
Chapter 1 - Stolen

At every opportunity, humans seemed eager to prove that their usefulness was limited. They contributed so very little to the Citadel, and many Asari could never truly understand why the Council had decided to permit them to join. Perhaps it was all just a show to convince the humans in power that the natural course of things would be changing; a way to soften up their borders and their resistances. Not that it particularly mattered...the Asari had always been good at taking what they wanted from them regardless of their consent.

Sometimes; however, the humans took things back. It was in those moments that the Asari sent their best in order to reclaim what had been stolen. It was in those moments that a Justicar was dispatched, and woe befell any that were unwise enough to cross one.

Elez V'Tila scoffed as she boarded the ship of her target, her nose scrunching up at the scent. There was a foul aroma filling the rear of the vessel - a clear sign that the human that had stolen it didn't know how to properly maintain an Asari clutch ship. The relays had been poorly tended to, the power cells were leaking, and the entire thing needed to be taken in for inspection. Ultimately it was a good thing, since if the human knew what she was doing when she stole it Elez never would've caught up.

The Justicar removed her helmet as soon as she snuck on board; slinking in from her own cloaked vessel that had docked stealthily to the other. More of the human's incompetence showed - any Asari would've been easily able to tell that another ship locked onto their own like a leech on the belly. It only made Elez more confident as she began to drift from room to room of the Asari clutch ship, working from the rear to where the thief was likely waiting in the bridge.

Stern features were usually enough to tell anyone that Elez V'Tila was a Justicar; her rich blue skin marked with a scar or two across her forehead and tendrils, sharp purple eyes that carried many years worth of experience in their gaze. She carried no weapon simply because she didn't need to - for nearly a thousand years, biotics had taken care of any dangers she came across, and a single thieving human was hardly a threat. Humans were many things...but in their entire interaction with Asari for the past ten years, they had never been anything close to a threat.

Elez made a few mental notes as she continued through the ship, paying close attention to the parts that would require service. She'd need to run it back to the Citadel as soon as she neutralized her target, not just for the sake of the stolen vessel but for the security of its cargo. Asari clutch ships were known to carry valuable treasure indeed, one of the few resources worth dispatching a Justicar in order to recover. And as Elez made her way into the primary storage room of the vessel, she came across said cargo with a small smile creeping across her stern, stoic lips.

"Justicar...Justicar...please…" Whimpers, moans, desperate voices coming from a containment unit she couldn't quite pick out from the crowd.

"Justicar...please fuck me…" Another voice, added to the melody of soft tones flooding the room. One became five, and then ten, and then twenty as more containment units realized just who had stepped inside. Though none of them knew her name, they all recognized an Asari Justicar when they saw one.

They all recognized one of the species that they had been broken to worship.

From wall to wall, stretching for most of the ship, the containment units held naked human women in perfect suspension. Each one was positioned so that their arms were locked behind their backs and their legs stretched and spread, pussies exposed and left untouched. Like eggs in a carton the humans were lined up one by one in identical positions, clearly packaged for easy transport to their destination. Some had swollen bellies and were visibly pregnant while others were merely starting to show, but Elez knew that if she checked the vitals on each and every containment unit's panel it would confirm that they were all with child.

A full Asari clutch ship, meant for immediate delivery to Thessia. The Asari that had allowed some upstart human to steal it would be severely punished.

"Justicar, I haven't been fucked in almost a day…" A voice whined, pathetic words of adoration from an equally pathetic human. "Please shove your cock in me, Justicar…!"

"No, me! Me first!" Another called, a woman with older features. The human cattle came from all walks of life; every different shade of color their species could attain, and any age that fit the Asari parameters for healthy breeding. "I can't wait until Thessia!"

"Silence, sluts." Justicar Elez spoke, her voice low but commanding great authority. Though it pained the whores greatly to silence themselves none dared speak up after that moment, falling immediately quiet out of respect for the Asari. Elez took the time to reach for one of the nearest control panels in the cargo room, tapping a few buttons and chewing on her bottom lip. Once more she spoke but to no one in particular; simply the soft mutterings of a woman that was sent there for a purpose. "...let's see how the clutch is doing…"

Despite the condition of the ship, there was no damage among the cargo. None of the cattle or the future Asari growing within them were harmed - a very, very lucky thing for the human that had stolen the vessel. As soon as she confirmed the status of the precious and treasured cargo Elez tuned the controls into the ship's security feed, quickly focusing on the bridge to see what exactly she was up against.

