
Prologue - The Luck of Lycoris Sitaara Potter

Prologue - How did Lycoris Potter end up in Westeros, pregnant with an orphaned baby?


Lycoris Potter was not at all surprised when the dragon from the depths of Gringotts begged to be released from the chains to which he was bound.

She had no choice but to destroy the chains and shout for Ron and Hermione to get on the dragon. During the chase and flying over the dragon, the dragon told her that he did not belong in this world and that he was kidnapped as a baby by a wizard.

- "You smell of the same magic as him," - Said the dragon, - "but different. A Black took me from Valyria."

- "I'm sorry if the Blacks caused you any harm," - Lycoris apologized. Parseltongue allowed her to speak to dragons - "But as the new head of the house, I will do anything to make it up to you."

- "I will soon collect that debt."

The three of them jumped into the lake. Changing clothes and transporting themselves to Hogsmeade.

Lycoris caressed her wedding ring. Ever since she was a little girl, when she dreamt in a dark cupboard, she had thought of her wedding with a big cake and a white dress.

But she and Fred were intimately married at The Burrow. They tied their hands in the magic thread and exchanged a kiss on her 17th birthday. They consummated their marriage and she drank a contraceptive potion.

Hours later, they separated, and Lycoris began the search for the Horcruxes.

After the incident at Malfoy Manor, Fred turned up at Bill and Fleur's cottage. In the evening they got back together, Lycoris wanted to feel every ounce of Fred's magic inside her.


Lycoris could barely stand up when she saw Fred's body, stiff and without his bright smile. The Weasleys around her were crying.

Her tears streamed down her cheeks.

Her husband, her other half dead.

Swallowing all her grief, she walked to the Headmaster's office to see Snape's memories.


Bellatrix Lestrange died at the hands of Andromeda Tonks.

And Andromeda Tonks died at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange when she fled the battle to assassinate the blood traitor.

Lycoris signed the papers giving her full custody of Edward Lupin. The baby was not even half a year old when he lost his parents and grandfather, leaving Lycoris as his godmother.

The new Lady Potter-Black locked herself and the infant in Grimmauld Place to mourn her losses, accompanied by Kreacher and Winky, both house elves loyal to their mistress. With photographs of her parents, the ones she took at Hogwarts, and essentials such as Muggle books and liquor to drown the ghosts.

One morning, barely a week after the battle, the dragon from the bank appeared in the Blacks' sanctuary room. A room that looked like a hidden world.

- "You have promised to repay a debt, Lady Potter-Black," - The dragon said to her.

- "I understand, Mr. Dragon."

- "I am not a male, child. I am a she-dragon."

- "I beg your pardon."

The next few days, Lycoris, accompanied by a bottle of fire whiskey, raided the Black Library. Finding the diary of Asmodeus Black, the wizard who kidnapped a dragon from the other world.

She searched for the gadgets he used, the main piece being a mother stone.

On the new moon, in the great room, the ritual was performed for the dragon to return home. The words spoken in the right way shook Grimmauld Place to its foundations, and when the shaking was over, the dragoness said she was home.

Startled, Lycoris rushed out of the room to Teddy.

With the months-old baby in her arms, she surveyed the scene in horror. Earth was above and destroyed, as if thousands of volcanoes had erupted at once. The dragon teleported from the room to the site.

Lamenting the fate of her land.

Lycoris screamed as some sort of winged worm leaped towards the window, but the ancestral protections of the Black household mercilessly killed any such creature.

- "Lady Lycoris," - Sobbed Winky.

- "We must stay indoors," - Said Lycoris towards Kreacher and Winky.

- "Yes. Mistress is right," - Kreacher nodded, - "It's not good for Lady Potter-Black or the babies."

- "Babies? It's only Teddy."

- "Oh no," - Kreacher lamented, - "Mistress doesn't know. But Kreacher felt a new surge of magic in her belly."

Holding Teddy in her arm, she put her hand on her flat belly.

- "Fred" - She let out a tear.


The dragon chose her as her rider and they bonded.

Lycoris named her Fujur, after the white dragon from An Endless Story, her favorite book. Leaving Teddy in the care of the elves, she plucked up courage and flew through the place on her Fire Saeta.

All ruins and misery.

Soon she would shrink Grimmauld Place into a briefcase to fly herself, Teddy, and the elves in Fujur into some town to find a new mother stone and return home.

It had to be soon before her belly would swell from the baby Fred Weasley left inside her.


Corlys was on his travels to Essos when there was mention of a dragon flying overhead.

He began to do a lot of digging, after all, dragons were under the rule of the Velaryon and Targaryen.

- "She is a sorceress," - Said someone within the circle of sailors, - "I saw her. A very young one with dark skin and long, thick dark hair. I haven't seen her face to face, but she's flown over Lyss a lot."

That was all it took for Corlys Velaryon to take his ship to the city of Lyss to see this sorceress in person.
