
027 - S-rank


"You still engage in such frivolous activities?" came a voice behind him. Jiraiya turned around to regard the newcomers.

"If it isn't old man Homura and mistress Koharu…" he drawled as his attention returned to the gaggle of women bathing a few blocks away. A perverse smile blossomed at the edges of his lips as a disturbing giggle escaped his mouth.

"A maturity befitting your stature would do you a whole lot of good, Jiraiya" Koharu muttered, her wrinkly face contorted in disapproval.

Jiraiya sighed in response. "And just what business do the chief counsellors have with me?" he asked, putting his binoculars away.

"What business, you ask?" Homura replied. "You ought to know without me having to spell it out."

"...Is this about that Uchiha boy? I don't see how it concerns me."

"Oh, but it does," the older man replied. "Your sensei's reluctance to deal with him resolutely is causing all sorts of issues for the leaf. The vile Uchiha spawn might deny it, but the evil in his heart is clear for all to see. He hides behind his clan's name, evading the swift justice he rightfully deserves."

"...I still don't see how this matter concerns me."

The pair fell silent, their thoughts, for a moment, a mystery to him. Then Koharu spoke. "Find Tsunade," the woman said. "She's the only one capable of freeing Hatake of the vile technique inflicted upon him by the boy. When he comes through and testifies against the Uchiha before the council, I imagine Sarutobi would be hard-pressed to remain insistent on ignoring the danger the boy poses"

Jiraiya mulled on this for a few moments. Then he sighed, massaging his temple in exasperation. "Fine! I'll track her down and bring her back. Would that be acceptable?"

"Very well. We shall attach three ANBU black ops to you for—"

"That won't be necessary. Don't worry, I swear I won't run away. I don't need chaperones. Besides, I already have someone in mind to take along with me on this mission..."


Sarutobi leafed the ANBU reports on his desk. The documents had been meticulously compiled for a bit over seven years now. Hence, it made little sense for the reports to look so scanty—the fact that the majority of the operational data they had was gathered in the past six months did no favours to the logical credence surrounding the matter. It was unnatural how little valuable information those seasoned operatives had managed to gather on the enigmatic Uchiha scion. One would assume that one so young would be a treasure trove of information, but here Sarutobi found that his Konoha's ANBU couldn't even categorically confirm what Sasuke's favourite food was…


The boy was a literal information black hole. One from which ABSOLUTELY nothing of significant value ever comes out.

Last he heard, Inoichi had made some significant progress in decoding the boy's cyphers… from six years ago. The most recent ones still appear to be beyond their ability to crack even with the aid of computers built specifically for decoding the boy's work. The gloom that hung over the heads of the members of the analysis team had not abated in years now. A few even transferred out of the department entirely in frustration. For the ones that remained, finding out that the encrypted document they worked on for years contained entirely mundane things—from absurdly detailed research into what colour combination went best with his eyes, to which girl in his academy class he deemed the most "scientifically attractive"—was a blow too great on their collective egos.

Predictably, a petition was filed by Inoichi to cancel the operation. Sarutobi could not tell for certain whether it was the fact that so many resources had been sunk into what turned out to be a pointless endeavour, or the fact that his daughter's name appeared in one too many sections no father would be comfortable seeing associated with their only child, that prompted the decision. Either way, Sarutobi had been perfectly willing to approve the cancelling operation…

…Only the backlash from the rest of his council forced him to do the opposite thing. That is sinking even more funds and personnel into decrypting what might be, at the end of the day, a diary. A strange, oddly formal diary, but a diary nonetheless.

Homura and Koharu were very much convinced that proof of Uchiha Sasuke's treachery existed somewhere in those pages, and Hiruzen had no doubt in his mind that the two were put up to this by Danzo.

Ah… How troublesome…

Heaving another sigh, he caressed his temple. At least it wasn't a total loss. The fact they were able to crack the cypher meant they would be able to recreate it. Inoichi apparently felt no shame in stealing the boy's work and creating a training program on how exactly it worked for the ANBU and his department. A cypher able to stymie Konoha's entire intelligence department for six years was not something he dared turn his nose up at. As for why they didn't just adapt it directly?

Answer: Uchiha Sasuke.

Obviously, it would be foolish to use something the boy created and not expect he would have a field day with it the moment he is given the opportunity. Regardless of what Sarutobi might feel regarding the matter, Uchiha Sasuke was still an entity under suspicion in the eyes of the state.

Sarutobi read through the rest of the reports before setting them aside. He rose from his seat, smoothing out his robes as he made his way outside. He felt tired.

Really tired. And old. Yes… old.

"Where is Gai?" he asked out loud.

A figure flickered into view. A weal-like scar on the face, running across the bridge of his nose and down across the left side of his face. Brown spiky hair. Dark eyes.

Raidō Namiashi of the Hokage Guard Platoon

"Reporting! Might Guy was last spotted engaging in a training exercise with his students at Training Ground twenty-three, Hokaga-sama," the elite bodyguard replied.

"...Summon him please," Sarutobi replied.

"Yes. Hokage-sama."


Guy appeared before Hiruzen in a cyclone of swirling leaves. "Hokage-sama! You summoned me!" he said, his voice booming in the otherwise empty room.

"Yes," the Hokage replied. "I have a mission for you."

"I am all ears, Hokage-sama!"

"Good," Hiruzen nodded, his gaze turning thoughtful. "...How acquainted are you with Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Not very sir!"

"I see… Either way, we would just have to make do. I would be placing the boy temporarily on your team, at least until either Kakashi or Lee get better. Your mission is to gather as much information as you can reasonably gather about him. Anything thing at all of value would really help me to determine the next steps to take regarding this matter."

Hiruzen reached for a small booklet and a scroll on his desk before tossing them to the Jonin. "The booklet was Kakashi's. It contained what information he made to glean since being assigned to Team Seven. The scroll on the other hand contains all the details you need to be aware of to conduct your investigation… safely. Any questions?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Guy replied, his voice growing atypically quieter. "Why am I being paid 2,000,000 ryō to spy on a thirteen-year-old?"

"Most of it is hazard pay," Hiruzen replied grimly. "There are suspicions that the boy is responsible for Kakashi's current state. There's a reason the mission was upgraded from B to S-rank after all. So, please, be careful…

"Very careful."

"...Understood, Hokage-sama."

 7 Chapters Ahead on Patreon!

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