
Interval 4 PART 3 - Meeting

-Germany, Berlin, Year 11.732-

"General!" A male android entered my office, nearly knocking down the door, saluted me, and waited for my orders.

"At ease soldier, give me the report." I replied, putting aside de documents I read.

"The mission was a success, we ambushed the machines at Potsdamer Platz, and our troops destroyed them by the thousands." The android spoke, puffing out his chest proudly. I nodded, smiling slightly, and his words

"That's good to hear. What about the Museum Island artifacts, have they been transported yet?" I asked right after.

"Yes sir, the artifacts are being trucked in a convoy to the meeting point."

"Great, I hope the Human Heritage Recovery Management Organization has its vaults ready. What about our men in the cathedral, how are they?"

"They had some casualties but pushed the machines back. Currently, they received reinforcements and materials to fortify the cathedral and the surrounding area."

"Good. Tell me; today we will receive new troops, won't we?"

"Yes sir, a few hundred androids coming straight from the factory in Cuba. They'll cross the ocean on an aircraft carrier, arrive in Berlin by convoy, and enter the city through what remained of the Brandenburg Gate."

"The gate is secure, isn't it?"

"Yes sir, we eliminated the remaining machines and fortified the gate."

"Perfect, you can leave now."

"Sir, there is one more thing." The android spoke hesitantly.

"Say it." I replied, already expecting bad news.

"Commander Rose sent a hello." The android smiled before walking away.

HA! Commander Rose, if she sends me a hello, then it means things must be going well in Egypt.

I think I will get some rest, strategizing and taking care of paperwork left me with a headache. I walked towards a small desk in my office where there was a coffee pot and made myself a mug full of hot coffee.

I went to one of the large glass windows in the office, passing by the radio I use to communicate with my troops, and looked at the scenery in front of me. I stood in my office in the Reichstag building, the old German parliament building.

We fortified and reinforced the building, surrounding it with sandbags, M2.50 and androids ready to fire right behind it, steel and concrete walls, barbed wire fences, howitzers that fire 155mm shells, mortars that fire 90mm shells, Gepard 1A2 a 35mm anti-aircraft gun system.

As if that is not enough, we have trained androids in full military gear, armed with M16A4, CZ–75, M60–E4, SPAS–12, Barrett M82, and more weapons from different parts of the world.

Why do we have this much equipment here? Well, the Army of Humanity wants a relatively safe place to send its troops and take back Germany and the rest of Europe from there.

Suddenly, a grandfather clock in my office chimed, it is noon. Oh, looks like the artillery barrage will begin now. 

I heard the artillery firing in the distance, followed by the shells cutting through the air until they hit the ground, the explosions reflecting off my office window. I sipped my coffee upon seeing this.

Wonderful, I suppose the machines became shreds, the normal machines, I mean. The rational ones that can talk, think and dialogue already evacuated the city; I gave them plenty of time after all.

I saw a convoy of military trucks approaching, it looked like the recruits had arrived, better go say hello.

I walked out of my office, passing through hallways full of hard-working androids, went down a set of stairs, and through a large wooden door, leaving the Reichstag.

I saw my troops instructing the new arrivals to form a line next to each other, everyone saluting me while trying and failing to hide their nervousness.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Berlin! I know you have just left the factory, I know the situation out here is not pleasant, but do not worry, I do not plan to send you to the front lines, yet… You have military tactics knowledge and weapons management in your systems, but that does not overcome practice and experience. You will receive training and equipment here, and a more experienced android will accompany you during missions until you do not need it anymore. Did you understand?"

"YES SIR!" All recruits responded simultaneously.

"I felt the determination, I like that. I believe I did not introduce myself properly despite my little speech. My name is Alan; I am currently the General in charge of retaking Berlin, which will happen in a few days if everything goes as planned. Now that you know my name, why don't you introduce yourselves?"

One by one, the androids introduced themselves.

"My name is Antoni, sir!"

"My name is Ophelia, sir!"

"My name is Vincent sir!"

Each android told me their name when I passed in front of them, except for one. She was visibly nervous, shaking slightly as sweat ran down her face, which is understandable; after all, I was also nervous when I joined the Army of Humanity.

"You don't need to be nervous. We are all friends here. Can you tell me your name?" I asked the android politely, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"Ane… Anemone. My name is Anemone, sir!" The android replied, jumping slightly.

