

I hear a rustle on the ground beneath my tree. I can see a deer picking its way gracefully through the undergrowth. It is now that I realise just how thirsty I am. The sun is high in the sky. Must be about midday by now. I'm going to have to take my chances and go for the deer.

I clamber swiftly down from my branch. Soundlessly, I slip through the leaves, trying not to disturb my meal below. The deer has stopped now and is picking at something in the grass. This is my chance. With one instantaneous leap, I land right next to the animal. I don't give it time to think or move; I just sink my teeth into its body.

The blood is warm and perfect, like eating a Big Mac after a day at work. My throat instantly feels better. I know there is a stream not far from where I am. It's a perfect hiding spot for the deer's body. That way I can still remain hidden and not leave any clues to the other new-borns of my presence. I can hear the water rushing over the rocks. It's behind me. I turn and, with the body slung over one shoulder, run towards it.

The stream is bigger than I expected. It rushes downhill at quite a speed. Perfect for transporting the body of a recently deceased deer. I always feel slightly guilty about killing animals like this. In the beginning, it was so difficult that I actually had to close my eyes; Now though, I kind of get on with it. A deer is a beautiful creature, yes, but in this life, you have to be selfish to survive. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe. But America is full of deer. Plus, it's the hunters with their guns and dogs that are doing the most of the killings. I'm just taking their leftovers.

I slide the deer off of my shoulders and let it slip into the water. It floats there for a bit before a sudden gush of water pushes it down the stream. I watch as it catches on a rock, limp like a paper doll, then disappears round a bend and out of sight.

I turn to head back to my tree. I have to be patient now and wait for Fred. I've had my fun for today.

Sitting back on the branch, all I can think about is Fred. It's early evening now. I should be able to see him soon; should being the operative word. I can't think like that. I will see him. He's going to come back for me, with or without Bree and Diego. He promised.

Time is passing quite quickly and the sun is just beginning to set. I climb a little higher so I can watch. The sky is becoming a pretty purple-pink and the sun disappears over the horizon.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I almost fall out of the tree, whilst Fred bursts into peals of laughter. I scowl at him. "Not funny."

"Come on, Maia! Lighten up!" He chuckles.

"Where are Bree and Diego? Did they stay behind?" My eyes scan the branches surrounding Fred.

"They're a few branches below. You didn't think this branch would hold four of us?" He smiles. I want to kiss him and hug him and never let go. I am so thankful for this. He has put his life on the line for me, again. Instead, I reach out my hand to his and squeeze it. "Thank you."

"Are you two done canoodling?" I hear a voice hiss from below. Now it's my turn to laugh. I feel impatience from Diego.

"We're coming," I whisper back. "And we were not canoodling!" I add, with a defiant tone. Fred grins. "Ready?" He takes my hand and we both make our way down to Diego and Bree.

Diego is tapping his foot against the trunk of the tree. Bree sits on a branch next to him, one hand resting on Diego's. She smiles when she sees me.

"Who's ready for a road trip?" Fred asks. His smile broadens. I can feel the excitement buzzing from him, but also adrenaline.

I look from one vampire to another. All eyes, red or gold, blaze with determination.

"Let's go then!" Fred jumps out of the tree. He silently hits the ground below. Bree, Diego and I follow the suite.

This was the beginning of a whole new adventure.

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