
Chapter 92

--- 7th of June 1897 ---

--- 3rd Person POV ---



"Mr. Prime Minister, Sir." A mature and stern voice enters the eras of Prime Minister Aguinaldo. Catching his attention after days of being faced with a pile of documents that needed review and approval before being presented to the Maharaja.

As Prime Minister Aguinaldo lifted his head to see the origin of the voice. He saw a fit man in his mid-30's standing outside his office at the Palace of Sanoor. It is his secretary, whom have been under his tutelage since assuming the office of Prime Minister of Butuan.

"What is it?" Prime Minister Aguinaldo inquired before returning his attention to the documents in front of him.

"Commissioner Alejandro Bagani, Architect Bhima Artha, and Architect Kunal Mehta is here to discuss some things regarding the topic of building construction." The man answered respectfully.

With nod Prime Minister Aguinaldo replied, "Let them in. it would be good if we could finish this topic as fast as possible as I still needed to review more on these bills passed by the parliaments."

With that, Prime Minsiter Aguinaldo's secretary fetch Commissioner Alejandro Bagani, Architect Bhima Artha, and Architect Kunal Mehta, whom have been waiting patiently outside the Prime Minister's office. The short delay was welcomed by Commissioner Alejandro Bagani, Architect Kunal Mehta, and Architect Bhima Artha with heart as it was just a few moments ago did the three of them visited the Palace of Sella to converse with the maharaja regarding the project.

It was actually an exhausting journey for Commissioner Alejandro Bagani, Architect Kunal Mehta, and Architect Bhima Artha as it the process of entering the Imperial City itself have become almost impossible with the approval from the current captain of the Imperial Household Guards. Not to mention that the intimidating stares from the guards itself have further given the three of them a heavy feeling.

After being invited by Prime Minister Aguinaldo's secretary to enter the room. Commissioner Alejandro Bagani, Architect Kunal Mehta, and Architect Bhima Artha then made their way and was welcomed with a smile by the prime minister himself.

After a few minutes of casual conversation, the discussion shifted to the main topic: the renovation and construction of a new palace to be gifted to the Crown Prince. However, before the meeting could truly begin, Prime Minister Aguinaldo's secretary entered the room once more.

"Forgive the sudden intrusion, Sir, but a representative from the Imperial Palace has arrived," the Prime Minister's secretary announced, his voice steady and composed.

Prime Minister Aguinaldo felt a surge of curiosity, though he masked it well. The presence of a representative from the Imperial Palace at Sanoor was not a common occurrence. Even as a high-ranking member of the government, Aguinaldo understood that the Imperial Palace and its inhabitants remained enshrouded in mystery and awe. The public's reverence for the Imperial family, and their perceived connection to the divine, persisted despite the previous Maharaja's denunciation of their divinity.

"A representative from the palace?" Aguinaldo repeated, casting a curious glance at Alejandro, Kunal, and Bhima, who had only recently returned from their own visit to the Imperial Palace.

Alejandro and Bhima sat on the opposite couch, facing Prime Minister Aguinaldo. Both men felt a mix of shock and nervousness as they silently pondered their recent visit to the palace, anxiously wondering if they had inadvertently offended anyone. Their minds raced as they replayed the day's events, searching for any misstep.

Unable to recall anything amiss, Alejandro and Bhima attempted to calm their nerves, reassuring themselves that they had done nothing wrong. The imperial family, though largely reduced to a ceremonial role, still held great significance in their hearts and in the minds of the empire's people.

Architect Kunal, in contrast, remained composed. Confident in his own innocence, he focused instead on the simple pleasure of sipping green tea, unfazed by the tension that gripped his colleagues.

"Who is it and what is the purpose of the coming?" Prime Minister Aguinaldo continues.

"It is Senior Eunuch Kanwar Saanvi, whom have arrived, Sir. He says that he will be representing the Imperial Household as the successor of the Head Eunuch on this meeting." Prime Minister Aguinaldo's secretary replied, waiting patiently on his superior's approval.

With Prime Minister Aguinaldo's secretary reply, Alejandro and Bhima now fully calmed themselves down. Kunal on the other hand just laugh at his friend's paranoia of being found guilty. Although the three of them have just visited the imperial palace, they also understand why the palace have sent a representative to join the meeting. As the matter regarding the accommodation of the imperial family and the palace to be dedicated to the crown prince is of vital importance.

With a signal of a nod on his head, Prime Minister Aguinaldo's secretary then fetched and escorted Senior Eunuch Saanvi to the room. Which was welcomed by Alejandro, Bhima, Kunal, and Prime Minister Aguinaldo, with respect as the three simultaneously bowed their heads in respect.