A human woman; another one of those damned resistance soldiers that had been causing so many problems lately. From the feed of the camera Elez could tell she was tall, likely nearly six feet or even a bit over. Strong in her own way as well, sporting sculpted arms that made it clear she took great care of her form. Short black hair was cut close to her head; the style of a soldier that wanted to keep her locks short while still having something for a lover to run their hand through.

Most importantly...she was leaning back and watching a holovid, completely ignorant that the stolen ship had been boarded. Elez merely chuckled, and as she switched the feed off her tongue danced lightly across her lips, nursing a bit of anticipation. Perhaps this mission wouldn't be quite as boring as she thought it would be at first...perhaps Justicar Elez V'Tila would make her own contribution to the clutch ship by the time she brought it back to the Citadel.

"Stay quiet, sluts." Elez spoke up once more, knowing that her word was law to the pregnant humans held in their unique prisons. Each one was glistening and moist from the mere presence of the Justicar, and not even Elez's mature resolve could completely keep her arousal in check. Already she was throbbing against the skin tight grip of her suit, and already she was picking out which of the whores she'd enjoy on her return trip. The eighteen year old redhead with a small belly bump. The forty-three year old woman with dark skin that was well into her last trimester. The twins. Definitely the twins.

But...her duty came first, and by the time Justicar Elez made her way through the cargo room her fingers were already crackling with energy. She was going to wrap plenty of humans around her enormous blue cock by the time she pulled into the Citadel's dock, but the first one was definitely going to be the thief.

Stealing from the Asari punishable by death, but the human on the bridge was very fortunate that there happened to be one containment unit left unoccupied. One she would fit quite nicely inside.


To the human's credit, as soon as she heard the door to the bridge open she was quick to act. It was hard to even blame her for letting her guard down; there weren't many in the galaxy that had the ship and the skill needed to catch a moving vessel and infiltrate it so efficiently. As soon as the door opened the soldier leapt from her seat and snatched up a pulse rifle that was nearby, hoisting it to her chest and levelling her gaze at the intruder. Without words or pause she fired off a few rounds in rapid succession, but a simple standard issue weapon was nothing compared to the might of a Justicar.

The blasts struck the biotic field surrounding Elez and made a muffled noise as they faded, but just to secure her advantage the Justicar let a hand lash out while fields of energy coalesced around her fingers. The weapon wasn't just ripped from the human's hands - it was demolished. Buckled and bent as invisible impacts struck it from every angle, until a simple ball of metal fell to the floor as a smoldering wreckage.

"You're taking this ship in the wrong direction." Justicar Elez smirked, allowing rightly-earned confidence to ease into her voice. "Thessia is in the opposite direction. That's your new home, after all." The human, even though she was clearly beaten right from the beginning, clearly wasn't the sort to go down without a fight. Her large fists tightened and her arms lifted in a defensive position, a growl rolling from the back of her throat as she responded.

"Fuck you, you blue bitch." She snarled, her eyes narrow and focused on the Asari's face. "Those girls are getting deprogrammed. I'll be damned if I let you take them back to that prison you call a planet!"

"Thessia is a paradise." Elez responded simply, sweetly, and even let her hands lower. One of them folded behind her back as the other moved across her lap, idly stroking the stiff cock that still pushed against the material of her skintight suit. The teasing was so often one of the sweetest parts - toying with her prey until she finally indulged herself. "For the Asari and for our broodmares. You'll be well fed. Your health needs will be taken care of. You'll spend every single moment of your waking life in a happiness you can barely imagine."

"I've seen the holovids." The soldier growled in response, her hands still locked into tight fists. She was ready for anything - at least, she thought she was. She likely had no idea just how severe a disadvantage she was at. "Nothing but human asses sticking out of walls! You treat us like toys!"

"The human leadership is free to bring this complaint to the Council at any time." Justicar Elez responded with a smirk. Unlike the human she was clearly unconcerned, and instead of raising her hands she continued to lightly stroke and fondle her shaft. It was only getting harder and more excited the longer she stood there watching; studying the muscular soldier, her beautiful strong frame, her bravery for standing up in that moment. She was going to make for a delightful broodmare, and the Justicar was thrilled to be the one to breed her first. "But until then...you know how this will end, girl. Don't make me bruise you - you're already not nearly as pretty as the others." The soldier, her eyes flashing in rage, finally pushed her assault.

"I'll beat you down with my bare fucking hands, cunt!" She roared, lunging forward as if she were a Krogan battlemaster. Unfortunately for her, Justicar Elez wouldn't have been intimidated even if she was. As the human lunged forward she took a few wide swings, each one whipping through the air and missing the Asari by just a few inches. As she weaved and dodged Elez couldn't help but smile all the wider, and she pointedly licked her lips as the human worked herself into a frenzy. This one would be great fun to break - she had spirit. Spirit that took the form of berserk flailing and an angry cry that pierced the air of the bridge. "You took my sister! My mother! I'll never forgive you!"

