accordingly.

"As you wish, my lady."

Watching her leave the room, Serion wiped the sweat off his forehead, inwardly wondering what had just happened.

After a few seconds, he cleared his throat, straightening out the wrinkles creasing his attire.

"….It seems the lady has finally grown up, my lord. You'd be proud to see her now."

Thinking back to the charming young man who'd just left, Serion looked out in that direction, sending him off with a bow.


Walking through the busy streets of the capital, Aziel stopped at a food stall, ordering multiple kebabs with chicken drenched in strange red sauce. He ate as he made his way to the adventurer's guild, sating his minuscule appetite.

Suddenly, he noticed people clamoring all throughout the area, throwing themselves toward the sidewalks and watching the empty roads ahead with rapt attention.

The noisy atmosphere became even louder as the sound of hooves clicking against cobblestone resounded, followed by the squeaking wheels of many carriages.

One didn't even have to look closely to see the majestic royal insignia engraved on the walls of the carriages, obviously announcing their background.

"Oh…! It's the summoned heroes."

"Look, look! There they are!"

"They really do look like heroes!"

As the onlookers had stated, from the windows of the carriages, the summoned heroes were visible, looking equally curious and mesmerized whilst gazing outside.

Observing the students, Aziel felt as though the world slowed down, locking eyes with a single girl as they passed by. Distinct red eyes, standard Japanese black hair, and a samurai-esque high ponytail—Shizuku Yaegashi. An attractive girl who fit the stereotype of a mature and aloof beauty who took care of others like an older sister.

That split second seemed to last for minutes, his serene gaze meeting her curious stare, before eventually returning to normal. Each of them sped past one after another, the cheering spectators all dispersed following their departure, though the jubilant atmosphere still remained.

Aziel continued onward to the adventurer's guild, unperturbed by the sudden appearance of the students. They were merely children who knew nothing of battle, yet still decided to assist them in the war due to the holy church's encouragement and their own arrogance.

'Welp, you'll learn once you die...'

Their fate rested in their own hands.

After some time, Aziel arrived at a large establishment, its splendor more apparent than the surrounding buildings. The adventurer's guild, like any other fantasy world, was a place where individuals registered to take on various quests, earning money from them as a result.

Upon stepping through the doors, the rowdy adventurers gradually quieted down, some stared at him while others went about their business, but Aziel paid them no attention and walked toward the receptionist sitting up front.

It was a girl who appeared quite pretty, seemingly popular among the adventurers. Her gaze never strayed from him as he approached, shifting her posture to give off a better impression.

"Welcome to the capital's branch of the adventurer's guild, how may I be of service today?"

Greeting him with upturned eyes, she smiled charmingly, inadvertently attracting the attention of those around them. Loud chatter broke out, a cacophony of voices spreading across the room.

"I'd like to register as an adventurer, I can do that here, right?"

Aziel pulled out his status plate, preparing it as he already knew the answer. Since there existed another function that allowed the user to hide their stats and skills for privacy purposes, he wasn't afraid to let others see it.

"Yes, of course, the registry fee is only a thousand Luta—"

Just as she was about to finish, a gruff voice cut her off.

"We've got all kinds of brats registering as adventurers nowadays, huh. You look like you get protected by women, just get out of here, boy."

A large man who was only a bit taller than Aziel strolled over, a provocative grin plastered on his frightening face.

Glancing toward him, Aziel already knew what time it was—nothing like this could ever be resolved peacefully.

'Don't envy me, you won't survive long otherwise.'
