
Because you slapped me

"Why are you calling me a liar? Why would you even accuse me of hitting you in the first place?"

The sight of Lihua's emotional response seemed to amplify Mengrui's own distress, intensifying her own heightened state of agitation. She looked up at Lingyun and said, "Lingyun dage saw my face was injured and it was because you slapped me!

"What evidence do you have to prove that it was me who hit you, exactly?"

"That..." Mengrui was now feeling like she had put her foot in her mouth by not saying to Lingyun that Lihua had hit her that day itself. She should have told him earlier or else this bitch wouldn't have the nerve to act like this.

Xia Lihua batted her eyelashes innocently as she said, "Didn't you fall by yourself, face-first on the slippery bathroom floor? I certainly didn't slap you."

Xia Lihua's words carried a convincing tone that momentarily caused Yang Lingyun to press his lips together tightly. However, despite the surface appearance of belief, Yang Lingyun's doubts lingered. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Show me the proof if you don't believe me.", Xia Lihua insisted. "You know I can sue you for defamation."

"I may not have any evidence on hand at the moment, but there's no denying that you hit me. You can't twist the truth with your lies." Xia Mengrui screamed, her body trembling violently.

"Mr. Yang, I think your girlfriend is smoking weed. Her mind seems to be playing tricks on her, so perhaps a visit to the mental hospital is in order," Xia Lihua remarked sarcastically. "Consider yourself fortunate that I won't press charges for defamation. I shall take my leave for tonight, goodbye."

"Xia Lihua! You're the one who's delusional!" Mengrui screamed after Lihua's departing figure. Leaning closer to Lingyun, she burst into uncontrollable sobs. "Did you hear what she said? She's so vicious. She actually slapped me. It's true... believe me... you have to believe me." Xia Mengrui's emotional outburst showcased her distress and desperation to have Yang Lingyun validate her claims.

"Your words need evidence to carry any weight. Crying now serves no purpose." Yang Lingyun asserted in a detached tone as he reached into his pocket, extracted a cigarette from a pack, and lit it up.

Through her tears, Xia Mengrui pleaded desperately, "You have to believe me. Why would I lie to you?" Her emotions overwhelmed her as she continued, "I love you deeply. I've loved you since middle school (junior high), and my love for you is so profound that I even recorded songs on vinyl records specifically for you, so you could listen to them while you sleep. Don't you understand my feelings? Why are you doing this to me?"

Yang Lingyun was exhausted from the events of the evening and when Xia Mengrui mentioned that her love for him ran so deep that she went to the extent of recording songs on vinyl records his heart softened. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

Overwhelmed by guilt he took out the cigarette from his mouth and blew a whiff of smoke at Xia Mengrui's face before gently pecking her cheek. "I know you love me and I don't doubt you on that," he admitted softly. "I have feelings for you too."

Xia Mengrui's face immediately became bright.

Yang Lingyun's actions and words reflected a mix of remorse and affection, as he acknowledged her love while also acknowledging his own emotional connection to her.

She giggled and pecked his cheek back. "Take me home, now."


Seated in the back passenger seat of her SUV, Xia Lihua had an unobstructed view of the couple's affectionate display. Her vantage point allowed her to witness the intimate actions between the stingy girlfriend and her boyfriend, further accentuating her sense of being an outsider in their relationship.

She immediately recalled what he had once wrote to her.

I don't care you are ugly or beautiful, little bird. You have already captured my heart.

That lying jerk.

Ling Feiyi turned towards Lihua and said, "Are you sad?"

"No, I am not. Xu Shou, please start the car."

"Don't worry, one day that despicable Yang Lingyun will face the consequences and pay a heavy price. Trust me.", Ling Feiyi said, patting her chest with conviction.

Xia Lihua chuckled. "Oh yeah?"

She had forgotten to give the trench coat back to Yang Lingyun. His addictive scent still assaulted her senses, so she rolled down the window and threw it at the loving couple. "I don't want it...Lingyun!"

"This bitch doesn't even know how to be grateful!", Xia Mengrui's aggravated shrieks followed as the car zoomed past.

"...Lingyun, you fake asshole!"

However, second half of Lihua's statement didn't reach their ears. It died out because of the distance.

"Holy fuck, Lili! Calm down." Ling Feiyi was startled by Xia Lihua's sudden outburst. She feared that the paparazzis who were nearby would have recorded the scene, but thankfully no one had noticed.

[Author's note: Since tomorrow is Sunday, I'd like to inform you that there won't be any updates on that day, as Sundays are my designated break day. However, worry not, for I've diligently prepared a bunch of chapters in advance, so stay tuned for next week. I truly hope all of you are relishing the unfolding story as much as I enjoy crafting it. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, if you are liking the story don't forget to vote using power stone ^^ ]