"Welcome to the Army of Humanity Anemone." I said, smiling and patting her shoulder while Anemone smiled back nervously.


Well, the situation became awkward; Anemone and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Anemone I… See… Well…" I stuttered nervously, trying to dialogue, but Anemone spoke simultaneously, also failing to start a conversation.

"Listen… About what happened…" Anemone stuttered too.

"You can start Anemone." I replied.

"No, no, you start." Anemone answered.

"Come on, I insist."

"No, it would be rude for me to cut you off."

We stayed like that for a few seconds, saying incomplete sentences, making gestures in front of each other, and trying to get the other to start the conversation.

"Enough! I propose we start again." I exclaimed.

"I agree!" Anemone replied, jumping on her seat. Therefore, we both took a deep breath and tried to talk properly this time.

"It is good to see you again Anemone." I smiled.

"It is good to see you again General." Anemone replied, smiling back, but I cringed when she called me by my old rank, I would rather let that past go.

"Anemone, I am no longer part of the Army of Humanity, you don't need to be so formal with me."

"Yes sir!" Anemone replied, saluting me.

"Anemone…" I sighed, holding the bridge of my nose.

"HAHAHA! Sorry, it was a force of habit! Can I try again?" Anemone asked playfully.

"Of course you can." I answered annoyed while crossing my arms.

"It is good to see you again Alan." Anemone smiled.

"That's better; let's talk like friends, not like soldiers." I said, nodding in approval of her answer, and Anemone nodded back.

"Tell me, you're the same Alan I know, aren't you? You're not an android of the same model, are you?" Anemone asked hesitantly with worry shining in her eyes.

"I am the same android you know, Anemone, the same one you met in Berlin." I replied putting a reassuring hand on Anemone's shoulder, making her sigh relieved.

"I am relieved by that. I heard you died, can you tell me what happened?" Anemone asked, gently holding my hand on her shoulder and looking into my eyes.

I almost died several times in this world, if Anemone thought I died then that means she is talking about what happened recently to the ship.

"Hm… It's a long story." I shrugged, averting my gaze while rubbing the back of my neck.

"I have time." Anemone replied, leaning forward and staring at me intensely. I will not escape this one.

"Where to start? It was right after the Pearl Harbor mission when we had our discussion." I saw that Anemone shuddered upon hearing my words.

"I'm sorry, I did not know what went through my head, I felt like you betrayed my trust, like everything we went through meant nothing to you, but I didn't consider the time you fought this war." Anemone replied, lowering her head in shame.

"Don't worry about it, I should have known better about what I was doing." I answered, patting Anemone's head and making her blush.

Anemone and I argued about my defection from the Army of Humanity.

I was tired of fighting this war and planned to disappear for some time, so A2 and I stowed away on a ship sailing to Japan after Pearl Harbor's mission, but Anemone discovered my plan and confronted me in the port at the last minute.

I do not think I have ever been so insulted in my life. I told Anemone that she could report me to the Army of Humanity if she wanted to, I would not hold a grudge against her, but I believe that she did not report me due to the time we fought together in the army.

"What happened next?" Anemone asked.

"A Goliath split the ship in two." I shrugged as if I had not almost died at that time.

"What?!?" Anemone screamed, jumping slightly, and drawing the attention of the androids that passed by us, it took one murderous look from Anemone for them to leave.

"Explain now!" Anemone demanded.

"The ship hit something in the middle of the ocean when we were halfway to Japan. Suddenly, a strong red light shone in the water and a Goliath emerged from under it. Everyone paralyzed in fear for a moment, until the panic broke out when everyone saw the Goliath raising its arm. A desperate crowd ran through the ship towards the boats, A2 and I were in that crowd, but the Goliath's blow split the ship in two. I stood in one half while A2 stood in the other. A2 climbing up Goliath's arm was the last thing I saw before I fell into the ocean."

"This… This is…" Anemone muttered speechless.

"I know it's hard to believe, I didn't believe it either when I saw the Goliath. I found myself on a piece of the ship floating in the ocean when I regained consciousness. I did not know how much time passed, lost consciousness again at some point, and woke up on a beach in Australia."

"Australia? So does that mean you found the Independents?" Anemone asked worriedly.


"They didn't do something to you, did they?"

"No, I made a point of hiding my affiliation with the Army of Humanity," I replied, making Anemone sigh relieved.

"Good, so how is Australia? I've never been there and the Independents don't like to contact the rest of the world."

