
To The North He Goes


"You alright, Elyse? It seems that ever since you found Julian's hand on that shore, you haven't been the same."

Veind patted Elyse's back, with worry.

"Ah, I'm alright. I used to like him. But, I think the spark has faded, to be honest."

Elyse was telling the truth. It was a short obsession that she managed to get over quite quickly.

The two were inside a fairly large wooden room, with two beds at each end of the room. A large grey carpet was in the middle of the room and there were several decorations among the walls.

A knock could be heard. Veind walked to the door and slowly opened it. Ailen and Oscar came out.

"You guys are back! I assume that you have what we told you to get... right?" Veind said. She had a smile on, but the message had a mischievous undertone to it.

"Yeah, yeah, we got it. To have one last party before Oscar goes up north to that island, what's it called... Anore?" Ailen said.

"Yeah, Anore."

"Isn't that one kingdom right next to Sar? I kinda feel bad for the Sar government, having to be right next to a larger island. They could be invaded at any moment."

"Okay, stop chatting and take the cake out!" Veind whined, raising her fist. Ailen yielded and took the cake out of the box. The four of them sat cross-legged on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Elyse's leaving too. It'll just be us two, Veind. This might be my hell!" Ailen whined though he was quickly stopped with a slap on the head.

"This will... be our last cake together!" Veind cried.

"No it isn't. We'll obviously meet here again, right?" Oscar asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just eat this cake already, okay?" Elyse said, grabbing the cake with her hands. Everyone followed after except for Oscar, grabbing the cakes. They laughed and giggled.

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"Come on, 7 push-ups! You can't even do 7!" Rosette yelled into Julian's ear. Julian collapsed on the ground after the 5th push-up, slamming his face into the ground. His face opened up.

"Gah! It hurts so bad!" Julian yelled, rolling back and forth. Rosette pressed her arm into Julian's chest, stopping him from moving.

"Stop moving. I have to restitch these wounds."

"No! Not again! You don't even put any anesthesia!"

"Only a pussy would use that. Are you a pussy?"

"I am! So let me go!"

"Too bad. I don't feel like acting Dr. Vaen for the anesthesia."

. . .

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"Julian, where are you from?" Rosette asked.

"Dunno. I lost my memory," Julian lied.

"Don't bullshit! You have 90% of your brain intact, you have to have at least that!"

"I don't. So could you stop nagging?"

"Hmph! Can't you show some respect to your superior?"

"We're the same age."

"I know. But I'm a much purer demon than you! You're only 70%."


"I guess I'll have to... discipline you. As long as Dr. Vaen patches you up, I can do anything... right?"

Rosette had a malicious expression on her face. She sprinted at Julian and Julian ran away from her. Despite being quite weak and having nearly no progress, he was really fast. In the end, Rosette caught him, leaping onto him.

"I caught you!' she said, landing on top of Julian.

"2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17-"

"What are you doing? Are you counting in fear for your life?"

"Off me! My heart already belongs to another!" Julian yelped. Rosette moved the knife closer to his face.

"I don't care about that. You deserve this punishment!"

At that moment, Dr. Vaen walked into the room.

"Ah... I must be interrupting something. I didn't think you would be into all that knife stuff. But, I won't discriminate against you. But I never expected it from you, Rosette."

"That's not- never mind!"

Rosette jumped off Julian, embarrassed. "Next time, you won't be so lucky, Julian."

"Jeez. I was sure I would've died for the th- a second time."

"Right! Julian, how are you feeling?" Dr. Vaen asked.

"I'm doing pretty good. Though, I'd feel a lot better if you gave me a shirt."

"Haha! Nope! I have to see your demon muscle becoming stronger. So far that hasn't been happening."

"I was never the greatest at being athletic, to be honest. What do you expect me to do?" Julian sighed.

"It's fine. Today, you'll be going out on a search with Rosette. You'll finally get to wear a shirt!"

"Can I pass?"

