
A Sealed Deal


[Greed's Cast: Black Flames: Ignite]

The ropes that once bound Cherva's wrist were instantly set on fire, burning to a crisp. The skin on his wrist peeled, due to the heat.

"Holy shit... this power is intoxicating."

His entire body felt a lot lighter. He tested this by taking a quick sprint. The distance in which he traveled was unknown, but the sound barrier was broken.

"I'm fast. Let's see what else I can do, physically."

Cherva contracted his leg, getting as low as he deemed fit. Then, he extended his legs, flying into the air. He did not expect to get that high.

"Oooh!" he exclaimed, as he got higher and higher. There was a little bit of terror and fear in his voice. He had no plan for landing.

He was getting higher, and it didn't seem like he was gonna stop moving any time soon. He got so high, that he could see the entire continent.

"Wait... is that another piece of land-"

His thought was cut short as his descent started. He yelled in fear, as he fell down even faster and faster. Whatever the maximum velocity of a human was, he was going several times over it.

"I gotta land... gotta land. Come on! Think of something!" he exclaimed. His clothes started to catch on fire, from the friction. Then, the idea popped into his head.

[Greed's Cast: Will of Fire]

The flames on his clothes grew larger. His plan was to use the flames to protect his body. It was a dumb plan, but it was all he could think of.

He got closer and closer to the ground. His vision was obstructed by the flames that he created, so he had no idea how close he was to the ground.

Finally, he landed.

Well, he didn't land. He crashed. But it was close enough.

"Fuck... that didn't work at all. It hurts like hell..."

He slowly got up.

"Hm? Did I land in a valley?" he wondered, as he looked around. It did appear that he was in a valley.

He crouched, preparing for a second jump. However, he had learned his lesson to not overdo it, so he made sure to use minimal effort in his leap.

Despite using minimal effort, he still reached several meters over the edge of the valley.

"That's what created this crater! He must be a part of Gonteno. Fire!"

It seemed that all of Cherva's senses were heightened. That's the only way he could've heard something from all the way down there. He looked down, noticing the war cries.

An army grouped around the crater. Then the arrows came. Thousands of arrows shot up into the sky, all of them intending to strike Cherva. It wasn't known to Cherva, but that was one of the major barbarian armies.

The barbaric territories weren't really territories; more so a region. An area in which, there wasn't government interference. Barbarians band up there and "claim" parts of it.

Despite this, the kingdoms surrounding the barbarian territories do not consider it as its own country, since it is not united, nor are there any actual attempts to set up a government.

Were some of the barbaric tribes... actually trying to unite and take over the surrounding countries?

"These arrows are pretty fast! But... they look like they're moving pretty slow."

[Greed's Cast: Ignite]

All the arrows ignited into flames, stopping in their path.

"If I'm correct..."

[Cast: Will of Fire]

At first, his control over the flame-engulfed arrows was shaky. But that was at first. It took him about 3 seconds to control all 7000 or so arrows.

The arrows were sent into the ground at an alarming speed. Anyone who was there had their eardrums shattered.


Each arrow crashed into something, whether it was the ground, the head of a soldier, or their body.

"This power... It's exhilarating!" he exclaimed, descending into his fall.

. . .

. .



Midnight fell, and the streets were lighted. Dimly, however. The lanterns and their bright lights were blue in color, due to the stained glass. There wasn't much noise being heard on the street, besides the faint chittering of different animals.

Besides the chittering of those animals, there was another noise, even quieter. My footsteps. It seems that the road was quite good at absorbing noise. That wasn't a good thing at all, though. It could be a lot more susceptible to a surprise attack. No guards on standby either? What is the village chief thinking?

For a second, the entire world was filled with silence. The sound of a murder cutting through the air could not be heard. The soft gale did not rustle the leaves. As if I was the only thing that existed.

It felt so... surreal. I couldn't help but be put in a trance... a daze.