As in Butuanon culture and law passed by the parliament during its infancy time, those who represent the imperial family and the maharaja are ought to be respected as those whom they represent.

With smile on his face, Senior Eunuch Saanvi stated, "Gentlemen, we all are servant at the face of the maharaja. Please, raise your heads and let us begin this meeting." Senior Eunuch Saanvi then diverted his attention to Alejandro and Bhima, "Forgive me for not informing you both that I will also be joining this meeting. I was meant to be here as you both have already been told on things that the palace needed. But as there might be other things to be relayed to the maharaja and the entire household. To avoid further delay, I was sent by Head Eunuch Isagani to be the attendee."

The meeting was then started after Senior Eunuch Saanvi expressed his intention. With this, the meeting only lasted for 3 hours, having the details on the projects were thoroughly been placed on the table by both parties.

Commissioner Alejandro, Architect Kunal, and Architect Bhima have placed the plans of Maharaja Siagu XV regarding the changes on the entire structure of the complex. With the plan of the having the entire palace of Sella, Minbury, and Tessa, be renovated in accordance to its original appearance while also strengthening its foundation by replacing the woods with concrete to ensure the strength of the structure.

"According to the archives from the documents during the reign of Rajah Siagu II. The current Imperial Palace of Sella have been altered and deviated to what should have it been look like originally." Architect Bhima stated while placing the surviving painting of the original palace of Sella.

"Basing on the original plan of the palace of Sella, Maharaja Siagu XV would like the palace to retain its current height, by maintaining these 3-floors present. And Maharaja Siagu XV would like these floors to be renovated to fit the demand for current situations and also preserved the imperial family's history and lineage.

The fountain in front of the palace of Sella will remain and will be as it is as it gives more a sense of nature and calm to the entire area. Besides, the fountain itself holds significant importance to the imperial family.

His Imperial Majesty wanted to have the palace be raised to the grounds using concrete pillars, following the traditional structures of housing of our ancestors of having raised floors. But instead of having the ground floor hallow and of no use, the ground floor would be used to house the offices of the Office of the Personnel and the Imperial Household guards. His Imperial Majesty also wanted have the ground floor be used for the Imperial Household guards' quarters. And a kitchen dedicated for serving members of the imperial family whom will be dinning on the dining room placed on this area.

The upper floor that is accessed by outside staircases has a foyer flanked by the library and study rooms in the East Wing and private audience chambers and music rooms in the West Wing, coupled with few other rooms of use. While the Throne Hall on a north to south axis was flanked on the east by a dining room and on the west by a reception room. The dining room on the east and the reception room to the west will be the additional structure on the compound, leaving the Minbury Palace obsolete with its current purpose.

The top floor of the palace of Sella will then be used, according to His Imperial Majesty's request, to house the crematory relics of the previous monarchs of the nation. All will be enclosed and be placed on their respective area, overlooking the entire throne room. From the previous monarchs surviving items, urns, and weapons, all will be housed on the top floor of the Palace of Sella." Architect Kunal explained as the structure and the floor-plan of the entire complex will now be shouldered by him as the head engineer of this project, commissioned by the Imperial Estate Agency and the Imperial Family.

While Architect Kunal is talking, his hand was also pointing on to his masterplan, covering the entire Imperial Complex, measuring to 387,705.69 square meters (4,173,177.22 sq ft). Prime Minister Aguinaldo, Commissioner Alejandro, and Senior Eunuch Saanvi, all have paid attention to the master plan. Architect Bhima on the other hand remains focus, while also listening to his friend's explanation.

"So, what would be the used of those buildings adjacent to the Palace of Sella? Like the Minbury Palace and the Palace of Tessa? Both have been under great importance in providing necessary activities and areas for the Imperial Family." Prime Minister Aguinaldo inquired as this is the first time of him hearing this sudden change on the complex's master plan.

"The palaces of Minbury and Tessa will be used on other things. But both must be demolished due to them being on the way of the main palace expansion, which is the palace of Sella." Architect Bhima replied as he points on the two buildings now placed just a bit forward of the palace of Sella, "Originally, these palaces should have not been placed on these areas as Rajah Siagu II envisioned the Palace of Sella to be the center peace. But with the subsequent rulers wanting to established their own identity on the complex, the palaces of Minbury and Tessa were born.

Now, Maharaja Siagu XV would like these palaces to be not the center of attention. The palace of Minbury, located on the right side of the palace, will be used to house throne room for religious ceremonies and rites. Just behind this throne room will be the throne room for the coronation morning for the future monarchs, before the procession heading to the temple of Sooraj and ending to the throne room of Imperial Lotus at the Palace of Sella.

