
Moneyboy (52)

The two of them braved the rain to eat hot pot. Sun Joon Ho wasn't really hungry, so he sat across from Kangjeon Tae Hyun and watched him.

Kangjeon Tae Hyun wasn't perfect in every way, but Sun Joon Ho didn't mind. It was similar to how he felt when he was with Lee Hyeon Woo: he knew he had his flaws too, so he never criticized the other's shortcomings.

However, people are different, and what he considered a natural way of getting along became a reason for the other person to be overbearing. When Lee Hyeon Woo once listed a string of accusations against him, he wanted to retort, to bring up all the details that had hurt his feelings in the past, but he didn't. Because what he hadn't said before had now turned into nonsense and strained arguments.

Fortunately, he was quite confident in Kangjeon Tae Hyun about this.
