
Drastic fates and new persona

The new devices which Vishal designed for Cancer and some of the psychological illnesses combined science with Cultivational energy Qi. The device was like the machine used for LASIK but for other purproses. On the portion from where energy is projected he has engraved an array which gathers supernatural Qi.

There are mainy three types of Qi:

1) Martial Qi

2) Spiritual Qi

3) Supernatural Qi

He disgarded other two Qi's because Martial Qi is not helpful here. Spiritual Qi is helpful in all healing all the parts but there are adverse affects when it comes to brain. When Vishal asked the system about it, system replied that the potency of Spiritual Qi is much higher for sensitive brains to handle.

So he had to take Supernatural Qi which attracts positive supernatural energies which would act as the opposite of negative Qi which can take over the mind.

He asked his father to get the outer structure developed by giving his drawing and he would use add the array later. He told his father uses about this device which his father did not believe at first but decided to take a chance.

One of the hospitals the company built in Burnley had a lot of mental patients compared to other places.

"Time to cure the mental illnesses with grace." said making a nerdy pose.

He arrived at the hospital in Burnley and the staff all came to greet him.

"Now show me the patients which are suffering from mental problems and committed crimes due to that." said Vishal.

The chief doctor Don looked at his staff before asking"Why?"

"You'll see. Now hurry up." said Vishal with a smile.

This is the reason why he asked supreme being for medicinal skills and martial arts skill with Qi.

The chief doctor took him to a large guy whose hands were cuffed to the bed and he had tatoos all over his body.

The large guy was violet and trying to free himself. "Now, what's the problem with this patient?" asked Vishal.

"Peak stage of Bipolar disorder. Killed his wife who was having an affair with a guy who he hates. He had this problem since young age when he lost his brother.

He has a record of getting treated and appeared normal but the affair broke his mind again and this time it appeared more violently. The problem was not completely treated as the symptoms were only put on bay and the problem acerbated." said the doctor.

"Very well." said Vishal.

"Now sleep." said Vishal as he put the hand on the guy. The guy went to sleep in an instant.

"What did you do?" asked the doctor concerned.

"No need to worry. I've awakened my powers recently and I can cure many mental illnesses easily." replied Vishal.

"But-" Don tried to argue when Vishal put the index finger on the brain and injected the positive supernatural Qi which entered through different lobes and corners of the brain and cured the part which was affected.

The guy woke up after 10 minutes and had a solemn expression in his face. He did not go violent and only looked at the doctors with a calm look.

"Before I go treat others, you should scan his brain to see whether what I did really cure him." said Vishal.

Don could not say anything because the hospital is owned by Vishal and his father.

They removed the cuffs and the patient came with them without putting any resistance at all. There was a smile on his face.

After half an hour the brain readings appeared pretty normal and even the MRI and X-rays showed that he is cured.

"Well now. It's time to remove the excuse of Insanity plea for many mental illnesses in the world." said Vishal grinning.

"I am warning you host. Don't go overboard. It's a good thing you only designed devices which can affect the world up to some extent but if you go over then the threats you cannot handle will make their appearance to balance it out." scolded the system.

"I know. That is the reason why I did not kill Joker. You've shown me worst possible fates on the day I killed the crime lords." said Vishal rolling his eyes.

"These devices can cure less insane ones and mediumly insane guys. I'll have to wait for further advancements." said Vishal.

On the day before orchestrating the events of crime lord's demise...

Vishal was seated in his office. "Hey system, since this is an Injustice world? How about I kill the joker now so that they won't happen?" asked Vishal as he wanted his first target to be Joker.

"Host, you can't do that because fate has the worst things awaiting if that were to happen." replied the system.

"What is worse than Joker killing people?" asked Vishal.

"I'll show you the four worst possible fates of killing the Joker. There are 10 more fates awaiting and the chances of getting a good fate is less than 1%." said the system as it putting him in a state of suspended animation and he saw one of the fate.

He saw earth burning like a volcano and when the scene changed he saw the cities destroyed with lava flowing all over the place. There is a big omega symbol with Parademons roaming all over. The scene changed to show the members of Intergang unearthing the Anti Life equation.