Above these two throne rooms is where all of the imperial regalias that is currently under the museum's hands will be returned to the Imperial family and be housed on the rooms above the Palace of Minbury. This is to ensure that the regalias will be in a much-secured hands inside the walls of the Imperial complex and city.

The palace of Tessa will also be used to house other necessary offices and rooms for the function of the imperial complex. But the most important function of this palace is the exhibit hall, where paintings and portraits of the imperial family, historical paintings of our ancestors and the artifacts that currently owned by the Imperial family will be housed on this palace. This part of the palace, as per approval from the maharaja himself, will be opened to the public after the restriction of entry on the Imperial city will be lifted." Architect Bhima explained thoroughly and confidently.

Prime Minister Aguinaldo on the other hand started to raised his eye brows after Architect Bhima mentioned the requisition of the Imperial regalias that is currently being displayed on the museums in the country. Despite his support for the monarchy, Prime Minister Aguinaldo understood that those regalias were under government properties given by the British and the French after the defeat of their nation against the two western empires.

Seeing Prime Minister Aguinaldo's curling eyebrows due after hearing the explanation of Architect Bhima, Senior Eunuch Saanvi thought of interjecting but have decided to restrain himself and just continue to listen to the two architects' explanation regarding the huge renovation to be made on the complex. But while being quiet, a hit of displeasure has been growing to Senior Eunuch Saanvi's heart after seeing the reaction of Prime Minister Aguinaldo.

"A new building will be constructed to house members of the imperial family. Behind the palace of Sella, is the new Suryavarman Palace. The palace will be a 1-storey building. And much like the Palace of Sella, the Suryavarman Palace will be raised to the grounds by pillars. Made in a shape of a rectangle and a hallow space at the center for a garden and a pond to be placed. The palace will have the main entrance hall and two huge ponds separated by a pathway at the center to ensure order and beauty upon entry.

Each palace wings houses important things and rooms for the imperial family. The western wing, where the main entrance will be placed will be housing ceremonial halls and the other private collections of the imperial family, displayed on the entire western wing. This wing will also be guarded by the imperial household guards to ensure the safety of the imperial family.

In the Northern and Southern wings of the Suryavarman Palace, separated by a small garden and pond at the center, will be the private residential chambers, libraries, and other essential rooms needed for the entire palace to work independently. The entire two wings will be housing 40-50 rooms in total to ensure that members of the imperial family will be accommodated comfortably.

And lastly, the Eastern wing of the palace, this area will be housing reception rooms, dining areas, and additional living quarters for the members of the imperial family and its important visitors. The eastern wing of the Suryavarman Palace will also serve as the entrance of the courtiers whom will be staying at the Michael Residence, adjacent to the Suryavarman Palace.

And speaking of the residence of Michael, this building will be moved near the Palace of Suryavarman as those courtiers whom will be living on the eastern wing of Suryavarman Palace will just be the high-ranking courtiers. The rest of the courtiers will be housed at the Michael Residence to ensure that the courtiers will be accommodated." Architect Kunal continued while directing the people's attention to each part of the master plan further giving the best idea of the future structure of the complex.

Silence engulfs the entire room after Architect Kunal finishes the explanation regarding the changes of the structure of the entire Imperial complex. With this at the end, Prime Minister Aguinaldo leans back and started to ponder on the possible effect this might cause to the government and the people. Not to mention that with this ambitious project on hand, the cost this might give will not be that small either, further pushing Aguinaldo into deep contemplation of concerns.

Commissioner Alejandro on the other hand, having been fully aware of how much this ambitious project might cause fully understood Aguinaldo's worry. Thus, Commissioner Alejandro started to concoct explanations on his mind to answer the possible questions Prime Minister Aguinaldo will be throwing later regarding the funding. Architect Kunal and Bhima remains in silence and have resumed drinking their green tea alongside Senior Eunuch Saanvi, whom have remained in silence just being a witness and a listener.

"It would be disastrous to have the Minbury and Tessa palace be placed beside the Palace of Sella." Prime Minister Aguinaldo stated after minutes of staying in silence, "How about moving the Palace of Sella a bit further inward the complex to allow maximum security and safety as the gates will be on a much further side of the palace of Sella. Let us then placed the Minbury palace on the right side of the main gate while the Tessa palace be placed on the left side of the complex, allowing the two palaces be the first structures to be seen upon entry to the complex."

