
Ugly Rendezvous

This… is my fault. Isn't it?

I'm the cause. I realized as a breath-taking gust of emotions flared my face.

The guilt that had settled like a boulder in my chest was unbearable. 

I stared at Seraphine's lifeless body, my vision blurred by tears. 

Were they tears of anger, sadness, or guilt? I don't know.

The realization that I was the cause of this catastrophe gnawed at me, a relentless, merciless presence.

I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning white as I struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within me. 

"Damn it!" I shouted, Lira flinching and then my voice broke with anguish. "This is all my fault!"

Lira rushed to my side, her eyes filled with worry and sadness. "Nord, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "You can't blame yourself for this." She tried to console me even through her streaming tears.
