
The new ruler of Astapor

The new ruler of Astapor

Theon POV

The smoke didn't disappear the next day after Daenerys showed what her dragons could do. For my crew and me, it was quite a good day. You can say whatever about the Good Masters, but they were damn rich. My problem was that I didn't know what to do with so much gold. I came here to spend it on the Unsullied, but now I had even more gold, and I don't think any of the slaver cities would like to welcome me.

While I was trying to think what I should do, a little, dark-skinned girl came up to me. Missandei, if I remember correctly. She looked scared of me but still stood tall, facing me. I liked this girl. She was now Daenerys little translator and advisor, from what I have gathered. What I liked about the girl was her calmness; not many would be like her when they see dragons and me on a rampage. I still smelled of blood, even after taking a bath. Most people don't like that smell, but she is not bothered by it.

"Her Grace, ask for you, King Theon," The girl said.

"Lead the way, little dragon girl."

"My name is Missandei," The girl replied, not amused.

"Whatever you say, little dragon girl."

The girl didn't respond and turned away. I quickly followed her. She was too small to be fast, so soon enough, I caught up to her. We went to one of the palaces untouched by fire and fighting. The lack of blood stains indicated that before my men got there, the previous master of the palace had run away. In one of the largest rooms stood Daenerys. With her were her companions and Oberyn with his nephew.

There wasn't a big round table, more like a dinner table, and everyone sat before it. Daenerys sat on the head of the table as the food was served. I chose an empty seat near Daenerys and picked up a cup of wine, which tasted like water. I was too used to it to complain about it. Everyone was quiet and looked at me.

"So, what is the occasion?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"We shall strike Yunkai," Daenerys announced.

"Good luck," I replied.

"You will help us," Daenerys stated, staring at me with blazing eyes.

"All right, don't look at me like you want to kill me or take me to your bed," Daenerys only glared at me at my words. "From the gold we got from the city. I will help you for half a year if I continue to get more gold."

"Like a common sellsword, how low the mighty have fallen," Oberys commented.

"Like you one to talk," I replied.

"Well, I never considered myself mighty."

"Well, sorry that my people think I am a god," The silence once again descended upon the room as they looked at me like I was crazy. They weren't that far off. "Anyway, what's the plan?"

"I thought of enacting a council to oversee the city, then take those who would follow me and attack Yunkai before they are prepared to receive me."

"Taking only those who want to follow you is a good idea, your grace," The wizard by Daenerys side agreed. "Their morale will be stronger than the slave armies Yunkai have."

"I take the Unsullied will follow you?" I asked.

"If they want, I will not force anyone."

"Sure, but I think most of them will want to leave the place that tormented them all their lives," Oberyn nodded in agreement. "The city will be left defenseless."

"It isn't my city nor my concern."

"It is your responsibility," I said. "If you don't leave any of the Unsullied to protect your council, they will be overthrown."

"We can't afford that," The Mormont spoke. "Every Unsullied is too important to leave behind. We don't know what awaits us."

"I have about two and a half thousand men," I said. "I could leave half of a thousand here with someone who would oversee the city; if you don't care about it, I have someone taught on the ruling stuff."

"You want to take the city for yourself?" Oberyn asked.

"Can't I?" I asked back.

"I will need your service, especially your ships," Daenerys said.

"But there isn't much we can do," I replied. "Yunkai is a port city, and my fifty ships won't do much, and I will send twenty to Bravoss."

"We had a deal, Theon Greyjoy," Daenerys didn't look pleased.

"Don't worry, this will be for your good too," I dismissed her worries. "I am sure there are people who would like to support your crusade, directly or indirectly. I will send someone who will tell what happened and see if Sealord himself or someone from Iron Bank has anything to offer us."

"Iron Bank is powerful, your Grace," The bear agreed with me. "It would only do us good to be on their good side."

"How many men will you be left with?" Daenerys asked me.

"I think about one and a half thousand."

"What are our odds of sieging Yunkai?" Daenerys asked.

"It is a mighty city," The wizard answered. "Even with the Unsullied, the Ironborn, and the freedmen, it won't be easy."

"I won with worse odds, and we have dragons," I replied.

"I do not wish to offend, your Grace," Quentyn spoke his first words. I was so proud. "But they are too small, and we shouldn't risk them being injured or, worse, killed."

"I have to agree with the Martell," The bolding bear said, and the wizard nodded. "The dragons are too important to risk them injured."

"Do any of you realize the dragon's strongest point?" I asked, looking at everyone's faces, and they stayed silent. "Their existence. How many do you think will look at three dragons and think it is a good idea to be enemies of their mother? Everyone has heard stories of dragons, and even after almost two hundred years, people still know how dragons can destroy their castles and cities. They being next to Dany, if you don't mind calling you that, your name is too long, will make them think twice about crossing us."

