
Rom-Com Protag

The three muscle-bound troublemakers, their smirks dripping with arrogance, surrounded us. My annoyance surged at their audacity. It was beyond irritating to be confronted by these typical street bullies.

"Yo, pretty boy, you lost?" one of them taunted, his companions chuckling as they witnessed the sight.

"Wow, you're so observant," I replied dryly, my eyes narrowing as I assessed the situation.

Lira stood beside me, her discomfort palpable. I could tell that she was hesitant about how to react. These guys clearly didn't have the best intentions, and I wasn't about to let them intimidate us.


Then, a sudden notification sound echoed in my mind, and a system window appeared before me.

[New Special Quest Available: Rom-Com Protag.]

I groaned inwardly.

Of all the times to get a new quest, it had to be now? The title alone was cringe-worthy, and I couldn't help but feel my annoyance escalate.

Emberhorn, you have quite the sense of humor, I thought sarcastically.
