
The Groupings      

"Lord—I mean . . . John, where have you been?" Hilda asked as soon as Xin showed up in the plaza where everyone was gathered.

"Just checking around." Xin lined up next to Hilda and inquired, "Did the meeting start already?"

"Yeah. But you're just in time. They've just started a couple of minutes ago."

Xin watched as Ragnarok Reaper was talking in the front. He was together with other guild leaders. 

"We're going to go over our strategy again, so I want everyone to pay close attention. I will be the head leader of this operation, but remember that you must still follow the commands of your guild leader.

"This is a group operation, and as of now, we are one guild. Iron in your head that this isn't a competition. If we want to clear this dungeon, we must work together and put our differences aside."

As Xin observed Ragnarok Reaper delivering his preliminary speech, he couldn't help but think to himself about how charismatic the leader was. 