"Forgive? Perhaps not." Justicar Elez finally responded, just as biotic energy once more crackled across her fingertips. When she returned a blow to the human it was swift and to her midsection, and riding it was enough force to instantly make the human double over. As she dropped to her knees wincing and trying to catch her breath, Justicar Elez merely smirked and gazed down at the prone figure below her. "But worship? That...I believe you can be taught."

Even now, with her body aching and tears marking the corners of her eyes, the powerful soldier was willing to resist. With her palms pressed flat to the floor she forced her head to look up, clenching her teeth and studying her enemy. For the first time she saw it - that massive cock only barely restrained by the skintight suit - and for the first time she realized just what would become of her. With a tremble of emotion running through her she spoke again, sounding like the pathetic, helpless mess that she really was. That all humans were.

"I'll die before I do." She swore, though it was a lie that almost every human in her position told. Justicar Elez merely smiled as one of her hands dropped down, and she allowed her fingers to smoothly, gently, run through the human's hair. She tousled the short locks, slid a thumb across the woman's sweat-marked forehead, and eventually lowered to lift her chin. Their eyes met, and Justicar Elez spoke without any trace of doubt, hesitation, and most devoid of all - mercy.

"You'll die of old age, many years from now." She cooed, her voice saturated and dripping with condescension and dominance. "And you won't be remembered by your sister, your mother, me, or any of the Asari you'll give birth to before that day comes."

A harsh truth, but on the bright side...she would enjoy every one of her remaining days as she served as yet another breeding bitch of Thessia.


"Karen Theodore." Justicar Elez read the girl's name, holding her identification between two delicate fingers. "Thirty-three years old. Ten years of service in the Alliance military." She held the card up before flicking it lightly to the side. "This is out of date, Karen. Should I take that to mean you abandoned them?"

"The Alliance Navy was taking their orders from the Citadel." Karen spat out, and still snarled despite her precarious position. "Wasn't going to be a part of helping you blue cunts take whatever you want. Fuck the Alliance, fuck the Citadel, and fuck Asari." Justicar Elez afforded herself a sweet little laugh at that, and moved a hand out to lightly caress the human's cheek in a mocking fashion.

"Now now, I know you're impatient, but not just yet." She cooed, to which Karen merely grimaced and winced at the suggestion. "You know, Karen...you're lucky that when you stole this ship you merely snuck on board and took it while it was refueling. I can't begin to describe what would have happened to you if you had actually killed an Asari to take it."

"...I can't imagine something worse than this."

On one hand, she wasn't trying hard enough. But on the other...Justicar Elez could understand why she felt that way. After her swift defeat Karen had been quickly moved through the ship, brought all the way back into the cargo hold where she now had the honored position of occupying the vacant containment unit. She was laying on her back with her legs forced to spread and her arms behind her, her head held up by a comfortable pillow so she could watch as everything happened to her. Stripped naked down to her Alliance navy tattoos, Karen was helpless as she wriggled from side to side against her holding frame. On either side there were other bound humans in various states of pregnancy, and they either glared at Karen in anger for stealing them away to begin with...or outright jealousy because she had the Justicar's attention.

"Karen. Sweet Karen." Justicar Elez continued, reaching a hand up across her own forehead, down the back of her tendrils as if they were long, sweeping hair. It was an elegant motion, even sensual, and several of the imprisoned human broodmares moaned and cooed at the sight. "Whether you believe it or not, I don't want to use such...brutish techniques. We'd much rather spend some time with a lovely human such as yourself, enjoy her company for an evening, and then-"

"Slap one of those slave collars on them and take them back to your fucking hatchery." Karen glared, gritting her teeth. "Well, I won't be so easy, cunt. First thing I did when I got into orbit was smash every last fucking one I could find that you hadn't already slapped on one of these poor girls."

Justicar Elez quirked a brow and gave a tiny chuckle, before moving a hand out and letting one slender finger caress across Karen's stomach. The mere touch of the Asari was enough to make the human shudder from indignant revulsion, and the look on her face merely made Elez smile all the wider. Though as a Justicar she was forced to very often remain serious and stoic, in times like this she deeply enjoyed a few moments of teasing brevity.

