
Chapter XXXIX: Sparring

Merry Christmas readers, my gift this year will be over 6K words of 2 chapters in 1 day!

I think I'll update how I refer to the Susanoo modes of Sasuke. Ribcage will still be ribcage, but the upper body that's just flesh and muscle will be v2 Susanoo and the Armored Susanoo will be v3 Susanoo.


All the students once again reunited back at UA in the lounge area. Their voices overlapped one another as they bombarded the students who participated in the raid with questions.

"Is everyone OK?"

"We saw the raid on the news!"

"That looked like some nasty business!"

Iida got between them and everyone else, "Yes, yes, they all know we were worried about them! But calm down! We all saw the broadcast and the extent of what happened! As their classmates, we should give them time to rest their weary spirits!"

Tokoyami thought, 'It's a blessing that what happened at the Edgeshot agency stayed under the radar...'

Midoriya raised a hand, "Hey, Iida, thanks but... I'm fine." 

They maintained eye contact until Iida said, "If you're sure." Iida's mood swapped instantly, "I WAS SOOO WORRIED ABOUT YOU GUYS!"

Sero said, "You're worse than the rest of us."

Momo went to make lavender tea, and with that, most of the students dispersed. 

Sasuke approached Midoriya, "Midoriya."

Midoriya replied, "Sasuke! Hey."

"Did you ever achieve 20%?"

He nodded, "Yeah, good thing, too. Things got messy back there, but it all worked out. Have you learned anything new?"

Sasuke thought about his brother's quirk that now resided within him. "It's complicated. I have something, but I can't use it as I am now."

Midoriya scrunched his brow, "Uh... alright? That's good... I think."

Sasuke recalled the fear-mongering Danzo implanted in him about Midoriya, and his eyes turned into their pinwheel pattern. "Midoriya, hold still for a minute."

He put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder and he straightened up, "Huh?... Ok."

Sasuke focused on his aura while Midoriya had an oblivious smile, 'What's he doing? Is his quirk active? Is there a spider on me?'

Sasuke observed the clear green aura that danced around Midoriya. It wasn't sickly, like Danzo's, but serene and calm. 

Some students like Hagekure noticed the silent close-up staring between the two and she cupped her cheeks, "Is this... BL?!"

Mineta chipped in, "Does that mean Mina is free now?!"

Sasuke smirked, not noticing their banter, and separated, 'He's fine, it doesn't seem like he has a shortened life span. Could it be because he never had a quirk? I suppose it doesn't matter.' Sasuke spoke up, "You're good, that's all."

Midoriya blinked, "Huh?"

Kaminari stood nearby snickering, "I understand now, Sasuke..."

Sasuke side-eyed him, "What?"

Kaminari looked up at him, "I get why you haven't done anything with Mina yet; Midoriya piques your interest, huh? It's cool."

Sasuke took his hands out of his pockets, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Hagakure raised her hands, "Hey, if you want us to keep it a secret, then we can!"

"There's nothing to keep a secret, idiot. I was... checking his aura."

Sero blurted out, "You totally just made that up!"

Sasuke facepalmed, "I can't with you idiots."

Mineta prayed in the corner of the room, "Please, God, let those two be gay, so they stop stealing the babes; it would be so peak."

Midoriya rubbed the back of his head, "I'm sure Sasuke had his reasons."

Kaminari waved a hand, "Ah, we're just messing around anyway."

Mineta face-planted, "I wasn't..."

A few days later, the class was in the middle of an intense test. Ectoplasm asked, "It's not an elegant equation, but who can solve this definite integral? Raise your hand if you know."

Some of the class sweat from thinking so hard while others appeared calm. Tokoyami side-eyed Momo, 'Even Momo is stumped... truly the integral of darkness.'

Midoriya wrote so loud the whole class could hear. Sasuke thought, 'Probably 107/28.'

Midoriya shot out of his seat, raising his hand, "107/14!"

Ectoplasm replied, "Wrong! Yaoyorozu!"


"Correct! Onto the next page... lunchtime."

While Sasuke packed his things, he saw the saggy pants of Bakugo and looked up. 

Bakugo smiled down at him, "Ready to get your ass kicked in a sparring match today?"

Sasuke stood and returned the smile, "You sure you aren't talking to yourself?"

"I know who I'm talking to. C'mon."

Midoriya side-eyed both of them quietly and gripped his notebook, 'I can't miss this!'

Both Sasuke and Bakugo made their way to the training grounds as Midoriya kept up at a distance between them.

Sasuke asked, "Restrictions?"

Bakugo sneered, "Eh? The hell would we need those for? I want everything you got, asshole!"

Sasuke sighed, "Bakugo, I'm not shooting an arrow through you or using my sword. It's a spar, not a deathmatch. And we have to make it quick before the rest of the class comes for special move training."

