
Chapter 366: Beginning of New World

After that whole ordeal with those trio of kids attacking Pandemonium and then promptly leaving shortly after I arrived to have some fun, we partially stayed on guard for the remainder of the day, but by the time the morning of the next day rolled around, we practically forget about them.

While I was still somewhat annoyed at the fact I didn't get to really fight them, I returned to the ocean floor to resume my training, which I've made very minimal progress on, but I've got to start somewhere, so I wasn't all that concerned, though, of course, I'd prefer if things when faster.

The next few days, life continued as per usual, with the only difference being the increase in pirate attacks, but they were mostly insignificant that I didn't even bother mentioning them as it was usually just a bunch of weaklings who barely knew the basics of haki; they wouldn't even make it to the core members of the Frenzy Pirates if Grand and Chala didn't take to initiative to retaliate.

However, while things were peaceful as usual in the hectic Pandemonium, I felt my body shaking, causing me to grunt as I rolled onto my side, yet whoever it was, they were deadset on interrupting my sleep.

"Tch, release your fucking hands from my fur, or I'll rip them off your body!" Stated Diddy in slight anger as he sat upright and bared his fangs at Janet, who quickly backed away.

"S-Sorry, Captain, it was just really important. There has been a change in some of our bounties!" Remarked Janet with a faint smile as she looked at Diddy, who grunted in annoyance before plopping back into his hammock.

"Hmph, I don't care enough right now to get up, so just tell me who got their bounties changed, or leave me be." Said Diddy blandly as he glanced at Janet before closing his eyes, causing her to nod with a faint smile.

"Well, only you, Pandemonium, Bullet, and Freyja's bounty have changed. Starting off, Pandemonium's bounty has risen to 1,104,303,000 Beri's. Bullet's is now 3,603,450,300 Beri's, and Freyja's isn't too far behind, with hers having reached 3,333,333,333 Beri's." Declared Janet lightly as she read from her notebook, her words causing Diddy to raise an eyebrow in slight surprise.

"Hmm, that's surprising… With Freyja having learned conqueror's infusion, she's capable of going toe-to-toe with the likes of Big Mom and Blackbeard, so her bounty is justified; I'm just surprised the Marines would give someone who isn't even considered a vice-captain such a high bounty. It must be because of the eternal pose in my possession." Muttered Diddy with a thoughtful expression as he rubbed his chin, only for him to shake his head while shifting his focus to Janet.

"As for yours, Captain, it's now even higher than Whitebeards… 5,123,456,000 Beri's. You've got the second-highest bounty for a pirate, Captain; only the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger, is above you." Stated Janet softly as she raised her head and glanced at Diddy, who seemed unconcerned about his bounty.

Nodding at Janet's words, I dismissively waved my hand at her before turning my back toward her as I attempted to fall back to sleep, yet, even after a minute passed, she hadn't left, causing me to growl in annoyance as I pointed my tail at her.

"Tsk, what the hell is it? If it's something stupid, I'll have a sea king eat you." Asked Diddy in annoyance as he kept his eyes closed, seemingly sleeping while waiting for Janet to speak.

"Oh, yeah, I also got this; apparently, it's been reported the Redhaired pirates were in Paradise." Replied Janet lightly as she looked at the note in her hand, causing Diddy's eyes to snap open while he swiftly appeared standing in front of her.

Snatching the note out of her hand, I read its contents, only to chuckle to myself in joy. It seems Redhaired was bringing back a pair of giants that had gotten stuck in Paradise, so when the destruction of his territory happened, he wasn't even in New World; however, considering there is only one way to get to New World…

"Hehehe, we'll cut him off at the entrance of New World." Muttered Diddy with a feral grin as he clenched his fist, burning the note with his lightning, only for him to leap onto the roof of the fortress, forgoing his sleep.

Landing on the roof, I leaped towards Mony's head, gently landing at the front of her nose, causing her massive beady eyes to focus on me.

"Mony! Head to the beginning of the New World!" Ordered Diddy with a smile, his words prompting Mony to nod as she changed their direction while he leaped back to the fortress.