"...you should have destroyed this containment cell." She remarked coyly, and started to spin on a heel. She turned to the nearby control console and started to type, all the while the complete center of attention of all the trapped human women. Even as she spoke of the dominance her species forced upon the humans, the trapped sluts watched her with nothing but adoration and desire in their eyes, a programmed worship that was crafted half from the Asari bond and half from the powerful slave collar. Knowing full well she was the object of desire of every trapped and pregnant bitch on board, Justicar Elez took her time in looking back over her shoulder to the newest acquisition. "It looks like the ship will most certainly need to be taken to the Citadel for maintenance. It's going to be a...long ride for you, Karen Theodore. Not necessarily an unpleasant one, but certainly long."

"You won't break me." Karen snapped back, glaring. She was far more stubborn than her current position suggested; her slit exposed, her breasts in the open air, and her body held at the perfect height for fucking. "I'm stronger than these women. I'll beat you, just like humanity will beat your disgusting species right out of the Citadel and take it for their own." She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she expected to be torture of the most unique and penetrating variety. "Humanity...will...prevail."

Justicar Elez could only barely contain her laughter. The Asari woman finally turned away from the console at the same time that she reached for her uniform, grasping a zipper near the top collar and slowly beginning to draw it down. As she did so blue flesh became exposed inch by inch, and while her arms slinked free the amount of moans and gasps of pleasure filled the room exponentially. The human sluts were responding just as they had been trained, and while Justicar Elez didn't respond to Karen's claim directly, she was happy to let the other humans do it for her.

"...she's so beautiful...I want her...inside me…"

"...I hope she gets me pregnant next…"

"I can't see! Ohh, I wish I could see!"

"Justicar! I love you! Please use this human fuckhole!"

As the Justicar continued to strip the cries of lust intensified, until finally Elez stood there wearing only her boots. Beautiful smooth blue skin - marked only here and there with tiny scars from a millennia of battle - traced every inch of her body, from her smooth tendrils to her toned and fit arms, to a flat belly and of course, a noticeably long, thick cock hanging from her lap. The thing was impressive in girth in a way that Karen had never witnessed a human man achieve; and it was already sticking straight out and clearly interested in the newly acquired soldier. As the moans of the sluts around them continued Justicar Elez stretched her arms to the side and basked in it, soaking up their adulation and their worship like it was the warm and soothing rain on Thessia. And when she finally lowered her head once more to even her gaze upon Karen's face, her voice was still resting in that playful, teasing state. It was so much fun to toy with them first...after all, once they became pregnant breeding bitches, humans didn't have quite the same fire.

"Your mother and sister…" Justicar Elez spoke, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Even the mention of them made Karen flinch, exposing a vulnerable position on a human that had less than usual. "They were taken, yes?"

Karen knew full well there was no good to be had in engaging in the conversation, but...even her resilient mind knew it might have been the last one she'd really have. And if it delayed what was to come, she could tell the Asari as many things as she asked. With her head hanging to her chest and her eyes downcast the stoic soldier spoke, her voice low and thoughtful as she dwelled on the memory of those she had lost to the same species that now came for her.

"My mother, she…" Karen swallowed, muscles tightening as rage swelled within her. "...she left a note for us. Said she met an Asari woman and was running away with her. Left us...left Dad...and we didn't understand it at first. Never knew she liked women, never thought...she…"

"The seductive powers of an Asari are quite difficult to resist." Justicar Elez responded simply, though didn't mean for the words to carry any comfort. It was a brag - not a consolation. "Your mother never had a chance once one of our recruiters set her eyes on her target. Consider yourself lucky you received a note, most women that rush into our arms do so without a second thought of their family."

There was a long, tense moment in which Karen glared daggers at the Justicar until Elez finally moved a hand, wiggling her fingers and gesturing for the woman to continue.

"Please, go on." She smiled as she stepped forward, her cock swinging gently side to side as she did so. She even took the time to reach a hand out and glide her fingers up and across one of the nearby pussies - leaving her digits glistening in nectar, and making the random human she had fondled moan in wild, uncontrollable desperation. As Elez teased those glistened fingers underneath her nose to draw in the sweet smell of human nectar, she continued with a tone that was designed purely to torment. "Your sister. How did she come to find the paradise of Thessia?"

More glared daggers, none of which could even carve the thinnest layer off of Elez's smug and delighted expression. She even popped each wet fingers into her mouth and licked them clean like after a fine meal, savoring the taste of the mewling slut lucky enough to enjoy her touch. Karen, with a heart that was rapidly breaking and her body still failing to break out of her containment unit, spoke in a voice that was mournful and low.

"I don't know everything." She sighed, and again her eyes became moist with tears at the corners. Though Karen Theodore was strong and bold and brave, some wounds were always raw and exposed. "She went to Illium to be a bridesmaid at one of her friend's weddings. Never came back. All I heard was she got onto an Asari ship the night of the wedding."