"Well…" I replied, remembering my time in that apocalyptical dystopia.


"Drive faster!" I yelled at the android in the driver's seat.

"This thing doesn't go any faster than that!" The android yelled back.

"Damn it!" I climbed the side of the truck until I stood on top of the cargo tank carrying the fuel.

Then I analyzed my surroundings, seeing the vast yellow desert full of dunes and sand clouds, and the scorching sun in the sky, trying to burn us into a crisp.

Several cars of different models surrounded the truck, modified to race through the Australian desert, with an android driving each one, but the real danger chased us.

Looking back, I saw a legion of machines also driving modified cars, with one of the vehicles approaching us.

"WITNESS ME!" The stubby machine screamed on the hood of the car, spraying chrome paint on its face, and jumping toward a car driven by an android while holding a spear with an explosive on the end, the two disappeared in a ball of fire and metal.

A truck with machines playing war drums and a Medium Biped playing a guitar with a flamethrower went berserk at the Stubby sacrifice, causing them to play louder.

"ALAN!" A strong male voice shouted.

The legion of machine-driven cars cleared the way and a modified tank approached, with a Medium Biped sitting on a metallic throne on top of the vehicle.

Bearing a rusty and modified body, the machine had a car engine on its back, with car exhausts on its shoulders, and wore a helmet with the face of a human skull with horns protruding from the sides.

The machine had a large pincer-shaped claw in place of the right arm, one claw on the top and two on the bottom. The biped also had metal spikes on its feet and remaining hand, but the crowbar driven through its left eye was a feature that did not match the rest of its body, courtesy of mine.

"I WILL RIP OFF YOUR HEAD AND PUT IT ON THE BUMPER OF MY CAR!" The biped screamed, pointing at me with its claw.

The name of this machine was Iron Gear, the leader of the machines that terrorized the Independents and the friendly machines that lived in Australia.

I responded to its screams by pointing my rifle at Iron Gear and pulling the trigger.



The bullet took one of the helmet's horns off.

"AAAHHH! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, FIRE!" Iron Gear screamed in rage, pointing its claw forward.


The tank fired but fortunately missed hitting the sand further ahead, creating a sand cloud.

"You missed!" I immediately threw myself to the ground as a red orb passed over me.

"I WON'T MISS NEXT TIME!" Iron Gear yelled, his left arm turning into a cannon.

"DRIVE FASTER!" I yelled again at the android in the driver's seat.


"It's not that bad, Sydney is still standing, and most of Australia's animals are still alive. I have no idea how koalas have survived for so long." I replied, leaning back on the bench.

"I wish I had the time and energy you have to travel." Anemone said tiredly.

"Who knows? Maybe when this war is over we can travel together?" I suggested, smiling slightly, but my smile disappeared at Anemone's response.

"Yes… When this war is over…" Anemone answered sadly.

"You don't believe this war will end so soon, do you?"

"Not in my lifetime." Anemone sighed, and then an uncomfortable silence fell between us after that.

"Listen, Alan, would you like to be part of the resistance? I can get you a role at camp. You can help with android repair or guard duty." Anemone said happily, giving me a hopeful look.

"No, thanks, but no, I have stopped with this life, I do not wish to continue fighting." I quickly answered before she created some expectations, making Anemone look down disappointed.

"At least you could live in the camp where it's safer. I believe it would be better than wandering the city streets." Anemone said hopefully, leaning toward me.

"I'll have to refuse, I already have a house in a remote part of the city, and it's a place where machines hardly appear. But don't be sad, I will visit you occasionally." I replied, cheering Anemone up.

"Thanks, but tell me something, would you mind doing some work for me? Nothing too extreme, of course, you would just deliver a few packages or contact farther androids."

"Hm… Ok, just hand your contact over to POD 000." I answered, pointing at the POD in question. POD 000 approached Anemone and she gave it her contact information.

"Claim: Contact registered." POD 000 said.

"Okay, just call me if you need anything. Nevertheless, enough talking about me, tell me more about you, Anemone. What have you been up to?" I asked.

"I have not much to say. I traveled from resistance camp to resistance camp after Pearl Harbor, helping androids, fighting machines, making friends, and creating my group, until I became the leader of the local resistance."

"Seriously? I bet you were the best to become a leader and establish a fighting force that quickly." I said surprised.

"You flatter me." Anemone replied and looked away.

"But it's true; I remember you always made sure to accomplish the mission when I sent you on some operations."

