
Unlikely Companions


The city of Granal was large and bustling, full of horse-pulled carts, humans, demi-humans, and elves, all alike.

It was quite... advanced.

I pushed the door to the coffee shop open, as the sign said. At the front, the receptionist leaned their head onto the counter, asleep.

"Excuse me... are you guys looking for workers?" I tapped the counter. The receptionist sprang up, his brown hair tangled and unkempt. His brown eyes darted around the room before he finally looked at me.

"Workers? Ah... yeah. We are looking for workers. What about it?"

"Well, I'd like to apply."

"Sure. Just write your name down, and I'll get back to you in a few days."

That was quick. I wrote down my name and went on my way.

No identification or anything? I guess life is going to be easy from now on! I managed to scavenge about one diamond coin and four gold coins. With that... I think I could manage two weeks here, including Arlene.

I had already bought a sword for a single gold coin. I wonder if that was a waste of money.

If I remember correctly... Arlene should be at the playground. Before I go back, I should check out a few places, right?

"Coming through!" a group of three boys ran past me, bumping into me. I nearly fell, but I caught myself. Goodness. I hope this town isn't full of rascals.


I checked my pockets. My coins.

The ruffians looked back, cackling, then continued their sprint. I could've reached them easily. But they were nimble and small. They could easily slip through the crowd of people.

Why don't I just... cut through them? The people? I think I would be able to cut through all the people.

No, no! I can't. I can't do that! That isn't right!

I sighed.

Being a swordsman, I could detect those kids easily. But... how could I get through?

I jumped onto the head of a demi-human. Gracefully, I leaped into the sky.

A few people looked up at me as I soared into the air, like a bird. I jumped onto the street lamps, perching.

There they were! Those kids. Should I confront them?

No. I'll get in trouble. Jail, probably.

They ran into an alleyway. I followed behind them, jumping off the street lamp. It was dark, unlit, and... moist.

I pulled my sword out, holding it.

"Get him!" one of the boys yelled. The three of them jumped at me. So foolish.

My handle, foot, and sheath. Those were the three things I used.

My foot struck the first boy in the face, sending him to the ground.

The handle of the sword was smashed into the second boy's forehead, sending him to the ground as well.

The sheath was swiped at the throat of the third kid, the only girl, knocking her down.




I placed my sword back into my sheath, resting my hand on my hilt. Then, I walked over to the trio, squatting down.

"My money. I'll need it back."

Reluctantly, the leader of the three threw the bag at me. I caught it.

"Next time, you guys won't be as lucky."

"But... sir. We need to eat!" the leader said. A frail, skinny boy. He had dirty, short blonde hair. His eyes were green and pleading.

The second boy was a demi-human, having long, dark brown hair, with light blue eyes. His teeth were sharp, like an animal's. He had cat-like ears, the same color as his hair.

The third one, the elf girl, seemed to be the least bothered. She had light blue hair and the signature sharp ears of an elf.

I sighed.

"What are your names?" I asked, trying to put my annoyance to the side.

"I'm Liam, he's Hahled, and she's Kena."

The brown-haired boy spoke up.

"We're really hungry, sir!" Kena, the elf girl, said.


. . . . . .

"This is... amazing!" Kena exclaimed. It was simply some noodles and meat. I don't know what they were so shocked about.

I may not remember a lot of things, but I still remember the taste of noodles. They're good, but... she's definitely overreacting.

"I've never had anything like this..."

"Me neither!" Liam yelled. They were making so much noise! Thank goodness there weren't a lot of people here.

"Say, Keon. Where'd you find these kids?" Arlene asked, as she also chowed down.

"Off the street."

"You aren't planning to keep them, right?"

"Yeah. You're too much to handle."

She glared at me. I held in a laugh.