"Oh, what a lucky girl." Justicar Elez looked genuinely impressed, and brought her hands together in a soft, even respectful clap. "Only Matriarchs get to have weddings on Illium, and when they marry their chosen slut, well…" She rolled her shoulders casually, trying to play off her own small shiver of jealousy. "...she gets not only her bride, but every suitable woman in attendance. Your sister is quite likely living in one of the finest buildings on Thessia now, bred again and again by one of our oldest and most powerful Asari."

If there was any comfort for Karen to grasp to, that was it. But just when her lips started to drift towards something close to a smile - as demented as it was to recognize that it was her sister's best case scenario - Justicar Elez was quick to step on her hope. She moved forward at last and allowed her throbbing blue cock to lift and crash down once more, dropping atop the human's lap and giving her a nice, clear idea of just how much of her soldier body would soon be filled with cock.

"You don't have that future ahead of you, Karen Theodore." Justicar Elez announced in a matter-of-fact voice, and gestured to the women that stretched from one end of the cargo bay to the other. "You? You'll be just like them. Happy, yes. But not special. Just another hole for women like me to enjoy, and another belly to grow the next generation of biotic goddesses."

Karen remained silent with tears on her face, either because she finally realized the futility of discussion, or she was simply in mourning for the fact that she was soon going to be a pale shadow of her former self. Either way, when Justicar Elez grasped her member at the base and began to guide it down, the stoic soldier didn't even try to push against the containment unit, nor did she even look away.

She met her fate head-on, with eyes open, as an Alliance navy woman should.

Head-on, eyes open, and tight, moist pussy slowly stretched taut around the shape of a throbbing blue cock.

The restrainment units were specifically designed so that any Asari could step forward and enjoy one of the pregnant whores; it kept them completely held in place and stable to protect from their own willful thrashings or being displaced by the thrusts of an Asari with an enormous cock. Back on Thessia each woman held by one of those mobile units would eventually be transitioned into a permanent fixture in one of the walls of the breeding palace - a large museum of human whores with walls that could shift and move to deliver a particularly requested pussy.

It was all a system that worked very efficiently and had led to the Asari becoming even more powerful than they already were; the undisputed rulers of this sector of space as far as their ships could reach. For the species that were smart enough to bow their heads to the matriarchal society prosperity and advancement were their reward; for those that opposed annihilation typically came swift and sudden. And then there were races like the humans...neither too stubborn to be wiped out or too compliant to be rewarded. Thankfully, the Asari had found the perfect use for them, and Karen Theodore was just another one to be enjoyed.

If she was lucky, when they got back to Thessia her pussy would make a good impression and be enjoyed even while she was pregnant. If she failed to win over the affections of any of the resident Asari she would be placed into a breeding cycle, and the only cock that would come her way would be when she was ready to be impregnated again.

Now six inches in with plenty more to go, Justicar Elez wasn't entirely sure what category the human would fall into. Karen was remarkably tight considering she was about thirty and had seen her fair share of war, and it was likely thanks to her well-defined muscle tone and the fact that she took care of herself. She was fit, she was strong, and she had a cunt with a particularly nice, wet grip to it. Unfortunately her muscular features, slightly chiseled face, and light scarring from her life as a soldier wouldn't win her over to many. Most Asari back on Thessia only enjoyed the prettiest and the most dainty whores; enjoying them while they were tight and young and sending them to the breeding programs once they were finished.

Justicar Elez had already decided - when she next visited Thessia she'd pay this headstrong human a visit, even if she wasn't "in demand." Even if she was already pregnant. After all, it seemed like the least she could do for a human that was strong enough to try standing up to the power of the Asari. She failed miserably; of course, but she still tried...and that was a very rare thing in these times.

"Your pussy's got a nice feel to it." Elez purred, allowing her hands to move forward so she could pinch the human's nipples. Slowly she twisted them from side to side as she shoved another inch of her cock in, taking it at a gradual pace so she could enjoy that first, wet penetration. "Your tits are firm, too. Make sure you smile when the upper class of Thessia surveys the new goods. If you're lucky, they might buy you for one of their servants."

The words only stung Karen all the more, and by now the tears on her cheeks were a guaranteed constant. She didn't try fighting against the inevitable anymore, but she did put every ounce of strength into maintaining herself as much as she could. She had heard the stories just like any Alliance navy soldier - that Asari women could make others aroused by their mere presence, that their physical contact could be dangerously alluring, that their attention could break someone's mind and heart in the same stroke. The proof of that last one surrounded Karen in the form of jealous humans with large pregnant bellies, and yet she still did her best to fight the impulses inside of her. Fight the arousal that crept across her thighs. Fight the stiffness of her nipples as they laid within the Asari's fingers as playthings. She clenched her teeth and continued to glare - if there came a time where her conscious sane thoughts finally disappeared, she wanted the last one to be how much she hated Asari.

