
Chapter 77

 Botan sits up on his elbows, his eyes savouring every bare inch of me as a wolfish grin spreads across his face. I come closer and his torso erects eagerly before I raise a reproachful finger as my eyes sweep over to the chiffon-style long scarf draped over the chair behind my vanity table. I detour to pluck it off as I twist it up like a long, link of rope.

"And what are you going to do with that?"

"Making things even," I say with a suggestive smile.

I motion him back, further up the bed until I can pin his hands over his head and use the thick scarf to bind him to the headboard. "You know, when I did my overseas outreach programs, I worked alongside volunteer doctors. There were times when we were sent to war-torn countries and the doctors had to operate on wounded soldiers—sometimes without any anesthesia. So I got really good at tying down men twice my size."

He flexes, muscles rippling through his body as he tests the restraints.
