
Heir of Annihilation and Heir of Destruction I.

***Vesperion home, Kaiser's study***

Kaiser was sitting on his sofa drinking tea and lost in thoughts when a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in." said Kaiser and the door opened and Grayfia stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Master, I have managed to arrange a meeting with house Gremory. They wish to hold the meeting 2 days from today. They also mentioned that Sirzechs Gremory will also attend this meeting to assess your strength, but it is probably for security measures as well." Grayfia said then went to stand behind the sofa Kaiser was sitting on.

"Can you teleport us there?" Kaiser asked the maid.

"Yes, I know the location of the Gremory estate and your parents have already bestowed your family's teleportation circle upon me." Grayfia answered and they sunk into a comfortable silence.

"I can only imagine what faces they made when a house thought to be extinct made contact with them. This meeting should be a lot of fun, especially if that Zekram Bael guy catches wind of my existence. He was really supportive of the idea to destroy house Vesperion, or at least that's what my parents told me." Kaiser said out of nowhere with an amused smile adorning his face.

***2 days later***

Two days have passed by without anything of importance happening and the day of the meeting has arrived. Kaiser alongside Grayfia was currently on his way to inform his parents of his departure to the Gremory territory.

Once they arrived at the familiar double door, Kaiser knocked on it twice.

"Enter." answered Michael's voice. Kaiser opened the door and entered the room followed by Grayfia who closed the door behind her and they stood in front of the desk of Michael who was accompanied by his wife Alicia.

"Father, mother. I'm going to depart to the Gremory territory with Grayfia to have a meeting with them. I will also be able to meet Sirzechs Gremory, one of the main figures and fighters of the Rebellion." Kaiser said and waited for an answer from his parents.

"Alright, son. I trust you to take care of yourself and your maid if the need to do so were to arise. Have a nice trip." Michael answered with a smile on his face and then waited for his wife to say something as well.

"Be careful sweetie. You know how treacherous those bastards can be. Keep your guard up at all times and trust no one. Have a safe and successful trip and come home as soon as possible." Alicia said with clear concern on her face.

"Worry not, I will act cautiously. See you two later." said Kaiser and left the room followed by Grayfia. Once they made it back to the study, Kaiser nodded at the maid and she made the teleportation circle and they disappeared from the room and reappeared in front of the Gremory estate.

They walked towards the gate and the guards standing in front of the gate stopped them immediately.

"Identify yourselves and state your purpose." one guard shouted and aimed their weapon at the pair in front of him while the other did the same.

"My name is Kaiser Vesperion, the sole heir to house Vesperion and this is my personal maid Grayfia Lucifuge. I have an appointment with the Gremory family." answered Kaiser and waited for the response of the guards.

"Yes, we have been informed about your arrival, but please verify your identity with your magic circle." asked the second guard. Kaiser did as they asked and conjured a purple magic circle and they nodded and let the two of them go through the gates. They started to walk towards the main door of the mansion.

"I'm surprised they even knew what my family's magic circle looks like considering the fact that we were thought to be all dead." said Kaiser.

"The gate guards are required to study all of the families' magic circles to recognize them. Nobody bothered to modify those books so the gate guards all know about your family." Grayfia responded and shortly after that they arrived at the front door and knocked on it.

A maid opened the door and bowed to them and let them in.

"Young master Kaiser. The meeting room has already been set up and the participants are currently arriving as we speak. Let me lead you to the place." said the maid and she started leading us through the mansion.

We arrived in front of a door and the maid knocked on it. Once she got permission she entered and announced our arrival.

"The heir of house Vesperion, Kaiser Vesperion has arrived accompanied by his personal maid." said the maid before bowing and leaving the room and closing the door.

There were a few people already sitting there drinking either tea or wine, there was one person with whiskey in his glass. They were all eyeing the new arrivals with curiosity.

"Good day to you all. As you heard my name is Kaiser Vesperion and this is my maid Grayfia Lucifuge, although I'm pretty sure you already knew this. But it appears that I do not know anyone present here, so I wish for a pleasant exchange of introductions if none of you mind of course." Kaiser said with a smile while looking around the room and assessing the people's power levels.

