

(POV Cyrus)

After a few minutes of laying in the nest, I got up and started clearing the place of anything useful.

"That should be all of it right?" I asked Lyra as I scanned the place once more.

<Yep all done… we should go to the peaks and set up camp it's evening now…>

"Evening huh…time sure as hell flies by…" I muttered as I placed the egg in a newly bought incubator.

Once again a black sphere engulfed me and I became a Nergigante once more.

^Hopefully I won't be delayed anymore…^ I muttered as I took off from the ground.

(Peaks…peaks…hmm…That place should do the trick I can look for Legiana later if there aren't any…) I thought as I spotted a plateau high in the air off in the distance.

For the next half an hour I leisurely flew towards the plateau taking in the environment for later exploration eventually reaching and landing on it.

{The plateau is about the size of a football field}


I roared announcing my presence to anything on the plateau and warding off any creature on or near it.

"Good nothings here…" I say as I returned to my human form and crack my neck.

"Now lets baby proof this place…" I muttered as I set up camp and small barricades around the plateau's edge for anything trying to get in or out.

"Hmm maybe I shouldn't use a fire it's too dangerous around newborns so lights and quilts will have to make due." I then with the help of Dwayne and Noir started placing poles with electric lanterns hanging on their ends.

^Boss we're hungry!^ Dwayne whined as he and Noir protested against anymore work.

Rolled my eyes and scanned the base for any imperfections.

"*Sigh* Fine we're done anyway so here." I tossed them a sack of fruits.



^I'm sorry for my rudeness but what is this crap?^ Noir blurted out in confusion.

^We want meat!^ Dwayne said with anger.

"Sorry guys but we can't risk luring any monsters to our camp with cooked food and we'll have newborns around so having a raging fire or hot coal ain't a good idea." I apologized to them while I took out the four eggs and placed them inside the camp.

"If you guys aren't satisfied I can give you some chips and popcorn." After I said that they immediately shut up and accepted the fruits and the junk food as they gazed at the sunset.

"I should prepare some food for when they hatch I imagine they'd be quite hungry after breaking out their shell…) I then started asking Lyra questions on what to feed the Namielle.

<-so in conclusion the best possible meal from them is shredded cooked fish and chicken mixed with Citrus fruits milk form of dried pellets.>

"*Sigh* Alright then time to cook…" I said as I took out a bowl and started mixing in all the ingredients.

After that, nothing else was eventful until midnight besides preparing the eggs hatching by taking the eggs out of their incubators and placing them on cushions.


Suddenly as I was leisurely drinking a mug of coffee and writing on my journal a cracked echoed through the tent.

I choked on the drink as I hurriedly got up and checked on the eggs with excitement and joy as I heard a chorus of cracking and muffled chirping.

"Noir! Dwayne! Wake your lazy ass up your siblings are hatching!" I awoke the duo as I watched the cracks slither around the shells of the eggs.

<I'm recording this!> Lyra shouted giddily.

^LETS GO-…Noir wake up!^ 


^Dwayne what the hell man!^

<Noir used 'Sucker punch-2'>

^What was that for I'm making you witness the birth of our siblings!^

<Dwayne used 'Protect-2'>

^…wait wh-^

"IF YOU ARE GOING TO FIGHT DO IT OUTSIDE!" I shouted as I grabbed them by the head and placed them outside in a matter of seconds.

"Now back to the little-AAAHHHHHHH!" I said as a weird fluid and eggshells blinded my eyes.

I quickly wiped the fluid off my face and looked at the eggs to see all of them broken and no Namielle in sight.

"Where the hell are-" I suddenly heard a cute chirp and looked down.



The little Namielle chirped cutely as it stretched its body in the bowl and slowly blinked.

"…" I stayed silent as I picked the newborn up and hugged it as gently as I could.

{its about 15 centimeters long}


"I will protect you with my life…" I spoke softly to it as it snuggled up to my hoody and yawned.


"Now let your brothers and sisters… Abyss…" I named it as I placed the sleepy dragon inside my hoody's hood.

I then walked over to where the eggs were and looked around for the Namielle.

"Lyra you watched them hatch where are they" I queried giving up pointless searching.

