
Chapter 116: The Wars That Began

Kronos swung his giant axe and a wave of air travelled towards the young man before him. But when the wind hit his face, there was no change in the gentle man's countenance.

"If this is your power, it will be hard for you to defeat me."

"Fight instead of talk!"

Kronos lunged forward and struck the youth with his axe, but the youth disappeared in an instant.

"Before we fight, it would be better to exchange names. My name is Darius. And what is your name?"

Darius was still invisible. It wasn't because of his speed. It was obviously his gift.

"My name is Kronos."

As Kronos spoke, a growl rose from the shadows. In an instant, Kronos was flying through the air. He managed to escape only by knocking down trees.

"Well then, Kronos, I'll show you what kindness is."

Another punch struck Kronos in the face, forcing him to topple the trees. Then he took one under the chin and was blown into the air.

Kronos didn't realise what was happening until he was airborne. After he was blown up, he wasn't given much of a chance to understand anything. Darius was pounding Kronos' body with countless punches.

"Rage of Disembodied fists!"

As Kronos' pain increased, the places where Darius' fists struck were now covered in blood.

Darius brought both hands together and struck Kronos in the head with a nutcracker.

Kronos crashed into the earth like a meteor, shattering the earth and creating a small benchmark.

Kronos closed his eyes. His face was covered in blood. His body was covered in blood in all sorts of places. There was no way he could be alive right now.

Darius stepped in front of Kronos and dropped his cloak. As he looked at Kronos with pitying eyes, he wondered why it was so easy.

The Axe of Monsters behind Darius began to stir as Kronos opened his right hand without Darius noticing.

"You shouldn't have fought me, Kronos, I'm from the Academy of Superior Hybrids, I'm not a-"

Darius was cut off by the giant axe striking him in the head.

As blood spurted from Darius' mouth, Kronos leapt straight up into the air and swung the axe at Darius, twirling it haphazardly in his hand.

Darius was invisible, but he couldn't avoid the attack. He was only lucky that he had hit the blunt side of the axe. But he still lost a few teeth and certainly suffered a few cracks in his head.

He flew through the air and crashed into a tree, but he was not as tough as Kronos. And Kronos had not taken such a big blow. He tried to stand up, but his body wouldn't let him.

"Let me tear you to pieces!!!"

"The Earth-Shattering Palm of the Spirit Bear!!!"

The Blue bear figure on the Beasts Axe flashed and Kronos lifted the Axe and swung it downwards. Darius' eyes filled with fear as a Bear Claw appeared in sight.

"Am I going to die so soon?

At that moment, with a slashing sound, the Spirit Bear's claw split into two. Then a young man with blonde hair, about 17 or 18 years old, appeared. As the Spirit Bear's Claw instantly disintegrated, Kronos could tell that he was also from the Hybrid School because of his upright posture and superior gaze. Kronos dropped his axe to the ground with the aura he felt from the newly arrived Hybrid as he moved into a fighting stance. His eyes widened and he felt as if he had forgotten how to breathe.


Swallowing hard, he struggled to stand. Even though he wasn't directing his aura at him, he felt crushed under it.


Darius looked up as if to ask, but fainted before he could answer. When Klaus saw Darius faint, he looked angrily at Kronos. But even this look was enough to make Kronos stick to the ground.

Still, Klaus did not attack Kronos. To Klaus, Kronos was just an insect. He didn't need to rush to crush him. His priority was to save Darius.

Kronos took a deep breath as Klaus took Darius and disappeared. It looked like he could finally get some rest as he lowered himself to the ground.

It was then that he looked up into the sky and saw a writing appear. It was a small Red Lightning bolt, and underneath it was the Emperor. Next to the VS, under Eorin, was the word Senior.

When Kronos saw this writing, he understood a few things.

"So an Emperor from the Red Lightning Academy and a Senior from the Eorin Academy are fighting right now. So that's what the last formation was for."

There were 3 formations in the Sky Lands. One resurrects the dead. One teleported the dead to the academy. The last one showed the Titled fighting. Kronos wondered if it showed the winners.

Meanwhile, Alvar was looking at the young man coming towards him. Alvar understood everything from the writing in the sky, but the foolish youth in front of him still seemed to understand nothing.

As the white-haired youth walked towards Alvar with a smile on his face, Alvar felt his power. He was in the centre of the Orange Lightning.

The mocking smile on Alvar's face disappeared and was replaced by absolute seriousness. He stretched his legs and put his hand on the scabbard at his waist. When he closed his eyes and began to whisper something, his aura completely changed. That cynical feeling was replaced by the grace of a Buddha.

The white-haired youth laughed mockingly and looked at Alvar.

"It is truly astonishing that you have defeated so many people, but who do you think you are against me, calling yourself great? I am one of the great geniuses of Eorin Academy. You are really out of line." said the white-haired youth.

The white-haired youth stopped walking and started running. A sword appeared in his hand and he was moving forward to cut Alvar.

"The Art of Purple Buddha Lightning.... 1. Lightning. "

Alvar opened his eyes.