Bakugo smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes as they reached the training grounds, "I wouldn't let those fucking attacks hit me anyway, but fine, don't use it if it has your panties in a bind."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and transformed them to their red and black pattern while Bakugo stretched. 

Sasuke stated, "Let's go for tag sparring, the first to land three hits wins."

Bakugo raised a brow and mocked, "Did someone cut your fucking balls off? Can't risk getting your pretty face hurt too badly?"

Sasuke chuckled, "Don't get ahead of yourself, it's not like you'll land a single hit on me anyway."

Bakugo growled and smiled, "Enough yapping! Let's get this started already."

They both got into stances and Midoriya peeked from behind a door as he thought, 'I wonder who will win... Sasuke has seemed like the strongest for a while, but Kaachan has always had a lot of talent.'

They both dashed at each other, and Bakugo led with spinning kicks supported by explosions; Sasuke reacted in the nick of time, ducking under and wrapping himself in purple energy as he went for an uppercut. 

Bakugo dodged easily and Sasuke went on the offensive. Midoriya scribbled in his notebook, 'Sasuke's Savitar-mode lets him keep up evenly with Bakugo! Last time at the sports festival he had a pretty hard time keeping up...' 

Sasuke went to grab Bakugo with a Susanoo arm, but Bakugo jumped above it and spun into an explosive charge at him. Sasuke manifested his v2 Susanoo to tank the hit and punched Bakugo, through the smoke, scoring a point.

Bakugo gritted his teeth and recollected himself, "DIE!" but this time Sasuke aggressed on him and tried to punch him. Bakugo weaved and went to slam an explosion on his back, but Sasuke dipped into a kick he was forced to dodge. They danced around each other for a while Midoriya kept scribbling notes with starry eyes.

Sasuke landed another kick on Bakugo and smirked, "2-0. As I said, you won't land a single hit on me."

"It's not over yet, asshole!"

Bakugo dashed back and forth lifting dirt and blowing rocks into the air, and a thought crossed Sasuke's mind, 'I could swap with one of those rocks...'

He froze, 'No! That was a one-time thing!'

Bakugo landed a blow on him that sent him into a rocky pillar and smiled. "Ha! So much for never landing a hit, smug asshole!"

Sasuke shook his head and locked in, 'I don't want those damn strategies popping up in my head... I don't wanna use that again...'

"Don't have a lot to say now, huh?"

They went back to fighting and Midoriya rubbed his chin, 'Why did Sasuke look like that before getting hit? Judging off his performance so far he should have been able to avoid that.'

"His eyes look familiar." Todoroki stated.

Midoriya almost screamed and fell to the ground as he saw Todoroki. He gripped his heart, "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Todoroki remained unexpressed. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to hide my footsteps."

Midoriya stood up and composed himself, "What do you mean about his eyes?"

Todoroki looked back at the fight, "I'm not sure, I just feel like I see some of myself in Sasuke… isn't he supposed to have a second quirk?"

"Yeah. He swore to never use It since it was forced on him."

Todoroki remained silent as they observed the fight. "Our situations aren't exactly the same, but they are similar. I wonder if I could help him like you helped me."

Bakugo started spinning himself into a torpedo and Sasuke braced himself, 'He's going for that move?! Seriously?'

Bakugo charged at Sasuke in the form of an explosive tornado, and Sasuke summoned his v3 Susanoo to tank the hit, raising its arms, but the tornado changed its course at the last second and hit the Susanoo in the back, going through and landing a decent hit at Sasuke. "Howitzer impact!"

Sasuke rolled onto the ground into a recovery that lacked grace. Bakugo cheesed, "Dumbass like I'd try to exact the same thing twice!"

Midoriya's mouth hung open, 'How can he even see when he's spinning that much?!'

Sasuke dusted himself off and cracked his neck, "That was a good one, didn't think you'd go that far. I'll go a little further myself then." Sasuke summoned his v3 Susanoo with a bow and drew two arrows on it. 

Bakugo bunched over and readied himself with a smile, "Finally giving it your all! Now I'll crush you and everything you have, asshole!"

Sasuke wordlessly shot both arrows, and Bakugo dodged to the right in the direction of a pillar, but Sasuke bet on this and charged straight out his Susanoo in the dust that the arrows picked up. By the time Bakugo noticed, it was too late as Sasuke slammed him into the stone pillar with a Susanoo hand before letting him go. 

His eyes went back to normal and he put one hand in his pocket, "Not bad, but as expected, I won."

Bakugo silently cursed himself and grunted as he stood up and side-eyed Sasuke, "Now that I've seen all those moves, don't expect them to fucking work next time!"

"I'd hope not."

Sasuke strolled to the exit while Bakugo yapped and Midoriya scrambled to run away, but he dropped his notebook. Todoroki remained where he was and Sasuke came out the door. "Enjoy the fight?"

