
A Boy and His Father

Camilla walked along the shadowy galleries with Tession until they reached his chambers in the keep. Even though they spoke little, she found the silence comforting.

Tession swung the door open and Camilla looked around in wonder at the collection of books and sheaves of recipes. She moved over to a nearby table and stared in delight at a map he was part way through drawing. Tession gave her a thoughtful look.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you genuinely smile since you joined the court."

Camilla beamed. "That's because I've always loved books and maps. I could spend all day surrounded by them."

The old man wrinkled his brow. "King Edward has an impressive library, far more than my modest collection. Surely he'd grant you access if you asked him."

Camilla's smile turned a little sad. "I have his permission. But I got so many hostile looks the first few times I visited that I don't feel comfortable returning. I don't think the great nobles of the court like seeing a girl touching their king's books. Especially not a foreign one. I even heard one lord suggest that teaching women to read was against the laws of nature and that I was probably learning witchcraft."

Tession snorted at the ridiculous comment. "Witchcraft indeed! I think we can both agree that being noble isn't necessarily a sign of intelligence."

"I can't afford to make enemies here, though. I live only under the king's good graces. It's better for me to stay in the shadows and not risk angering anyone."

Tession wanted to say that it would be impossible for her to remain in the background like she wished, but kept his thoughts quiet. He knew that her arrival had attracted a great deal of gossip. He'd also heard several ladies cattily comment on her appearance, voices dripping with envy. Suddenly, he remembered Prince William's request for a secret potion to win this girl over. Was she truly oblivious to the beautiful, spoiled young man?

"You're not completely without friends at court, Your Grace. You get along well enough with Prince William, don't you?" Tession asked innocently.

"No. The prince dislikes me." Her voice was flat. "I must have offended him in some way because he avoids me as much as possible." She caught the old healer struggling to suppress a smile.

Camilla couldn't understand why and decided to change the subject. "Did you truly know the grandfather of the current king?"

"Yes, he was also named Edward. He was a giant of a man and a powerful king. I was just a young apprentice then, and worked alongside a healer called Ados Garrien. Ados took me under his wing and encouraged my love of reading."

Tession's face took on a far away look. "Unfortunately, the first King Edward's son wasn't a worthy successor. He wasn't even half the king his father was. Luckily for Islia, the current king has been a strong leader and brought stability again."

"Then you would've known Prince William's parents?" Camilla kicked herself inwardly when she realised she'd steered the conversation back to the prince. But she couldn't deny she was curious about his background. Apart from one brief mention that both his parents were dead, he never spoke about his past.

"Yes. I knew Prince Johan since the day he was born. He and King Edward were less that a year apart so were as close as brothers can be. I didn't know Lady Annika well though. She was very young and timid and she died only six seasons after being married."

"William mentioned he didn't get along well with his father." Camilla's statement was tentative - she wasn't sure whether Tession would tell her anything or just think she was prying for information.

Tession sighed. "That is true. Prince Johan was disappointed in his son from the day he was born. When he was very young, the little lad did his best to earn his father's affection. But eventually William realised it was impossible and went out of his way to avoid him."

"But why?"

"It stems back to Lady Annika's dowry. She was the prince's second wife and barely thirteen when they were married. Prince Johan chose her because she was the daughter of a prominent viscount who pledged extensive lands as her dowry. These lands shared borders with some of the prince's lands, so he was very happy to take control of them and absorb them into his own territory. Unfortunately when Lady Annika died in childbirth, her father the old viscount had also recently died. The new viscount was unhappy with the dowry that had been given to his sister and invaded the lands to take back possession. Prince Johan tried to fight back and argue they belonged to his infant son but was unable. The inhabitants of the territories preferred to be ruled by a strong familiar man than by a stranger acting as a regent for a baby. Hence whenever he looked at his son, Prince Johan was reminded of the wife that failed him by dying and riches that slid through his fingers."

Camilla was indignant. "But how can you blame a baby for not being able to defend a territory, or a girl for dying?" Despite herself, she felt a pang of sympathy for the prince. As the youngest child in her family and the only girl, she had been coddled and fussed over all her life. She couldn't imagine receiving no parental love.

Tession continued, "Queen Celia birthed her youngest son around the same time and so she had young William brought into the same nursery so that he could be raised with all his cousins. That's why he and Prince Thomas are close. Prince Johan had little to do with the raising of his son, except when it came to meting out discipline." Tession's voice held an edge. " He died of fever a few years ago, on his way home from a diplomatic visit to Moraigth."

"I guess that explains why William's character is sometimes…hostile." Camilla wondered if that was the way to describe the prince. Occasionally he had been thoughtful and even sweet. Other times he glared at her as if she was the cause of all his woes.

"Yes, he's a troubled soul. He'd never admit it, of course. The king and queen did their best but they were consumed by their duties and had their own large family. The lad has no concept of what it means to love or be loved." Tession scratched his straggly beard. "I wonder if he's ever felt a moment of true happiness."