"You broke all the slave collars, so they'll fix you with one as soon as you get back to the Citadel." Justicar Elez continued, and bucked another inch of cock into the woman's hole. She was only three-quarters finished, and already it was more cock than Karen had ever even dreamed of taking before. Her pussy was soaked and sopping as it struggled to grasp that blue length filling it, and nectar dripped in steady fashion to the basin below. Each restraining unit had a detachable tub positioned just underneath the respective slut's nethers - for as easy cleanup of juice and cum as possible. With a slightly wider gait Justicar Elez rolled her hips from side to side, preparing to take the plunge and shove the last few bits of her shaft deep into the human's tender pussy. "But let's see...if I can break you without one, shall we?"

With her final push forward Karen's silence finally broke in the form of a desperate scream, and following it was the calamity of noise that was every other breeding bitch in the cargo bay cheering. If their hands could reach they would've clapped. If they could lower their legs they'd give her a standing ovation. But as it was, all they could do is scream, cheer, and cry out joyfully for what was easily the worst few split seconds of Karen Theodore's life.

Pushed all the way down to the base, Justicar Elez could see the gentle slope of her cock pushing at the human's belly from within. Karen was strong enough that it wasn't terribly noticeable, but when she lowered a hand to approvingly run her fingers across the shape it was quite clear exactly what it was. She left herself hilting the human for a long, cruel moment, and with her fingers dancing over that distended spot of Karen's belly allowed her eyes to trace up to the resilient soldier's once more. Again she smiled across her own slightly scarred features - a smile of dominance and ownership, a smile that spoke in no uncertain terms that she wasn't just the winner of their fight, she would be the one to sire Karen's first child.

The first of many in a life that as of now was dedicated solely to that purpose.

Justicar Elez stopped to savor the feel of the human's raw, wet pussy wrapped wonderfully tight around her cock, and she took a deep breath of satisfaction as she watched Karen squirm and wince from the same delightful experience. It was a safe bet that by the end of their session Karen would have a very different opinion about getting fucked by an Asari than she did now, and she wouldn't be far off from becoming one of the moaning sluts that flanked them on every angle. Her stubborn nature was nice while it lasted. With a slow smile spreading across her mature lips the Justicar finally began to thrust, pulling her hips back slowly and sensually until she could feel just the tip of her cock crowned by the other woman's folds. She swayed her hips from side to side, took a slightly wider stance, and then truly began to fuck the imprisoned breeding bitch.

Wet, loud slaps filled the cargo bay as the Justicar rewarded herself for a job well done, treating her enormous blue length to the spoils of her daring space bound siege. Little Karen wasn't able to hold back her cries as she was steadily fucked underneath the watchful and jealous eyes of her peers, and she closed her eyes tight in order to pretend just for a few seconds that something else, anything else, was happening. The thrusts from the Justicar became louder and louder as she pushed herself forward with greater speed, until her hands finally moved to the human's thighs and she paused with her shaft midway inside of her. It was an abrupt stop that Karen didn't expect, and when she opened her eyes once more she found the courage to growl out in a low, hateful tone.

"W...What's the matter, you blue bitch?" She spat, sweat lining her brow and her expression strained and weary. "Finally realize how fucked up what you're doing is?"

Justicar Elez lifted her gaze, tilted her head and smirked with a cruel expression riding her lips. She shook her head simply just as one hand reached out for the control panel on the containment unit, striking a few buttons and humming softly to herself.

"On Thessia, a Justicar isn't given much time to...enjoy herself." She explained, and as her fingers kept working Karen could start to feel her restraints fade away. The locks were opening up, and the entire console was tilting to place her on her feet once more. Eventually Elez's cock popped free entirely, but even through the sharp and sudden gasp Karen continued to listen. "We're so often dispatched to the corners of the galaxy, we have to rush through every breeding session. I can't tell you how many times I've been offered a lovely hole to enjoy only to fuck it as quickly as I could...hardly time to enjoy it properly."

By the time Karen found her footing that reprieve was short lived. No sooner did the machine release her did Justicar Elez grasp her once more, a hand flying into her short black hair and forcibly twisting her around. Using her tremendous strength and a bit of biotic assistance she made the wobbling human bend over from the waist, and once more her cock eased against the entrance of the other's pussy. Mere split seconds before shoving herself inside, Justicar Elez growled once more with a deeply hungry tone.