"I will let you call me Dany if you let me call you Theon," Dany replied with a simple smile. "I am still not used to titles, and I believe you have the most experience in disadvantaged warfare. I will trust your word. And if everyone agrees and wishes to follow me, please prepare. I want to leave by the end of the week."

With those words, she left. I looked over to see Oberyn talking with his nephew while the wizard and the bear left with Dany. I could see Oberyn's mind turning gears, thinking about what best course of action he should take. To me, it was a simple matter. She had dragons. Even if they were small, they were still dragons.

I took my journal from my plate armor and read about what I had written about the Others. Yeah, there was no doubt in my mind. I needed to get close to her. With her dragons, she could unite the Seven Kingdoms, even if it was through fear. Then I will let her do the hard stuff while I relax and go to the Summer Islands to spend the rest of my days.

Robb can defend us from the White Walkers with the help of the Wall and the Dragons. I could support him with gold. It wasn't like I didn't have it. It was time I started to think about what I wanted, and I wanted freedom. It hasn't changed, even if I have forgotten it before. Once the Iron Islands are established as an empire of trade and have the strongest fleet in the world, I have no trouble leaving and enjoying myself in the Summer Islands.

Preparations to leave were issued immediately after I was back on my ships. Five hundred men and twenty ships were loaded with gold and treasure. They were to sail to Braavos and have a deal with the Iron Bank. I have written what I wanted and what I needed. I made Ser Harras Harlaw responsible for it. He was one of the few I could trust with such matters.

I told him I wanted most to establish relations with the Sealord and the Iron Bank. As well as I have them support Dany in any way they can. If everything works the way I want, I will have no work anymore. I leave Iron Islands with Asha to deal with, and Dany can have the Seven Kingdoms. Now I have to make someone deal with Astapor.

"You all right, Theon?" Thoros looked at me as I finished writing the letters to be delivered to Braavos.

"I am. Why do you ask?"

"You seem lighter," Thoros commented. "It was a long time since I saw you undisturbed. It feels like you are enjoying yourself."

"Hmm, I am enjoying myself," I looked at Thoros and then at myself. "Weird."

"Agreed. You look weird when you smile. I had forgotten you could do that. A genuine smile and not that smirk that unnerves everyone. Well, I, for one, am glad," Thoros replied. "It feels like when we were in King's Landing. Just Jalabhar, you and me, against the world."

"Don't forget Anguy; now there are just more of us," I agreed. "So, what do you say? Shall we take the world by storm once again?"

"Like old times?"

"Like old times, just with more fire and smoke."

"I wouldn't ask for anything less."

I only wished I could get drunk with the old bastard, but that would be asking for too much. Finishing my little talk with the Red Priest, I went to find Alysanne. I will have to introduce her to Dany. It was time I put the little game between us to an end. It was some time since I had no idea what to do with her.

"Theon," Alysanne turned to me from her book as I entered her cabin. "What do you want with me?"

"I don't know," I answered. "I have no idea what to do with you."

"So? What does it leave with us?" Alysanne asked. "Are you going to kill me finally?"

"If you wanted to die, you would do it yourself," I said. "But you don't. You want to live."

"What kind of life do I have under your feet?"

"Then you are free."

"What?" Alysanne looked like I was crazy, and I was.

"I will give enough gold to go anywhere," I answered. "But I would like you to stay here, in Astapor."

"What do you want from me?" She was doubtful of my intentions.

"I want you to rule the city in my name," I said. "I took your home, your family. Now I will give you a city."

"You think I will forgive you if you give me a city?"

"No, but I think this nonsense between us has to end one way or another," I replied. "Take the gold and go anywhere you want. Hire assassins to kill me or drink yourself to death. Take the city and do what you want with it. Make it the best city in the world, and then backstab me. Make it to ruins to spite me. It is your choice."

"How many men do you leave me with?"

"That was fast," I commented.

"For almost a year, I was your prisoner," Alysanne said. "I'm tired of being nothing but a toy for you. I take your offer and make this city the most important port city in the world. And when I am done, I ask you not to look at me with those pitying eyes and respect for who I am. I am Alysanne Lefford, sole heir to Leo Lefford."

"Then prove it to me," I smiled.

For the first time, I saw Alysanne look down on me. She held her head high. Her eyes showed no anger, hatred, or sorrow, only conviction and determination. I liked those eyes. They were strong. I decided to leave half a thousand men with Dagmer Cleftjaw with her. Alysanne was considered my salt wife, so I have no doubts Cleftjaw will have no trouble taking orders from her. She, indeed, was my match with those eyes of hers. If I am not careful, I might fall for them.
