
First Quest Complete

Vivian extracted the Bukaroo's tail and got up.


"Time to go back to the Adventurer's Guild!"


She swept her gaze around her surroundings.


"That tree looks good…"


Among the trees around her, it was the tallest and also sturdy enough to support her weight.


She approached the tree, dropped her sticks to the ground, removed her remaining shoe and then started climbing.


When she got to the top, she searched for Luxen City.


"Okay, so it's that direction…"


She looked for the closest path where she could exit the forest and then head for the city.


"Hmm… It will take me long-- What the fuck is that?"


From a distance, she saw what looked like a flying lizard or something close to that. It was too far so she couldn't exactly make the specific details. All she could tell was that it looked like a black lizard with black bat-like wings and someone wearing a brown cloak riding it.


And it was heading to the Luxen City.


A dragon...?




She looked away and resumed studying which path to take.




If I take that path there it would take me longer to reach the Adventurer's Guild…


Meanwhile, if take that path, although I'll arrive quickly, I'll also encounter too many monsters…


She thought about it for a minute.


Even if I took the shortest path, depending on how many monsters I encounter, it would still take me time and I need to get another quest and finish it before the sun sets…


And the last thing I want is to be chased again by a group of monsters…


I also could be injured or destroy my items and will need more money…


Yup, I'll take the longer route…


She began climbing down.




Vivian was in front of the gate of Luxen City that she entered from yesterday.


She could see and feel people, including the guards, staring at her as she walked.


To be fair, Vivian's appearance was eye-catching.


She was sweating, her hair, although tied, was slightly disheveled, her clothes were covered in dirt and leaves, there was a red-brown-colored stain on the right sleeve of her shirt, and her right foot wasn't wearing a shoe, only wrapped with dirty bandages except for her toes and heel.


She originally wanted to bring her sticks with her but decided not to in the end.




Vivian was trying so hard to keep her face from wincing with every step she took.


Fuck, fuck…!


Dammit, the road is burning my feet…!


Ah, fuck…!


She was also trying so hard to walk properly but there was still an obvious limp with each step.


Truth be told, she even specifically walked on the grass, not on the dirt road, on her way to this city. But despite all her efforts, it still burned her feet with each step and it only got worse once she walked in the streets of the city.


I swear that if I don't get the fucking [Fire Mastery] for this, I'm gonna burn this goddamn city to the ground…!


Vivian finally reached the Adventurers Guild's building.


When she entered, there weren't the much people but everyone's eyes were on her because of her pitiful experience. 


She paid them no attention and went straight to the counter where she received her quest.


"Hello, how may I help you?" the receptionist asked and smiled.


"Hi, I've completed my quest and I'm here to deliver the items."


"Please go over the Quest Rewards counter for the processing of completed quests," the woman said and pointed.


The counter that the receptionist pointed to was different from the other counters because there were 4 chairs in line on the side and it had 2 receptionists.


"Okay, thank you," Vivian said and then went over to the counter that the receptionist pointed.


"Hello, how may I help you?" one of the receptionists behind the Quest Rewards counter asked and smiled.


"I've completed my quest and I'm here to deliver the items or the quest items."


"May I ask what's your name or the name of your group that was registered on the quest and the quest's name?"


"My name is Vivian, I work alone and the quest was to collect 15 pieces of Bukaroo tails."


"Vivian? V-I-V-I-A-N?"




"Last name?"




"May I ask when was this quest issued?"


"This morning."


"And the quest was issued here?"




"Please wait for a moment and take a seat," the receptionist said and began searching on the logbook in front of her.


Vivian sat down at the chair nearest to the counter and her eyes glanced at the green-colored oblong-shaped crystal with rough edges which was as large as an adult's head supported by a platform to make it stand vertically.


Why don't they just let me touch that instead of having to ask those unnecessary questions…?


The receptionist raised her head and turned to Vivian.


"I've found it. The quest is a Copper Rank Quest, it was registered under the adventurer named Vivian, you were required to gather 15 Bukaroo tails within 3 days, the reward is 20 copper coins, and the quest was issued this morning. There was also a special request issued to you by the guild where you had to catch live Bukaroo birds suspected as being a new species due to its aggressiveness and each one will reward you 10 copper coins. Do you agree with the details?"


"Yes," Vivian said and took out the Bukaroo tails from her satchel that were wrapped with a piece of cloth.


"Is that the Bukaroo tails?" the other receptionist asked.




"Please give them to me."


After Vivian handed it over, the receptionist placed it on top of a silver tray on top of the counter and opened it before examining each one.


"Do you have any news about the new species of Bukaroo birds?" the first receptionist asked.


"No, I didn't encounter one."


"I see."


"Done checking. Everything seems fine," the receptionist examining the Bukaroo tails said to the other receptionist.


The receptionist nodded and then turned back to Vivian.


"Do you have anything else you want to report? If not, we will register this quest as complete."




"As for the special request issued to you by the guild regarding the suspected new species of the Bukaroo bird, it won't be recorded in the Memory Crystal and it also won't be labeled as failure or abandoned in the books so it won't affect your promotion points."




"Please wait for a moment," the receptionist said and then left.


Vivian saw her enter the door behind the counters.


When she came back, she was carrying a silver tray and on top of it was a cheap-looking coin pouch. The cloth was so thin that one could see the coins inside and it looked like it could easily be torn apart.


She placed the tray on top of the counter in front of Vivian.


"Inside this coin pouch is 20 copper coins. Please check it if you want."


"No need," Vivian said and picked up the coin pouch before putting it inside her satchel.


"Please touch the Memory Crystal."


Vivian placed her fingers on top of the crystal. And when the receptionist also touched it, it emitted a faint white glow and details about the quest being completed flashed inside Vivian's head.


The receptionist pulled her hand away and then presented a pen and the logbook to Vivian.


"Please sign here," she said and pointed at one of the sections.


Vivian repeated the same signature she did this morning.


"Congratulations on completing the quest. We look forward to seeing you again," the receptionist said with a smile and bowed.


"Um… Can I ask a question?"


"Sure, what is it?"


"My right shoe got destroyed while I was out doing the quest this morning and I was wondering if you know any place where I can repair and buy shoes. And if possible, something affordable that's fit for Copper Rank adventurers like me."


"You can check the Market District."


"Where is that? Sorry, I just arrived here yesterday."


"It's at the --" the receptionist gave Vivian the directions.


"I'm really sorry, but I really have no idea where that is. Like I said, I just arrived here yesterday and all I know is this building, the tavern run by Shirley and the entrance to this city."


"Let me draw you a map."


The receptionist picked up a pen and a piece of paper. After drawing a crude map and listing the location of the Market District, she gave it to Vivian.


"Thank you very much," Vivian said as she received it and took out 3 copper coins to give to the receptionist.


The receptionist immediately raised her hands and said, "Please, no. It's okay, it's part of our job to assist adventurers. And plus, we're not allowed to receive anything."


"I'm very sorry if I offended you. Please forgive me," Vivian said and bowed her head.


"No, it's fine. Please, you don't have to apologize."


Vivian smiled inside her head.


Whether an establishment or someone accepts tips or not, it's always smarter to offer some form of compensation when asking for help from people, because even the most uncooperative or rudest person in the world will have the heart to go way beyond to help you.


At least this was Vivian's experience as a man in her original world. 


And plus, it's always better to have the reputation of being someone who gives more than someone who takes. However, it's also important to never go overboard, because it will attract a lot of greedy, shameless and abusive vultures.


Vivian raised her head.


"I see. Can I ask other questions?"


"Sure, what is it?"

