
Ninja fighting

The Morning came and the peasants started to go to the rice fields. The caravan of traders soon assembled in front of the dye shop. The products started to get loaded on the carts. Five minutes later Kimimaro and Kenji came to the caravan.

"Good morning Fujita-san."

"Good morning to you two as well." Fujita replied.

" HEY BE CAREFUL WITH THE PRODUCT, YOU MORON."Fujita yelled at one of the dye workers

"Sorry, Fujita-sama." The worker replied with slight panic in his eyes.

Soon all the products were loaded on the carts and the caravan started slowly moving on the crowded streets. The passed the gate soon enough and started moving to Sendai city.

"So Fujita- san for how long you are in the dye business?" Kenji asked when they were outside the city.

"For as long as I remember Kenji-san. My grandfather started to import dyes from the eastern islands. But soon he found out how it's made so he opened his own dye workshop.We make a lot of money, but that kind of product is rare so it can not be easily selled. So don't worry we call for ninjas only to be sure that everything is going smoothly."

"Kimimaro open your byakugan every ten minutes. So we can be sure. I will be in front the caravan ,you will be on the back, if you see something suspicious immediately tell me and I will give you orders."

"Roger, roger." Kimimaro replied.

The caravan continued on a steady pace till noon. The traders stopped next to a desolate tavern to  get some food for the next couple of days.

"Kimimaro stay with the products I will go with the traders."Kenji said going in the tavern.

Kimimaro sat in front of one of the carts. He activated his byakugan to look at the vicinity and spotted three chakra users dashing trough the trees. He saw that on of them had a sword while the other two were barehanded. He whistled towards the tavern and soon Kenji walked out.

"What is it." Kenji asked.

"Three chakra users coming this way." Kimimaro said.

"Ready yourself for an attack." Kenji replied with solemn tone.

Kimimaro removed his upper Kimono to the belt  and his sandals. While Kenji removed his sword from the sheath.

Soon three ninjas showed themselves in front of Kimimaro and Kenji.

"Move aside,we have mission to assassinate the dye trader." One of the ninjas said.

"Sorry to bother your mission, but that won't happen under my watch."Kenji said while he grabbed his sword with two hands.

" I will get two, you got the third. Attack after me." Kenji said and rushed against the enemies.

He tried to stab the ninja in front. While throwing two kunais at the left ninja.

Kimimaro grew countless spikes around his body. He jumped in the air and started spinning against his opponent. But the enemy ninja dodged to the left. Kimimaro landed on the ground. And threw three kunais. Two rushing against the opponent while the other slightly to the left. The enemy ninja deflected one and dodged to the right. Right at this moment Kimimaro straitened his hand and ejected 5 Tenshi Sendans. Three missed but two hit the target. He rushed to finish the target but at that moment enemy ninja came from the ground and tried to uppercut him. Kimimaro instantly realised what is going on so he used body flicker to dodge the attack. The ninja was high in the air . Kimimaro threw two more kunais. The enemy ninja deflected them and rushed against Kimimaro. Kimimaro braced him self for frontal attack and finally activated his byakugan. He placed himself at low stance and awaited the opponent arrival. The opponent soon came with  two kunais at hand. Kimimaro aimed one of his palm spikes at the ninja right thigh artery while the the ninja wanted to hit Kimimaro at his low back, but after instantly realising that he is second to slow ,he dodged to the right. Seeing his opponent chakra to gather at his left leg to jump. Kimimaro send his palm at the ground. While moving his right leg to the opponent right leg. His opponent jumped on the right but got pierced at his sheen. The opponent tried to hit Kimimaro knee with his left leg while he hissed at pain. Kimimaro backed his leg to him and straightened the other leg against the opponent abdomen with spike on his heel. Kimimaro managed to hit his target. He retracted his leg and rolled ahead. While turning against his opponent. He changed his low stance to a high one. He rushed against his opponent. Who desperately wanted to get some distance. With two spikes from his palms. He did left and right but the opponent dodged both. While the enemy ninja concentrated at his upper body, Kimimaro kicked right at the nuts. The ninja realised the kick a bit to late. His eyes almost escaped his sockets while reflexively lowered his upper body downwards. Massive mistake because there was Kimimaro right hand with spike in it. Kimimaro impaled his target throat and jumped upward. The ninja lost strength and balance and felled backwards. Kimimaro sended five Teshi Sendan at close distance right at the opponent torso with his left hand. He watched how his opponent slowly lost the light in his eyes.

He murmured "Sorry" with light voice before turning his head to Kenji. He saw one dead body. And the other is heavily injured on the ground.

(Low stance means stance with low centre of gravity. While high stand is with high centre of gravity. Low stance in this instance was hands parallel to the body or lower with hands first. Not the Chinese Mà Bú where is leg first then body.

And the High stance is something between soft fist and and boxing stance(strong fist) depending on the situation.)