Darkseid getting hold of the equation destroyed the earth with few survivors under the mind control of the Lord Of Apokolips. A universe map appeared which showed blue planets getting red. The scene changed in which he saw himself fighting Darkseid and him getting struck by Omega Beam which put him in endless loop of torture.

"Second result commence..." came system's voice.

Vishal understood system showing the second fate. He was in space seeing the earth when it got destroyed in explosion and even the entire planets in the solar system exploding and finally the sun exploded.

Vishal saw a figure appearing with red eyes and tall red body with black horns. It was none other than Trigon, the most powerful demon in the DC universe.

The scene changed to Raven, trigon's daugther who when facing the supervillain Brother blood was about to be killed when Trigon was released.

He killed Brother Blood and began a rampage. Raven tried to stop him but he overwhelmed her and sent her to other dimension while he tried to conquer the earth. The heroes didn't stand a chance against him as he went on killing spree.

He lost patience after the resistance did not give up so he decided to wipe out earth completely along with other planets. Vishal saw that he used every magic against that guy but it was no use. Before he could stop him, Trigon conjured explosive demonic energy to wipe out the earth and system teleported him to Thanagar.

Third result commence...." came the system voice.

Vishal saw many spaceships arrive along with a skull ship. The spaceships sent some form of alien devices getting attached to earth and powering up. "Assimilation in progress" came from the device.

A projection came from the skull ship and a green figure with tentacles containing silver and purple embeddings came. After the assimilation of knowledge is completed, even with earth's resistance, the earth was wiped out.

Vishal saw himself fighting Brainiac putting last resistance when he activated a powerful bomb which killed him along with earth.

Fourth result commence..." came the system's voice.

He saw the streets of Gotham and an explosions appeared in the building. When he looked to the left he saw thousands of Jokers appearing and the ones leading them is one of the worst guys in comics.

The Batman who laughs. The goal of this dark multiverse joker and Batman combined to conquer the universes. The scene changed into asylum where Batman who is carrying guns appeared killing some of the rogues.

The Batman who laughs wearing chains appeared in front of a secured cell which had Dr Pyg in it.

Dr Pyg was killed brutally. Vishal came at him but the Joker turned Superman and other Justice League members came at him with all they got without caring about their own safety. System was offline.

With nothing holding them back they fought him like wild and untamed animals. Zatanna and others used magic to capture him and kept puring toxin into him but he did not change so Batman who laughs cut him piece by piece until nothing was there."

"Commencing host's return."

Vishal gained back his consciousness and sweated in horror at the worst possible fates waiting for him and the world.

Vishal calmed down and asked "I don't understand. Why does killing Joker have this many worst outcomes?"

"This is one of the predestined fates of this universe host. Saving Lois Lane won't change the outcome to that much extent but elimination of Joker is altogether a different thing.

Then why send me here. There are other earth's in DC right?" asked Vishal.

"Because you have the balanced appraoch due to your grey view on life host. In Injustice Regime was one extreme end and Insurgency is other extreme. But there is only guy who didn't take either side and that is Red Hood.

He is a balance but he is not enough. One man against two factions is impossible." said the system.

"So, I am brought here because I have the power to stand against those two?" asked Vishal.

"That's only a small part host. There will come a time where you would have to give it your all to save other universes from a dark fate waiting as said by the supreme being." said the system.

"Does it by any chance involve Marvel Universe too?" asked Vishal.

"Yes host." said the system.

Vishal took some time for the information to sink in. "Will there be correctons if I take out other criminal elements and other rogues?" asked Vishal.

"Yes host. Leaving Joker and Harley Quinn aside you can kill other rogues in Arkham." said the system

"Why Harley Quinn too?" asked Vishal.

"You can take her out after Superman killed the Joker." said the system.

"Alright." said Vishal.

At present...

The doctors were astonished at the reports. Vishal went to every guy who committed a crime due to their mental disorders and illnesses and cured their brains with the Qi.

He made way to other hospitals under company and did the same thing. He returned to the company and said to his father. "Many patients have been cured so they will be serving their time in jail.

If these devices are tested and certified we can decrease the insanity plea requests in courts."

His father chuckled and they made calls to get the devices made and attached the arrays attached to a metal to the device.

"It's time to take over a completely new persona temporarily until the Mystical Punisher makes his return." said Vishal grinning.