"But nobody knows I found the ship just yet...so I've got all the time in the world." And with that, she suddenly slammed her hips forward and once more impaled the human atop her throbbing blue cock. Karen's screams filled the cargo bay once more along with the usual desperate moans from the other women watching nearby, their jealousy now magnified that Karen was getting fucked in a position other than her restrainment unit. The Justicar forcibly reached down and pulled up one of Karen's legs; spreading her thighs to make the slamming, intense penetration go all the deeper and harder. Her hips snapped back and forth roughly and violently, her cock delved down to the core with every single sudden press, and a wet noise filled the room when it wasn't being drowned out by Karen's screams of shock and grief.

"There, that's better!" Justicar Elez laughed with every inch of her cock throbbing against the human's tight, wet walls. Karen was gripping her more than the human would ever want to admit; a clear sign that things were already well underway. The human was soaked and wonderfully warm, ensuring that every press forward paid the proper attention to the superior Asari cock filling her. "Whores! Tell the new breeding bitch what becoming an Asari clutch slut means!"

It was perhaps the single cruelest order that Justicar Elez could have given, and the entire time it was carried out she continued to violently fuck the soldier from behind. All those toned human muscles meant nothing as she was forced to double over and present for a Justicar, and while her pussy was plunged raw and hard the voices of the other humans started to speak up in a chorus of gleeful praise. After all, they had been ordered to speak of just how happy they were.

"It's the greatest thing ever!" A joyful young woman called from the back. "I'm so happy they chose me!"

"My pussy is always happy!" Another woman spoke up, this one middle-aged yet still very, very much pregnant. "Our Asari owners are so kind - they never let a day go by before breeding me again!"

"I don't remember ever being anything other than an Asari breeding slut!" Another voice called. "Justicar, please do me next, I beg you!"

It was a harsh look into Karen's future, and the worst part was that she could already feel it happening. Her soaked slit was gripping Justicar Elez's cock intensely, milking it despite her own consent and the wills of her heart. Her body was betraying her, heat was overwhelming her, and she couldn't even try to concentrate with that steady slap, slap, slapping against her from behind. She bit fiercely down on her bottom lip until Elez fucked another scream from her, and her hands flew forward to brace against the restrainment console. And for the first time, much to her chagrin, she found herself pushing back.

Pushing back against a thick Asari cock...pushing back against a cock that...made so many other women...happy.

It was an expected reaction, and when she first felt Karen begin to rock back against her Justicar Elez smiled enormously. Her hands locked against the human's hips as she held her steady, and she continued to give her exactly what her body craved. The Justicar's large blue breasts slapped back and forth as she continued to thrust, each one watched closely by the flicking eyes of the various breeding sluts. Her sack swung forward and slapped Karen's hood every time she pushed herself down to the hilt, and her grin was spreading more by the second. Though Karen at that point was a sweaty mess of misuse and shame, the Justicar didn't wear a drop of sweat or have the slightest sign of strain. Instead, from her tendrils to her toes she was collected, calm, and fully in control.

And when she fully allowed her power to strength out, the Asari bond crashed against Karen's psyche like a tidal wave of psionic force. The Justicar's eyes went suddenly black as her grin intensified, and a pleasure unlike Karen had ever known in her old life finally grasped her. Sweltering waves of bliss rushed over her flesh like a second skin, each one making her feel depths of joy that she couldn't of even imagined before. She didn't just hit an orgasm in that moment - she hit a level greater than the combined magnitude of any climax she had ever had put together. Karen's eyes took on the same opaque black look as the Justicar's in that moment, the Asari bond dragging her screaming figure into an abyss of pleasure that she would never, ever return from.

It was a joy shared by the Justicar, but unlike Karen, she would not be broken by it. It was a pleasure she thrived on, a pleasure that her entire species had learned to control as a tool of expansion and a weapon of war. A pleasure that they were using to dominate the entire galaxy. And when the Justicar's orgasm finally rolled through her it sent a subtle psionic shockwave through the ship that had tremendous effects.

As her mighty blue member began to pulse rope after rope of cum into Karen's pussy, the human in question shrieked with the first remnants of her sanity quickly fading away. It was the psionic wave that shuddered across all the other bound breeding sluts of the clutch ship that set them off as well, and while the Justicar's cock spasmed and twitched with squirting cum she was treated to the melody of dozens of whores climaxing in unison.

