
Dungeon Run Aftermath and Assessment Pt 2

I got the 10 Ethereal Cores out of my backpack and set them on the coffee table setting nine together in a pile and the largest one that came from the armor wearing green creature by itself.

"How do you guys propose we split these up?" I asked.

"Well, there's 10 cores and five of us so it seems pretty simple to me, two for each of us." Ren said.

"I did already absorb the two jaguars though." I said not wanting to seem like I was taking more than my share.

"Who cares, you also killed more of the creatures than any of us, and you took the most risk by being the point man. Don't try and be humble and altruistic like that, it doesn't suit you." Mick retorted.

"Exactly what Mick said, besides I didn't kill any of the creatures so if I'm going to get some so should you." Isabell added.

"Fine, fine, who gets the one from the armored creature?"

"The big one? That would be one of yours dummy." Jenna said and everyone else nodded in agreement.

I sighed realizing that I didn't really have a choice but also excited to absorb that large of an Ethereal Core to see how much I would gain from it.

"Don't forget to pay attention to the rank of the creatures when you absorb their core so that we can start trying to identify them by size later." I said having thought of it last minute.

Everyone nodded in agreement and began splitting up the remaining cores by size as evenly as they could. I insisted on taking on of the cores from the smallest group for me second since I was already taking the biggest. In the end there were six of the smallest sized cores, 2 of the slightly larger cores, and one core that was the largest except for mine. The second largest went to Ren who was our "Tank" and he also insisted on taking one of the smallest cores for his second. From the remainder Mick and Isabell ended up with the two remaining larger cores and one of the smaller while Jenna was left with just two of the smallest cores. She waived it off saying-

"Don't worry, as the only one without a system type it just makes sense. Besides, you guys can make it up to me next time." She said it with a smile veiling a threat that left no room of the repayment being an option.

In the end the six smaller cores came from Unranked Goblin Pikemen and Goblin Footmen and gave 2 Ethereal Each, the 2 slightly larger ones came from Lvl 1 Unranked Goblin Defenders and gave 5 Ethereal each, the second largest came from a Lvl 2 Unranked Goblin Shaman and gave 15 Ethereal, while the largest came from a Lvl 3 Unranked Goblin Captain and gave 30 Ethereal.

I was shocked when I saw how much Ethereal the largest core gave and quickly thought status to make sure my eyes weren't mistaken.

Status Screen

Name: Connor Wolfe

Race: Shapeshifter

Age: 25

System Type: Shapeshifter

Level: 1

Ethereal: 33/50

Health: 25

Mana: 25

Status Points Available: 2

Ability Points Available: 1

Skill Points Available: 1

Status Points:

Strength: 1.5

Agility: 1.5

Intellect: 1

Constitution: 1


Shapeshift Lvl 1 Stealth Lvl 1 Bow Mastery Lvl 1



'Shapeshift Lvl 1:

Forms to next Lvl: 2/10

Shapeshifts to next Lvl: 2/20

Shapeshifts Per Day: 3

Shapeshift duration: 20 minutes

Forms: 2

Wolf, Jaguar

Hawk: 50%

Elk: 50%

Max Rank of Forms: F

Stored Blood Essence: 0'

'Stealth Lvl 1:

Kills from Stealth to next Lvl: 4/15'

'Bow Mastery Lvl 1:

Bow Kills to next Lvl: 7/250

On Target Shots to next Lvl 10/200

On Target Long Shots to next Lvl: 3/100'

I went ahead and checked out the rest of my gains and progress while I was at it and, while I was amazed at the rate of my Ethereal growth the rest I found to be satisfactory at best, and disappointing at worst.

'I need to practice my shapeshifting more. Something tells me that as good as I may be with a bow, that's not where my true strength lies anymore.'

After we absorbed our Ethereal Cores we relayed the information we gained to each other and when they found out how much the Lvl 3 core gave their were some jealous outbursts, the worst of whose was Mick until Jenna 'nicely' reminded him of who the worst off party was in the transaction.

"We at least need to go back in immediately then so I can get one of those and hit Lvl 1." Mick said defiantly.

"Are you nuts?" Isabell nearly screamed "We barely survived this time and you want to go back in before everyone is healed?!"

I took note of how she said 'before everyone is healed.'

'She's not against going back in, she just wants everyone to heal first. A true healer and not a bad idea.'

"What if we wait a week. That gives everyone time to heal up and get used to their new weapons and abilities. This way we can be the most prepared and either be able to challenge the dungeon more quickly and finish with little to no injuries or…" I paused for dramatic effect "maybe even challenge the second floor."

Mick cheered while Isabell's face went Ashen, Ren looked on cautiously and Jenna seemed to think the idea over thoroughly.

"You can't be serious Connor!" Isabell said horrified.

"I am, however I'm not so stupid as to challenge it if we're still getting so beat up to clear the first floor. The best way to keep us safe from monsters and humans alike however is to make sure we get the first clear of every floor we can to get the enhanced rewards. And soon the others will begin to lose their fear."

Everyone fell into a thoughtful silence realizing the full weight of what I said. Only then did some of them truly realize that from this point forward the only way to be truly safe and free was to be the strongest.

"One week?" Isabell looked at me and asked her shaky voice not quite matching the solemn determination in her eyes.

"It's a gamble waiting that long but we definitely can't wait any longer than that." I said receiving an enthusiastic nod of agreement from Mick and surprisingly a subtle one from Jenna as well. Isabell sighed-

"Fine, a week it is. But if I'm going to accept such a short recuperation time for you all then you WILL follow my care instructions as the healer of the group." She said firmly only relaxing her gaze after everyone agreed.

"Good, then we'll be heading to back to the dungeon in one week." I said "Now onto other matters, what do we name our party?"

**A/N:** I apologize for the long delay. I've had a lot going on in my personal life but things have slowed down now and I am planning on writing a lot more. Leave your suggestions for the name of the party in the comments!