Alvar sheathed his sword again. But when he sheathed it back, he was six metres behind the white-haired youth. The white-haired youth's eyes widened and he was unable to move. The only thing he saw was a Buddha with Purple Lightning, and then his sword and head were cut in half.

As the white-haired youth's body fell to the ground, Alvar's mocking expression appeared on his face again and he disappeared in the forest with a shambling walk.


On the west side of the island, the students of the Red Lightning Academy and the students of the other Academies were engaged in a fierce fight. Limbs were flying into the air. People were spitting blood. Screams were all around and everyone was attacking whoever they saw. They were killing as many people as they could.

Meanwhile, Hiran was fighting a 20-year-old man. He was in the centre of Green Lightning, but Hiran was able to fight him.

At that moment, a throwing knife was heading towards Hiran. When Hiran saw the knife, he changed his position and moved to the left, but the other guy had anticipated this and swung his knife in that direction. Hiran's eyes filled with fear as the blade came towards Hiran's face.

Just then a sword emerged from the shadows and pierced his heart. As Hiran stood on the ground in shock, a hand grabbed him and lifted him off the ground.

"Now is not the time to sleep, Hiran! The war is going badly! Yes, we will win the war, but it will cost us dearly! We must do something urgently!" said Kevin. They didn't used to like Hiran. Because Hiran had humiliated Melony in the past, but now they were co-operating and helping each other.

Hiran came out of his shock and looked around. The Red Lightning Academy was killing everyone, but the dead were taking someone with them. At this rate, there would be very few left to protect the city.

"You find Melony! I'll hurry and find Urasi, he's a senior and more experienced than us! He should be able to do something!"

Kevin nodded and the two left each other there.

Kevin began to move quickly. Cutting down the weaker ones and running away from the stronger ones. That was the only way they could survive.

When Kevin found Melony, he realised that she was caught in a trap just like Hiran. He immediately rescued Melony with Skana and healed her wounds.

"The war is getting worse!!! We're taking too many casualties!!!" said Melony. The battle was so noisy that when someone tried to tell someone something they had to shout.

"I know!!! I've come for this we have to do something!!!" said Kevin. He looked worried. While talking to Melony, he thrust his sword into the shadows and prevented anyone from taking advantage of the Red Lightning academy. Then the student thanked Kevin with a nod and moved on to fight others.

Kevin turned round and looked at Melony. Melony had grown her hair for battle and fought mostly by mentally possessing people, but someone had finally caught her. If Kevin hadn't come, he would have been finished.

'I wonder if.... Can I talk to her?' Melony thought. Kevin nudged her as she looked around and began to speak.

"I'm going to meditate for a little while! Cover me, Kevin!!!" As she got into the meditation position, Kevin gave her an innocent dog look.

"You didn't have to tell me. I would have protected you anyway."

"What did you say?!? I couldn't hear you!"


Melony gave Kevin a strange look and went into meditation.


As soon as Melony entered her own mind, she started to look around. There was someone she was looking for. Someone who had spoken to her months ago. The one who had led her directly to the summit of the peak of the Yellow Lightning.

Melony was lost in her memories as she searched for her soul, but always a mysterious energy would come to her rescue. Even Melony didn't realise what was happening, but she was still moving forward. Her mind, mixed in black and white, represented her mistakes and the right things she had done. Her regrets and what she was proud of.

As Melony wandered through her mind painted in black and white, she saw bubbles everywhere. These bubbles were her memories.

"Hi, I'm Melony."

"He's just a loser!!"

"Me? I'm the strongest of the four."

"Damn my arrogance!"

Melony was having flashbacks. At the academy, in front of her house, on Koi mountain.... Melony was seeing his own memories. His mistakes and righteousness together.

Melony moved her foot forward once more and realised that there was nothing underneath.

Melony started to fall like falling from the sky. She was trying to hold somewhere with her hand, but there was nowhere to hold. While frowning, she did not know how to get out of this situation.

At that moment, an invisible force grabbed Melony. Melony looked around for the person controlling her, but she could only turn her head. Her body was frozen in place.

"I'm in front of you, Melony." said a woman's voice.

Melony looked at the person calling her. Her pink hair was coming to her shoulders. She was wearing a black robe and although there was no wind, it was waving. This was because of the power of the pink-haired woman. Her eyes were blue and she had a round head. She had a very beautiful face. A small nose and a sincere smile made Melony compare her to a Princess. As she smiled towards Melony, Melony was looking at her in amazement at her beauty.

"Why did you come here, Melony?" said the pink-haired woman and woke Melony up from the trance she was in.

Melony didn't know what to say as she looked at the pink-haired woman. She couldn't speak for a while and when her voice finally came out, she managed to ask the right question that could be asked.

" Who are you? "

Melony didn't expect someone like this to be inside her body. The most important thing was what such a person was looking for inside her body.

The pink-haired woman sighed slightly and began to speak.

"My name is Rosa. I died the moment you were born. I was born on another planet far away from this one as a human and a member of the Greenbolt household. My life was very comfortable and peaceful. Until the raid on my planet. I spilled a lot of blood and lost many friends to protect my people. When I died, I swore I would return- "

"That's why I was born."

