
Conspiracies and #13

Unlike the other noble families of Uceris, who commanded the respect of the kingdom's citizens, the Styx family was allotted no such thing.

After all, how could they?

A family purely comprised of omen was seen as nothing more than an eyesore to the people of the Uceris kingdom. Said family could rot in hell for all anyone cared, but his majesty had graciously allowed them to live within their walls, so how could the citizens make too much of a fuss.

However, they could still voice their opinions about said family as long as their opinions weren't too malicious in intent.

Because of this, the small amount of wiggle room they were allowed was used and abused by the various newspaper companies within Uceris, who did everything they could to take advantage of the small loop hole provided by his majesty.

It became a reoccurring event where the Styx family's names were often brought up in the worst of situations.