Prime Minister Aguinaldo stated while pointing on the palaces that he thinks be more suitable for the Tessa and Minbury palaces to be placed. Which made Architect Kunal and Bhima paid attention to the plan, giving Prime Minister Aguinaldo's suggestions a bit of consideration.

But before the two architects could even voice their thought, Commissioner Alejandro interjected, "but with the retreat of the palace of Sella inwards, it gives more less of importance and become the center of attention as per requested by the maharaja. The palaces of Tessa and Minbury would instead be gathering the attention of the entire court, leaving the palace of Sella a once again backward palace."

"It won't be the case for this one, Commissioner Alejandro" a stern yet calm voice enters the ears of Alejandro, Aguinaldo, Bhima, and Kunal. It was Senior Eunuch Saanvi who have spoken while seeping his tea, "ensuring the security and safety of the imperial family, this is the reason for this renovation to occur. After the incident with the Rajkumar Ainesh, safety have been under the strict agenda of the Ministry of Imperial Palace who supervises everything that involves the imperial family.

The previous structure and arrangement of the palaces in the complex have been proven to be dangerous and weren't able to maximize the spaces in the area. The simple changes that Architect Bhima and Kunal have made were proven to be insufficient in insuring safety for the imperial family as the Palace of Sella, which holds great importance to the family and where majority of their daily endeavors will be conducted were placed near the entrance.

Prime Minister Aguinaldo's suggestion on placing both palaces of Tessa and Minbury first before the palace of Sella be seen are in line with the maharaja's aim of safety. The goal of having the palace be the center can be compensated with the palace of Sella be made in a much more elaborate and grandiose way."

Architect Bhima then inquired with curiosity, "But the pond will be on the way of the construction of the Sella Palace if it will be ever be moved a bit backward then. Are you suggesting on having the pond be drained just to give me to the construction of the palace?"

With smile on his face, Senior Eunuch Saanvi replied in a tone of mockery, "Oh? An architect having to seek suggestion from a simple eunuch? Hahaha… but in regards with that one, I hope Architect Kunal have already an answer on this one. As it appears to be that only one of you both have the thought of doing so."

Attentions were then placed on Architect Kunal after Senior Eunuch Saanvi finishes his statement. With eyes of curiosity and seek an understanding, attentions were draw to Architect Kunal instantly.

"Diverting the flow of the waters that enters the pond would be enough to move the pond and allowing it to stay for the next few decades to come." Architect Kunal stated calmly.

This shed lights to the minds of Aguinaldo, Bhima, and Alejandro, whom have been a bit confused on the words of Senior Eunuch Saanvi. As the conversation further progress, it was then agreed upon that the palaces of Minbury and Tessa will be placed on the suggested areas of Prime Minister Aguinaldo while the diversion of the pond a bit backward was also accepted by Architect Bhima and Kunal.

And to further add to the security of the area, a man-made canal with the width of 3 meters were also added that will separate the complex into two areas, the outer court; consisting of the palace of Tessa and Minbury, and the inner court that consists the other palaces of the complex. Two bridges were then also decided to be added to allow access on the two areas.

But the real problem occurs on the meeting when the issue of the budget was discussed. Despite the Imperial Estate Agency decided to fund the renovation as the money that the agency have is from the revenues it got from the assets under the imperial family. The government, under Aguinaldo, would not want this to happen.

Instead, Prime Minister Aguinaldo would like the revenues that the Imperial Estate Agency got from the properties given by the imperial family, be remitted to the government and let the Ministry of Treasury handles these said funds. Which causes Commissioner Alejandro to almost flip the table in shock. But Commissioner Alejandro could not prevent himself from accusing Prime Minister Aguinaldo of violating the agreement between the Imperial Family and the government in accordance with the Imperial Grant Act made after the defeat from the British and French.

Which Senior Eunuch Saanvi seconded with reminding the Prime Minister on who have put him to his current position despite almost not qualified to lead the empire as the prime minister. Senior Eunuch Saanvi even reminded the prime minister that by having those funds be handled by the Ministry of Treasury, this will lead to the maharaja used his power in ousting the parliament and the possibility of a absolute monarchy.

But Prime Minister Aguinaldo retorted by reminding Senior Eunuch Saanvi that the maharaja is bound by the constitution and the people will not agree on having the maharaja once again rule the empire. But Senior Eunuch Saanvi countered by informing the prime minister about the current support the people have towards the maharaja.

This put Prime Minster Aguinaldo once again in a disadvantageous position. Despite being a royalist and a supporter of the imperial family. After years of being in power as the prime minister of the empire. Prime Minister Aguinaldo stared to envision himself as the one who leads the nation and not just the hand of the maharaja.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Holy_Slayercreators' thoughts