
An Addition

I rubbed my eyes, waking up. In front of me, there was a girl. She had white, long hair, and green eyes. She was quite pretty, too. Sharp ears, indicating that she was an elf.

She crouched down to my level. "Hey. You alright?"

I yawned, lifting my upper body up. I was seated right next to the freezer's door. The girl was wearing the school's uniform, yet I had never seen her before. There are a lot of people I haven't seen.

"I'm... alive?" I asked, moving my fingers around. I could feel them.

"You're alive now after I saved you."

"Really? Wow, thanks. You can have some banana milk. By the way... what day is it?"

"It's the 7th."

Eh?! I was here... for an entire day!? The headmaster didn't check up on me, or anything like that!? Something is strange...

"Jeez... no wonder I feel so... weak. I've been lying here for a whole day."

"It's no wonder you're still alive, though."


She pointed at my stomach. "You have the Velian of a Dragon. Though, I don't sense any mana coming from you."

Ian did say something about this. But, instead of becoming full of mana, I only gained the Velian of one?

"A rare case, huh? I've never seen someone with absolutely zero mana. Don't you know how to gather mana?"

"Huh. I don't think I've tried it. Give me a second."

I sat upright and closed my eyes, concentrating intensely. Nothing changed.

"Ah, you're hopeless. But once you get mana, you'd be unstoppable."

"I never got your name."

"Eudora. Isn't that ironic?"



"I'm Julian."

"It's nice to meet you, Julian."

She reached her hand out, pulling me up. "Are you a new student, Eudora?"

"Something like that."

"I have to bring this banana milk to the headmaster, so I'll see you later, alright?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later."

I picked up the packs of banana milk and walked to the headmaster's office.

"Here's your banana milk, headmaster."

"Thanks!" he smiled, grabbing one and chugging it down.

"Headmaster... I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Inside of the freezer, there was a-"

"I have not the slightest clue what you're talking about."

He looked at me with an empty, expressionless look. If you were looking at us from the side, you'd think he was just glancing at me. But I could see it in his eyes.

"If you speak of what was found in that freezer... you'll die."

That was what I could tell from his glare. I decided to shut my mouth. He gave me a new uniform and sent me off.

I couldn't get his glare out of my head. I was sure of it. He would've cut my head clean off. What kind of man... is the headmaster?



I jumped. In front of me was that girl I had met previously. Eudora. "So you really are a student."

"You doubted me?" she asked. I felt that the current answer I was about to give her would disappoint her.


"Then what was with that answer, huh?" she nagged. Ian and Cera appeared in time.

"Hey, Julian. Who's this girl?" Ian asked. I would thank her later.

"It's my new friend, Eudora."

Eudora nodded at them.

"I'm Ian, this is Cera."

"Well, I'll be on my way, then."

Eudora walked off after the short introduction. I didn't let it bother me, though.

. . .

. .



"General. Among the new recruits, there is a talented fellow! To add to that, he's only 14! Oscar Tolien is his name, the white-haired boy!"

"Hm. If that boy is able to catch even my advisors eyes, I'll test him, then."

A tall, muscular man stood up from his seat. Sharp ears with pale skin. Both his hair and eyes were light green. A cold feel and presence could be felt near him. That feel could be described as "intimidation" or "fear."

On his desk was a tag. It read "General Yesynore" indicating that he was a general. He stood up. His attire was shown, which gave even more indication of him being a general.

He walked slowly toward his window, pulling down the blinds. There, he saw the cadets. He stepped out of his room, entering the training ground. Each and every cadet bowed.

He pointed toward the white-haired boy, with a muscular build. "You there... Oscar."

"Yes, General Yesynore?" Oscar quickly replied, raising his head.

"You are the only cadet that comes from Venichian, right?" Yesynore asked.

"Correct, General Yesynore."

"Come at me, boy. Do not hold back."

Oscar didn't look the slightest confused. He tightened his grip on his wooden sword, nodding. Oscar dashed at Yesynore.

[Cast: Blade of Shu]

A sword made of strong winds formed in Yesynore's palm, as he blocked Oscar's strike. Without wasting much time, Oscar pulled his sword back, going in for a second attack.

— What an interesting boy. It seems he has no wasteful movements. A true talent, I assume.

Oscar's blade clashed with Yesynore's blade yet again. Oscar sent several strikes, though Yesynore managed to parry and block each one of them.

Yesynore stopped. Oscar took this as an indication to also stop, too."I've seen enough. You're quite skilled without the use of mana, Oscar."

"Thank you, General Yesynore."

"Continue the good work."

Yesynore walked off back into the building in front of the training grounds. As soon as it was clear, everyone exclaimed in excitement, shock, surprise, and envy.

A girl wrapped her arm around Oscar's neck, excited. Her hair was crimson red and her eyes were black. She had an excited and fiery look in her eyes and her aura emitted the same feel.

"Oscar! I knew ya had strength!" she said, excitement leaking in her voice.

"Leah... You're choking me..."

"Ah, sorry, hehe!" she let go, as Oscar grabbed at his own neck.

"Where's Kai?" Oscar asked, placing his wooden sword back down.

"Kai? He said he would be going out into the forest... but that was a while ago."

"He'll probably come back."

Night fell and Kai did not come back. Oscar was sleeping peacefully. That was until his fellow cadet woke him up. Dark green hair and black eyes, with a physique similar to Oscar's physique.

"Oscar. Wake up."