Midoriya clumsily picked up his notebook and turned to Sasuke, "Y-you knew?"

"Yeah, saw you following us on the way here," he turned to Todoroki, "Didn't see you though."

"Oh..." Midoriya replied.

Sasuke stared at his notebook, and Todoroki spoke up, "Sasuke, how did you end up getting hit the first time?"

Sasuke blinked and slid a hand into his pocket, "It's nothing to worry about. I spaced out."

"You considered using your other quirk, right?" Sasuke's passive expression turned into a glare and Tododoki continued, "I Know our situations aren't exactly the same, but I had a similar moment back at the Sports Festival," He looked down at his left hand, "Coincidentally, I was also facing Bakugo. I had used my left side earlier since Midoriya convinced me, but when I was against Bakugo, I second-guessed myself and lost because of that."

Sasuke's glare softened, "I overheard you speaking with your dad back then at the Festival, and you're right about one thing... our situations aren't the same. At the very least, that quirk is a natural part of your body..." 

Midoriya stayed silent with his hands behind his back, staring between the two.

The needle Sasuke willingly injected in himself crossed his mind; Midoriya almost spoke up, but Todoroki replied, "You're right. As Midoriya said. It's my quirk. Although, me, him, and Iida would have died against the Hero Killer if I didn't get over my mental block. At least, for me personally... I can't achieve my goal without using everything I have."

Sasuke and Todoroki stared at one another as Sasuke's glare subsided. "I see..."

Sasuke wordlessly strolled by the two and went down the hall. Midoriya called out, "Sasuke!"

Todoroki put a hand on his shoulder, "If he thinks about it in any way like I did, then he'll need time. Probably more than me." 

Midoriya frowned, "Right... Well, thank you. I had wanted to help Sasuke with that months ago but... I could never find the words. I thought he'd just get angry."

The vibrations of footsteps and talking could be heard as the rest of the class made their way to their location. Todoroki turned to the door, "I get it, but I'd let him think it through on his own at this point." 

Class 1-A worked further on their special move training, and after a couple of days, Mina cracked her knuckles in front of the class, "Check, check! Check it out!" She flipped into a breakdance on the floor and spun around. "Break it down!" 

To Mineta's dismay, she wore shorts under her skirt, "What's the point of a skirt if you're just gonna wear shorts underneath?!"

Sasuke tossed him out the third-story window and met with the rest of the class. Midoriya wrote in his notebook, "So Ashido's impressive control of her body comes from dancing... I wonder if I can do that..."

Kaminari said, "Get her to teach you!"

Mina said, "Yeah, c'mon let's dance!"

Midoriya stuttered, "Um... Y-yeah please show me how!"

While Mina tried to show him moves, she turned to Sasuke. "Hey, you're a dancer too! Why don't you show Midoriya something?"

"Mina, are you really gonna start this again?"

She shamelessly smiled, "Hell yeah I am!"

Sero snorted, "Sasuke is a dancer?"

"I'm not."

Aizawa entered the classroom, saving Sasuke from further prodding, "It's School Festival time."

Kirishima asked, "Really? We're doing this despite all that's happening in the world right now?"

Kaminari scoffed, "Kirishima, you've changed."

Aizawa stated, "A prudent view, but remember. UA is more than just the Hero Course. While our course got its time to shine during the Sports Festival, the School Festival is for everyone else. It doesn't get the same level of attention, but it's still a fun event. Although this won't be like in the past. The festival will only be open to students, staff, and a small group of outsiders, considering all that's happened. We won't be competing for the spotlight, but you all get to decide what exhibition our class will be offering this year."

Iida got out a clipboard and stood in front of the class with Momo, "I, Kenya Iida, president of Class 1-A will be leading this discussion! Let's make this process as smooth as possible! First suggestions, those with ideas raise your hands!"

After an initial burst of raised hands, every idea was written on the board in an orderly fashion. 

Momo erased some, "Let's climate the unreasonable, unfeasible, and non-specific ones."

She got rid of Deathmatch, My Own Sparking Show, and a Banquet Of Darkness.

Someone said, "Get rid of the hometown history presentation; too boring." Multiple students agreed and Iida looked down, "Majority rules!"

Someone else said, "We're always having study parties!"

Momo looked down, "I was just trying to be helpful..."

After more trial and error leading up to the next day, the class decided on a Dance Club with live music.

Eri became a ward of UA, and 1A sat around in the Lounge waiting for the guests. Once they arrived, it turned out to be the Pussy-Cats from the camp. 

Uraraka said, "The Pussy-Cats! It's great to see you after all this time!"

Pixie-Bob replied, "I hope all my little kitties have been well."

Tiger stared at Bakugou and Sasuke, "Sorry we couldn't protect you, at that time."