<Here's a hint, inside the sleeping bag.> 

"Of course, they're inside the sleeping bag…" I muttered as I opened the zip on the sleeping bag.

Inside was a Namielle bigger than Abyss cowering behind a pillow staring at me with caution and fear.

{This one is 30ish centimeters}

I made a friendly smile and crouched down while playfully raising my arms up as if I committed a crime.

"Hey now little one don't be shy I won't do anything~" The Namielle looked at me with its head tilted before it hid under the pillow.


Abyss poked his head out my hood and chirped vigorously causing the Namielle to poke its head out the pillow and chirp in response.

"See now I won't hurt you…" I took Abyss out of the hood and placed him in front of the Namielle.


The Namielle purred as Abyss hugged it on the head and lovingly rubbed its tiny head on its forehead.

(Cute…) I thought as I placed Abyss back in the hood and picked up the Namielle.



"Well, aren't you just the cutest ball of shyness I've ever seen." I said as I hugged it and it awkwardly clung onto my chest for dear life with teary eyes.

"Lyra is it a boy or girl?" I asked as I thought of names for it and wiped away its tears.

<Girl >

"Hmm… How about Prism? You like it little one?" I smiled as she stopped crying and looked at me with a less shy look.


"I'll take yes." I then carried her like you would with any human baby and looked for the next one.

"Lyra where's the third one?" I looked around nervously as I saw no sign of the third one.

<Outside > Lyra responded monotonously.

"…what…" I quickly went outside and saw a Namielle trying to do a threat display on an awe and confused Dwayne and Noir.


^cool…^ Noir muttered as the Nameille's wings constantly changed their color patterns and pallet.


The bright Namielle hissed at me before it launched a small blast of water at me.


I snapped the finger on my free hand and froze the blob of water in place.

{Froze in the sense stopped}

"Why don't we calm down and you meet your brother and sister?" I flicked my wrist and manipulated the water to tickle the Namielle.


The Namielle was immediately brought down to the ground giggling like young girls when they gossip.

Prism and Abyss then jumped off of me gliding toward their giggling sibling and they too joined in on the giggling.



^Boss I don't think my heart can take anymore…^ I watched Dwayne dramatically clutch his chest as he slowly descended to the floor.

^Same here…^ Noir joined in on the drama and melted into a puddle.

I rolled my eyes at the duo and thought of a name for the last newborn.

I smiled as I sat down next to the glowing dragon who looked at me with confusion.

"How about I name you…Neo?" I said in a soft tone as I gently stroked its back.

It stared at me as if examining me before it closed its eyes and nuzzled to my chest accepting the name.

Then the other Nameille's puffed their cheeks as if they were jealous and latched themselves onto me.

"Hey now don't be jealous you two~" I teased them as I scratched their backs.


The two purred in delight as I continued to give them a back scratch.




(POV Noir)

Me and Dwayne stared at our new family members with a gentle gaze.

^…Noir don't they look like that beast from the caves the one surrounded by humans…Do you think they'll be as strong as it…^ Dwayne said in a confused and concerned tone.

I took a closer glance at the newborns and noticed major similarities.

^They are probably of the same kind but that does not matter… We are family now and we must protect them, so what if they become as strong as that beast we'll just become stronger and protect them no matter the cost…^ I looked at Dwayne with a determined gaze.

^…No matter the cost.^ He gave a warm smile before he looked at the starry night.

^Did you notice anything… strange in the boss he just became stronger out of nowhere… That's good but I don't know *Sigh* he just seems so different…^ He voiced his concerns taking off his mask of joy and putting one on of seriousness.

^…I nonoticed that too, his aura before was of calm and cold… now it's still the same but… underneath it all I see a pool of violence, rage, and bloodlust… But it doesn't matter his still the same kind, funny, and caring Cyrus we know, the scene in front of us is proof of it.^ I looked at Cyrus and the newborn and saw him manipulating water to change shape and interact with them.

^…Yeah but I still want to *Crunch* know how he got so strong to lift that boulder with ease even I *Lips smacking* can't do that and I was stronger than him yesterday! *Gulp*^ Dwayne whined as he stuffed rocks into his mouth.

^I guess we'll never know…^





To be continued next time…. 

if this chapter gets 10 power stones i'll post on Saturday 