'They range from high-class to ultimate-class. There is only one who is at the peak-level of ultimate-class.' thought Kaiser as he finished scanning everyone in the room.

"Zeoticus Gremory. Head of the Gremory household." answered a man with red hair and blue eyes. He had a lean physique and the aura of a leader around him.

'So the head of the Gremory family possesses peak-level ultimate-class strength, not bad.' thought Kaiser.

On Zeoticus' right side, a woman spoke up who had brown hair and purple eyes.

"My name is Venelana Gremory, the lady of house Gremory. Formerly known as Venelana Bael." she had a pleasant aura around her and she spoke with a smile on her face.

'She is in the initial level of ultimate-class, considering her standing as a lady of a noble house I thought she would be all bark and if shit hits the fan she would hide behind her husband, but I guess I was wrong. And she was a Bael. I know that Zekram bastard had the [Power of Destruction], so I assume she inherited it as well, this gives a chance to her children to inherit this power.' Kaiser thought as he looked at the next person who spoke up.

On Zeoticus' left side, there was a man sitting with black hair and purple eyes.

"The name is Akanaz Bael. I'll be representing the Bael clan in this meeting." he spoke with a harsh tone eyeing Kaiser dangerously.

'Initial-level of high-class. I wonder if he has the [Power of Destruction] or not considering he is a Bael as well. But at least I was right, the Bael fuckers know that I'm here and they even sent a representative, How cute.' Kaiser thought as he nodded at the man and looked at the last person who sat on the left side of Akanaz.

"I'm Viran Sitri. I'm representing the Sitri house in this meeting. Nice to meet you." the man answered and showed a small smile.

'Intermediate-level of high-class. I don't have much to think about him since I know next to nothing about his family or what they specialize in. But his strength is nothing impressive that's for sure.'

After the introductions were over Zeoticus spoke up.

"Take a seat young man. We are only waiting for the arrival of my son and then we can begin this meeting." said Zeoticus. Kaiser did just that and Grayfia went to stand behind his chair, but as soon as he finished talking a knock came from the door, then it opened and a maid came in.

"Sirzechs Gremory, the Heir of house Gremory has arrived." as soon as she said that the maid left a young man with red hair and blue eyes similar to his father's entered the room and looked around. His eyes settled on the unknown man sitting separately from the other four people with a maid standing behind him.

Sirzechs started walking towards the unknown man. Kaiser who noticed Sirzechs was approaching him stood up and locked his eyes with the man.

'He is stronger than me, at least initial-level of satan-class. So the rumours that he could rival the Satans are true. Especially with that [Power of Destruction]. I read about it from a book my father gave me. It rivals [Power of Annihilation]. I didn't know he had a power like that, but from up close I could see the swirls of destruction in his eyes. This makes it a lot more interesting. This also means that Venelana Gremory also has this power.' Kaiser thought as he didn't look away from the man.

'Intermediate-level of calamity-class. There aren't many people running around with that kind of strength. Especially if he has inherited the [Power of Annihilation] which is at the very least on par with my [Power of Destruction] so he can surely punch above his weight class. And I'm fairly confident to think that he has indeed inherited it. He unconsciously emitted a unique and potent aura for a second. Other people didn't seem to be aware of this so it is likely that it was aimed at me as a sign of defiance knowing that my class is above his. Also, there is no information about what other powers he has. He could become an irreplaceable ally to the Rebellion.' thought Sirzechs as he was approaching the man.

Once Sirzecsh arrived in front of Kaiser both of them just kept staring at each other until Sirzechs suddenly extended his hand for a handshake. Kaiser observed his hand for a few moments and took his hand and they shook hands.

"Sirzecsh Gremory, a pleasure." said Sirzechs with a smile.

"Kaiser Vesperion, likewise" replied Kaiser with a small glint in his eyes.

Then they let go of each other's hands and Kaiser sat down again. Sirzechs took the seat that was to his mother's right.

"Now that everyone has arrived, let us begin this meeting." said Zeoticus and clapped his hands and put up a silencing barrier and the meeting had officially begun.

Silencing Barrier: Doesn't let sound come out of the barrier

failurebydesigncreators' thoughts