Melony was beginning to realise everything. The one she had been feeling all this time, the one who called her, the one who guided her, was actually herself again. While she was in shock again, it was Rosa's voice that woke her up from the shock.

"So why did you come here, Melony? "said Rosa.

Melony looked at Rosa and frowned and entered a serious mode.

"I want you to help me, I want you to give me a higher power for a brief moment, like the Hell sword of the 7 Dimensions did to Boyd. "said Melony.

Rosa shook her head from side to side.

"I cannot increase your power as you say, but I can give you a great energy. What you do with that energy is entirely up to you. "said Rosa. After Melony nodded, Rosa raised her hand and a white light formed in her hand. As the light grew bigger and bigger, it no longer fit into Melony's mind. The same power threw Melony out of her own mind.


Hiran was breathing deeply when he came to Urasi's side. As Urasi's white cloak hung down, Hiran raised his head and looked at the other white cloaked man next to him, but he couldn't help his excitement as soon as he recognised him. This person was Jandar, the most powerful senior of the Red Lightning Academy. His power was not at the beginning of the peak of Orange Lightning like Urasi, but directly at the peak. And he was also from the 4th Grade and 8th Kata. He was Alvar's greatest enemy for the title of Emperor. Yet now was the time when they needed his help the most.

Hiran quickly told them what had happened and what was going on. He did not fail to mention that Kevin and Melony were at the east gate of the City.

"Then listen to me, Hiran! Tell everyone you see to attack anyone weaker than themselves! Me and Urasi. For the Emperors, send someone fast and strong enough to the Forest! Find one of the Legends or Emperors! Start gathering people here. I'll try to hold off the Emperors, but there are 3 Emperors in the city! Even if I can kill one of them, the others will give me a hard time! So really hurry up!"

Jandar's speech sounded like an order to Hiran. He immediately nodded and ran to fulfil the orders.

As Jandar went in one direction, Urisi started to move in a completely different direction.


At that time, a tremendous energy began to emanate from Melony's body at the east gate. The energy was so strong that it could destroy the entire east gate and it was 3 kilometres wide. Only someone in the Purple Lightning could make such an explosion.

But the energy in Melony's body was increasing. If she kept going like this, it was only a matter of time before she exploded. Of course, Kevin also felt the energy, but he understood it in a completely different way.

'So you're planning to do it with my Shadow Realm. That makes perfect sense! You're a genius, Melony!

Kevin immediately pulled one of those in the battle and told him what he was going to do. Of course, the third year boy immediately agreed.

Kevin got behind Melony and rubbed their hands together. He placed his hands on Melony's shoulders as an excited smile formed on his face.

Kevin's arms burned from the energy coming from Melony, but they were healing again. But Kevin still felt the pain and couldn't stop gritting his teeth.

Kevin forced himself and threw his hand to Skana. He plunged his sword into the ground in front of Melony and the earth began to be covered with the power of shadows.

The eyes of the people who felt the shadows on the earth turned to where Kevin and Melony were. As they all rushed towards the place together, the students of the Red Lightning Academy were protecting Kevin and Melony as one.

As one of the students of the Red Lightning Academy sliced his opponent in half, he saw a pair of eyes looking towards them. The students of the Red Lightning Academy panicked when the White Cloak man suddenly emitted his aura. One of them quickly turned and shouted at Kevin.

"Kevin, hurry! There's an Emperor here!"

When Kevin realised that an Emperor was nearby, he increased the power he received from Melony.


Melony and Kevin used all their strength and spread the shadows over a 3 km area, but in the end, neither of them could stop themselves from vomiting a handful of blood.

While Melony was holding herself back from fainting, Kevin's whole body was being torn apart and healed. Despite the excruciating pain, the veins in Kevin's neck were visible as he held on.

Finally, Kevin let go of Melony and grabbed Skana. At that moment when everyone held their breath, Kevin roared and said the words they were waiting for.


A 3 km area was covered by the power of the shadows.

When the Shadow Realm disappeared, only the students of the Red Lightning Academy were standing. They all couldn't believe their eyes, but Kevin and Melony couldn't stand it and fainted. One of the students managed to catch Kevin before he fell to the ground.

While everyone was celebrating, a hand reached out like a monster. The white cloak he was wearing was about to turn to dust. He had lost the right side of his body. But he was still up for revenge. Even though he had lost most of his strength, he didn't need much more to overcome the Green Lightning and the heads of the Orange Lightning. He was an Emperor! Even he couldn't believe how he died like this! Still, he was determined to take one of those two monsters with him.

In that fleeting moment, an inscription appeared in the sky. On one side, it said Eorin Academy, and underneath it, it said Emperor.

Next to it, opposite VS, was Red Lightning. Underneath it was Senior.

A pair of feet landed on the Emperor's chest and cold metal separated the Emperor's head from his body.

The Emperor's body fell backwards as Urasi did a backflip and landed on both feet. The inscription in the sky also disappeared after the Emperor was crossed out.

In Melony's mind, Rosa was bewildered by what Kevin had done. She had expected the east gate to be completely destroyed and everyone there to die, but this young man had saved everyone with a different idea. Kevin liked Rosa.

'How interesting. "
