
The Beginning Of...(1)

In the Shadow Bamboo Sanctuary's best tree house, Erix, Rin, Lilith, Lily, and Isabella slept soundly in one big bed, with Rin and Isabella to Erix's left and Lilith and Lily to his right.

Sameira and Kenshin slept in another bedroom, while Nira and Korin were also resting in their respective rooms.

Meanwhile, the world outside was anything but peaceful thanks to the War of Throne's results.

Adriax Super World—one of the four biggest planets and star system of this First Dimension Realm. 

1/4th of the most powerful Reverend-order powerhouses that lived in this first dimension realm lived in this Adriax Super World.

Nine months later, the Axis realm would open where all Reverend-order powerhouses, along with their subordinates/followers Elite Empyreans, would fight among themselves for Ascension spots.

The number of Ascension spots was limited to 100, but the number of Reverend-order powerhouses who would enter reached thousands.
