
Quite a laidback simulation

[Light flashed brightly... But nothing happened. All your classmates travelled to Tortus easily but you were left behind.]

[Your energy level were so high that ehit wasn't able to transfer you. If he has to transfer you, he would need to substitute equal energy. He is not strong enough to shift the whole world tree.]

[Since you weren't teleported to Tortus by Ehit, you transferred yourself to Tortus with your classmates.]

[Your classmates were in shock and excitement due to sudden summoning. Some even scared enough to pee their pants.]

[Pope came forth and explained the cliché situation of hero summoning to defeat demons. Everyone summoned by Ehit, recieved a job and skills. You didn't recieve any of them.]

[Kaori, Shizuka, and Hajime immediately found you and rushed near you. They started to discuss what was happening with you.]

[You all recieved your status plates. After that everyone started mocking Hajime for being the weakest. You looked at your status plate. With some tricks, you displayed your job as Sage and all your stats at exactly 500. Obviously your orginal stats were greater than that but you hid that.]

[You had too many skills to mention but collectively they can be called "Absolute magic". Not absolute in power but in types.]

[You were the strongest summoned person and also one of the strongest human in Tortus.]

[A few days later, your class was taken to the labyrinth.] 

[According to canon, you all encountered the trap and got attacked by behemoth. You didn't interfere with the story this far because it wasn't necessary. After Hajime was hit by fireball and fell down, you witnessed a few fireballs nearly hitting you.]

[You just lifted your hand and teleported the perpetrators to last guardians of the labyrinth. They should be glad you let them die peacefully instead of making them your toys.]

[You told shizuka that you will go after Hajime while rest you escape. Without letting her say another word, you raised your hand towards the behemoth and folded your hand in a gun. Bam! Behemoth died in one shot and you jumped down.]

[You didn't really care about the story of this world since it was nothing but a boring story, but you were interested in exploring other worlds outside this world.]

[You planned to let Hajime take care of the story of this world. Only reason you jumped in this dungeon with him was because you took fancy to someone here.]

[When you entered this world, hundreds of memories appeared in your head. They were all cloudy and in a mess. Thousands of years of memories in this world were yours, yet you never remember creating them. They were also not fake memories. One thing you did know was that Yue was with you in those memories.]

[Yue and those memories were the reason why you decided to dive into this labyrinth.]

[After comforting Hajime that he won't die and this will help him, you left him alone with those beasts and started searching for Yue.]

[Monsters in this world were not qualified to battle you. They died before even encountering your aura.]

[After a few minutes, you found a blond vampire trapped within a red crystal box. She was pleading for help. You touched the crystal and it broke.]

[After freeing Yue from the crystal box, she asked your name. You told her your name. She asked you to give her a new name. You refused.]

[You didn't want to give her a new name. You told her the truth about her uncle. After learning the truth, she started crying.]

[After comforting her, you asked her if she would like to follow you. She agreed. You told her that what you seeked didn't existed.]

[She was confused. She asked you what you meant. You answered her in simple terms. "We are not staying in this time. The past is our destination."]

[What you seeked was the world tree from the Ehit's original world. The world that was destroyed by it's own citizens.]

[She was shocked and asked how will you achieve that. You just kept quite and smiled towards her.]

[After giving her some clothes, you summoned a staff in front of you. A wooden staff with blue-green globe at tip. It was the world tree branch of earth. Taking it away could have destroyed the world but you figured out a way to bring world tree with you.]

[With infinite energy, you casted a spell on law of time.]

[Law of time was stronger than you thought you just had 95% chance of succeeding.]

[You failed.]

[You're dead.]

[Reviving using Returner's clockwork watch...]

[You returned back a day before. You did it all the same and reached back to time before activating time travel magic. You tried again.]

[You succeeded this time. You travelled 12,000,009 years before today.]

[At this time, calamity world was yet to be destroyed. It's civilization was not weak but it was nowhere near destroying it's world.]

["Say Aletia, would you like to fight Ehit now?" You asked her. She nodded her head. Although she can't kill his future version, right now he is too weak compared to future him.]

[Ehit was one of the strongest kings in this world. Although Aletia might not be that strong now, you transferred enough power to her to fight against Ehit properly. Ehit's major point is that even now he can control laws of world but so can Aletia now.]

[You let Aletia do whatever she wanted with the world, meanwhile you visited the world tree branch.]

[World tree branch in this world is an evil tree asking for revenge against it's world citizens. Since world tree is beyond time, it remembers how it's people destroyed it just for power.]

[After merging your soul with this branch, you united the two branches of world tree. A new world was born.]

[After Aletia destroyed Ehit as revenge, you killed everyone on calamity world. You and Aletia decided to visit next world.]

[Within a few thousand years, you and Aletia conquered all the worlds and combined all the world tree branches to create a single beautiful world. You also created other mini worlds.] 

[These years, you encountered many gods. With power of world tree, you were able to kill them and take their divinities away.]

[You and Aletia also aged these years. Since Aletia's existence wasn't defined in the world records yet, she could age normally like everyone. Though using magic, you paused both of your age at 23 years.]

[After a few more years of adventure in void with Aletia, you became the owner of the world's records. You had nothing more to do in this world but leaving now would not make any sense. You were also sure that you will receive S rank or above in simulation now.]

[You decided to spend rest of your days peacefully with Aletia.]

[You both lived as a normal family for next 11,985,000 years.]

[Finally it was time for Aletia to be born in this world. Although it might be easy for you to create a seperate existence for future Aletia, you decided against it. The day Aletia appeared in this world, was also the day she disappeared from here. Her soul merged with real her.]

[She didn't have any memories of her time with you but they will be awakened at a later time. From shadow, you helped her kingdom flourish. In all those 300 years, she ruled as the queen of all vampires.]

[It was time for you to be born in this world.]




[Bright light appeared under your feet and you along with your class travelled to the Realm of Tortus.]

[Aletia and you saw each other and memories returned to both of you along with the power you possessed before.]

[You kissed Aletia immediately. "This is the end, I guess?" She whispered into your ears. She already knew about it all being a simulation. "Yeah. Let's meet again soon." You said to her.]

[Simulation ends-]

[Simulation ended without your death. Possessed the authority of world god.]

[Congratulations! You recieved EX rank ending.]


(A/N: This was a pretty laidback chapter right? I didn't really expect the chapter to move this way. It was a shock for me as well. I am sleep depraved as well right now. Well, have a good day? (I have no idea what I am writing.).)

(A/N: This was a pretty laidback chapter right? I didn't really expect the chapter to move this way. It was a shock for me as well. I am sleep depraved as well right now. Well, have a good day? (I have no idea what I am writing.).)

(A/N: This was a pretty laidback chapter right? I didn't really expect the chapter to move this way. It was a shock for me as well. I am sleep depraved as well right now. Well, have a good day? (I have no idea what I am writing.).)

(A/N: This was a pretty laidback chapter right? I didn't really expect the chapter to move this way. It was a shock for me as well. I am sleep depraved as well right now. Well, have a good day? (I have no idea what I am writing.).)

Void_of_outer_boxcreators' thoughts