

The guards stationed at the gate were already in motion, their intent clear—to close off the district from the rest of the other districts. It was a measure taken to contain whatever had caused the disturbance, and we found ourselves caught in the middle of it.

"Quick, hurry!" I urged the party, my heart now calm from my Mythic Attribute [Rationality] as we sprinted toward the gate. 

Elias, running faster than the rest of us, led the way, his determination unwavering. Lira's hand was tightly clasped in mine as we ran, our breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"Don't worry, Lira, we'll be okay." I tried muttering out whatever words of assurance I could, but it seemed she wasn't scared. 

"I know it will, Nord, it's you with me after all." She smiled, my chest warming up with gurgling emotions.

"Stop them!"

"Don't let them through!"
