
You are cold

Storm's brows flew up at what Ellie said. She had darted her eyes away from him, but the effects of her words were still swirling around inside of him. He knew what she meant by what she said, but he couldn't get rid of the other meaning hammering in his head.

The worst hit was Seth. He was finding it increasingly hard to keep a straight face with Ellie around and speaking the way she was.

After throwing her a disbelieving side glance, he returned his attention to Storm, restrained fury evident on his face. How the hell was Storm putting up with her rudeness and disrespect? It was nauseating for him.

If he could, he would excuse himself and leave them both alone so he wouldn't have to listen to their conversation and endure such an infuriating moment. But he couldn't. He had something important to discuss with Storm.

"Close the curtains, Ellie." Storm's voice echoed, and Seth had to force his lips to remain together instead of parting due to shock. 