Every slut on the ship that night hit a thrilling peak when the Justicar filled Karen, and similarly the basin underneath their restraining units caught the nectar and squirt that they offered. They writhed in joy and cried out for more as their bodies were overtaken by bliss, all brought on from the gentle riding wave of desire that emanated from the powerful biotic. Her cock throbbed as they squirmed and Karen twitched, her cum oozed deeper and deeper into a fertile human womb as their own pregnant bellies shook back and forth in delight and anticipation. When the Justicar was finally finished filling Karen's pussy she combed her fingers down the human's spine, leaving faint scratch marks as she did so in a form of grim appreciation. When she pulled her prick free she simply allowed Karen to drop down to her knees dismissively; not even bothering to catch her. Why bother? She wasn't pregnant yet, and there was nothing more of value to her than what would one day be in her womb.

The stoic soldier, once the strongest in her platoon and turned to become a freedom fighter, landed on scuffed knees as cum erupted out of her pussy. The copious payload of Asari seed was too much for any woman to contain, and there was no collection basin underneath her. Elez would simply let the mess sit there for now, and she watched with desire and joy as Kare oozed ounce after ounce of cum from her wet human slit. When the short-haired soldier found the strength to look up once more, it was clear that things had changed. Her stubborn look had faded, her sweat-glistened features had softened, and even her voice quivered forward with but a shadow of its former defiance.

"...J...Justicar…" She whimpered, and a hand moved forward to pet the other woman's cock still glistening with her own dense juice. "...please...fuck me again…"

Justicar Elez merely smirked, and her prick twitched underneath the affectionate pet. A week ago Karen Theodore had stolen an Asari clutch ship in the hopes of deprogramming the pregnant humans and giving them a second chance at their old lives. Now there she was kneeling before an Asari, begging for another round of glorious pleasure.

The only proper spot for a human.


Karen Theodore had never met Jennifer Selly before. They were from two totally different colonies, and had never even been on the Citadel at the same time until the day Karen tried to rescue the sluts. Now, even though they were strangers, Karen and Jennifer knelt side by side sucking on a thick Asari cock. Karen's physically fit and muscular body was a stark contrast to Jennifer's own - curvy, slightly chubby, and heavily pregnant with a large belly...but both humans did their job well enough. Back on the bridge of the clutch ship Karen and Jennifer were hard at work, pawing across a throbbing blue cock and smearing it with kisses and spit.

And Justicar Elez, rather casually leaning back in her seat, was contacting the Citadel. On the viewscreen at the front of the ship the communication came through, and a woman even older than Justicar Elez appeared. Her smile was soft and deceptively kind - she looked motherly and sweet, but Elez knew her to be one of the most sadistic bitches in the galaxy.

"Matriarch Calyt." The Justicar gave her a small nod in greeting, but otherwise remained seated so the sluts could keep sucking her cock. "You'll be pleased to know that I recovered the clutch ship and added the thief to its cargo."

"Excellent work, Elez." The Matriarch once more smiled with a charming look, and a smile spread over her features that was more than enough to warm a room. A stark, stark contrast to the woman within. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again when you return. Thessia will be pleased as well."

"Everything I do is for my fellow Asari." Justicar Elez responded simply, and allowed her hands to drop to Karen and Jennifer's heads. They had started to properly worship her balls at the base of her shaft; licking and slurping and paying them the attention they so rightly deserved. "Do you have another assignment for me, Matriarch?"

"There's never a lack of work for you, Elez." The Matriarch responded in kind, and gave a simple nod. "I'll have a new project for you by the time you get back to the Citadel for repairs. Until then...well...I'd say help yourself, but it looks like you already have."

"It's a long trip back." Elez's smirk was her only explanation, and she gave the woman a short salute by striking a hand against her chest. "For Thessia, Matriarch. Justicar Elez out."

A split second later the communication was severed, and Elez was left with a slow moving clutch ship that would take days to get back to the Citadel. Thankfully, as Jennifer and Karen were proving, there were plenty of warm holes on board to keep her occupied. By the time they pulled into the dock she likely would've sampled every pregnant bitch on board, and ensured that Karen was among the bred.

Karen, for her part, had nothing more to say in the matter. She had become Asari property, and would gladly live the rest of her days in one of the breeding facilities. Justicar Elez merely smiled at the slut where she was now on her knees; cheeks wet with spit, eyes distant and glazed with desire, her naked figure a slutty shadow of her old self.

"You're welcome." Justicar Elez spoke with a coy smirk, and continued allowing the human to suck her slick, heavy sack. Karen Theodore had plenty to be grateful for indeed - not just for her own breaking, but for that of her mother and her sister. Never would they have known such joy in their old lives.

The Asari were indeed taking over the galaxy...and they were making every woman in their path happy for the opportunity to serve.

For Thessia.

End of Chapter One.