Bakugo turned away, "Don't remind me."

Sasuke shrugged, "It happens."

Sasuke turned away and met eyes with Kota. Particularly his hat, which now had horns going out the sides like his v2 Susanoo. 

Mandalay got behind Kota and imitated his horns with her fingers, "Hey, Sasuke, these look familiar?"

Both Kota and Sasuke blushed and Kota shouted, "C-cut it out!"

Sasuke knelt down, "They look cool."

Kota's blush intensified and Mina squealed. Todoroki asked, "So why are you guys here at UA?"

Pixie-Bob answered, "We're just here to announce we're back."

"Really? Congratulations!"

Midoriya asked, "Even you, Ragdoll? I thought you had to quit."

"She answered, "Not back in action, per se. But I'll be supporting them at the agency! Just call me the CAT-ministrative assistant."

Pixie-Bob added, "We did hear from him in Tartarus."

"They're still pressing him to find out what kinds of quirks he has locked inside him, how many, things like that. So in the meantime, keeping him immobilized is the safest option."

Sasuke clenched his fist at the mention of AFO and Kota asked him, "Are you still after AFO? Isn't he gonna get the death penalty?"

Sasuke loosened his fists, "AFO won't end up dying in an anti-climatic way like that. I'm not sure how... but I'm sure he'll break out of Tartarus somehow. And when he does, I'll be ready next time." Sasuke looked out the window.

Kota's eyes had stars, 'He's so badass!'

While thinking about his targets, he noticed familiar red wings flapping outside. His eyes met with Hawks who waved at him and did a come here motion. 

"I gotta go, Kota."

"See ya, Sasuke!" He made his way to the elevator and went outside into the night to meet Hawks who landed in front of him on the brick walkway. 

"Yo, Sasuke." Hawks waved.

"Didn't think I would see you again so soon."

"Me neither, but something interesting came up while I was searching Danzo's secret lab."

"Did you find out how to duplicate quirks?"

Hawks frowned, "No, Danzo must have had those records either destroyed or hidden in an undocumented place. We've gone through everything he's had and found nothing regarding the process. There's not enough to fully piece together the process in the lab either."

Sasuke looked up, "I remember Danzo mentioning one of his black ops learned about the process when spying on a scientist that worked for AFO. So I imagine that if you can interrogate him, then you'll get your answer."

"I'll have to keep that in mind then, but either way that's not why I came here," Hawks dug in his jacket pocket and paused and smiled, "Come to think of it, let's move somewhere else so someone doesn't see us and think I'm a secret drug dealer for minors."

Sasuke followed him and thought, 'Drug dealer?... Does he have a needle like Danzo had?"

They moved away from the main living building and went to a more secluded corner of the UA grounds near a shed.

Hawks pulled out a syringe with a blue liquid inside, there was something that seemed almost electric about it. Hawks smirked when he saw Sasuke's eyes widen, "This was labeled: Chidori. I took it to another lab first and they couldn't get anything out of it, so I figured you were the next best option. You're able to handle these due to your quirk factor, right?"

Sasuke accepted the needle from his hand and observed it, "Yeah... Danzo gave me Amaterasu a few weeks ago."

"Makes sense. You can use it now, right? I saw you use it against Danzo at the end."

Sasuke shook his head, "I don't know how I did it back there, but I haven't been able to use it since then. It could take weeks or a month before I fully acclimate to it."

Hawks nodded and hummed, "Well, do you want it?"

Sasuke clenched it and narrowed his eyes that stayed locked on the fluid, "I'd be a fool not to."

Sasuke raised his sleeve and brought the vial to his veins. Hawks raised his hands, "Woah! Do you know the right place to stick that?"

Sasuke stuck it in and pushed the fluid inside, "Of course, I did this once already."

Hawks chuckled awkwardly, "Right... well that'll make this the fourth quirk then." Hawks took the empty needle and slipped it back into his pocket. "Thank you for your time, I gotta prepare for a court case next week."

"Court case?" 

Hawks flew off the ground, "Yeah, the last mark Danzo has left on this world is giving Nagant the death penalty, I'm gonna make sure to reverse that."

"Good luck then."

Hawks gave a thumbs up and smiled while waving, "Yup, tune in to watch if you want. I'll be making history!"

Sasuke waved and turned to go back to the lounge, "Maybe I will."


A few people have mentioned before that they thought Todoroki should have an interaction with Sasuke based on their similarities. Previously I kind of answered what I thought about that through Sasuke in the Sports Festival saying he's not similar, but I've changed my mind and finally found out a decent way they could interact in this chapter. So hopefully that's enjoyable.

Also personally, I lack the imagination to think of how to incorporate Sasuke as part of the concert. I think it would be something with his Susanoo but ideas are appreciated. 