With Mony heading to the beginning of New World, I returned to my sleep; it would be a few weeks since we arrived there, so I still planned to train, but now that I was all excited, it was making it slightly harder to sleep.

'I'll finally get to face the Observation Killer again. Hehe, he won't be the only killer for long.' Mused Diddy with a feral grin as he licked his teeth while awaiting their encounter, his heart beating in excitement.



However, unknown to Diddy, such information got into the hands of two specific Emperors, and similar to him, they too headed for the beginning of the New World, yet funnily enough, each one held different goals.



"Ahh, finally returning to New World." Muttered Beckman with a faint smile as he released a puff of smoke while holding his cigarette, only for him to turn and glance at Shanks.

"So, Captain, what will we be doing first? Shall we drop off Dorry and Brogy, or will we be dealing with that Mink?" Asked Beckman lightly while glancing at Shanks, whose expression turned grim at his words, only for him to sigh.

"I'm a man of my word, Beckman… We will drop Dorry and Brogy off at Elbaf first. Then, we'll deal with Chaos Kong." Stated Shanks solemnly as he furrowed his brows in anger, his vein nearly popping from his sheer rage, though he remained composed.

"Hmm, I s-" Said Beckman, yet he wasn't able to finish speaking as a powerful surge of conquerors haki suddenly washed over them, causing numerous to fall unconscious while the waters turned turbulent.

"Chaos Kong." Said Shanks coldly as he grasped his sword while staring deeply into the distance before unleashing his own haki, safeguarding his crew and causing the ocean to return to normal.

"Seems like he came for us." Said Beckman solemnly as he glanced at Shanks, who simply frowned before turning around.

"Head in that direction." "Aye, aye, Captain." Said Beckman with a nod as he flicked his cigarette overboard and headed towards the helm, where Lucky Roux was sitting.

"Heh, don't need to tell me twice, Beckman. I was already heading there whether Captain approved or not." Said Roux with a faint smirk while chewing on meat, causing Beckman to snort, only to smile afterward.



Retracting my haki, I licked my lips while waiting for their arrival on Raijin Island, which was actually the very first island we visited when we entered New World; I'm sure to others, it would've been a terrifying sight, but to me, it didn't affect me whatsoever, this level of lightning wasn't even enough for me to feel slightly numb and I've only gotten stronger since then.

"Hehe, they will be here soon." Muttered Diddy with a feral grin as he stood while raising his hand, causing every single lightning bolt to suddenly be directed toward him.

Acting as a lightning rod, I summoned Nimbus from my body before redirecting it into my fluffy cloud, causing it to grow rapidly as it was fed large amounts of lightning until it eventually shot a massive bolt of lightning toward the sky, dispersing the dark clouds above. They would eventually reform, but hopefully, it would take only a few days; I'd like some peace before the inevitable battle happens.

Walking off the mountain, I propelled myself towards the small encampment where my crew was currently resting.

"Ah, thanks, Captain; now I don't have to worry about being roasted to death." Said Trenza with a sigh of relief as she exited the tent and sat down beside Mael, who simply raised an eyebrow.

"They weren't ever a problem to begin with; just grow stronger." "I didn't ask for your input, did I, Mael?" Said Mael and Trenza, respectively, as the former gave her a reproachful look while the latter rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Is he coming or what?" Asked Freyja calmly as she glanced at Diddy while leaning against a charred tree, prompting him to nod with a smile.

"Not only that, but he seemed to also have a massive fleet with him. Hehe, this will truly be an all-out war!" Replied Diddy with a feral grin as he licked his lips, his words causing Grand and Chala to eagerly stare at each other while Janet and Sebas shook their heads.

"Kahaha, sounds great!" Stated Bullet with a feral smile as he clenched his fist while hitting both Grand and Chala's heads, slamming them into the ground, prompting them to retaliate fiercely.

"So you all better get ready; in a few days, we'll be having our final battle with pirates. After that, let's bring the fight to the Marines!" Remarked Diddy with a feral smile, causing everyone to either nod, sigh, or roll their eyes, though none were surprised at his statement.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 332: Elif, Beauty Incarnate) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 214: Not Alexander's Day) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 376: 4-0; Frenzy Pirates Ahead!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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