"I wish I could go back to a time when I didn't have to worry about my men."

"You get used to it, in the end; your biggest enemy is not the machines, but the paperwork." Anemone and I shuddered simultaneously at hearing that accursed word.

"What about Commander Rose? Could you tell me where she is?" I asked, but felt worried when Anemone looked away, holding her hands together.

"Anemone, did something happen?"

"Commander Rose is dead, Alan." Anemone said after taking a deep breath.

I rested my head on the seat as I looked up at the blue sky. Commander Rose was dead… I covered my face with my hands and…


"I know, Alan, it shocked me too when I found out." Anemone spoke gently, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"DAMN IT! Do you… do you know how it happened?"

"A legion of machines attacked Taiwan, and they did not stop coming, machine after machine, after machine. The Army of Humanity wanted Taiwan at all costs since it was a strategic point due to one of the largest android factories in the world being there. Commander Rose and her resistance group fought together with the Army of Humanity, they won the battle, but at the cost of their lives."

"When will this end, Anemone? How many friends have we lost in this war?"

"I don't know, but we have to keep fighting, don't we?" Anemone said, smiling sadly.

"I know, but I feel like I gave up a long time ago, now I just want to live my life."

"I won't be mad at you for that; I wish to do the same. Sometimes, I want to disappear, live another life on the other side of the world."

"But it won't be worth it if you live alone. Believe me; I know what loneliness and isolation do to a person."

"And you Alan? Are you alone?" Anemone asked, holding my arm with a certain gleam in her eyes.

"Fortunately not, I have the PODs and the girls keeping me company." I had a bad feeling after saying that. Looking aside, I saw Anemone's face a few inches from mine, staring at me while smiling widely.

"What do you mean girls? You mean more than one?" Anemone asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"That's not what you're thinking!" I screamed in panic, trying to defuse this bomb before it exploded.

"Claim: There are three girls." POD 001 spoke, you bastard!

"Oh, does that mean you have three girls to keep you company?" Anemone asked again, hugging my arm tightly and making me wince.

"Claim: They all live in the same house." POD 000 said right after. PODs, are you two trying to kill me?!?

"Is this true PODs?" Anemone asked.

"Claim: Affirmative." The PODs responded simultaneously. Well, I am dead.

"I see you've picked up bad habits while you've been away, General Alan. I wonder what your soldiers would think if they knew that." Anemone said in the same menacing tone while pinching my cheek.

"Anemone let me explain!"

"Claim: There are possibly four girls if the android known as Cosmos is included." POD 001 said. I give up; I will just accept my fate.

"Ok, now I'm impressed! You went after Cosmos! Few androids approach her due to her strong personality." Anemone replied, her attitude changing completely.

"Strong is an understatement, she already tried to kill me twice." I answered, rubbing my sore cheek.

"Stop it, Cosmos isn't that bad." Anemone shrugged, but just stared at her in silence.

"All right, maybe she's a little difficult to deal with." Anemone sighed, throwing her arms upward.

"It's good that you know."

"But it's a shame, I wouldn't mind going out with you if you were available." Anemone flirted, blinking at me.

"HA! You might regret it; I tend to get into trouble." I laughed, feeling my face heat up.

"Wouldn't that make me your trouble?" Anemone asked, coming closer.

"Are you sure? I might end up being more than you can handle." I replied, approaching too.

"I like a good challenge." Anemone approached again.

"Hm… I am an impossible challenge to complete." I answered, returning the gesture.

"Well, I won't find out if I don't try."

"JUST KISS ALREADY!" An android screamed at us.

Anemone and I pulled away with flushed faces and looked around, seeing a crowd of androids watching us. How long have they been here?

"GO BACK TO WORK!" Anemone screamed and immediately the androids ran for their lives. Then Anemone and I stared at each other with red faces before laughing.



"I missed you Anemone." I said, hugging her.

"I missed you too Alan." Anemone said, hugging me back.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, but Anemone did not let go of me when I tried to break the hug. Damn it, I forgot the affection androids have for humans!

"Anemone, can you let me go now?"

"Just give me five more minutes. How I missed that feeling." Anemone muttered, rubbing her face in my chest.

"Better watch out, you might end up getting addicted." I teased, petting her head.

I am never going to dance again

"I wouldn't mind that kind of drug." Anemone replied.

Guilty feet have no rhythm

"Unfortunately I can't give you more."

Though it is easy to pretend

"That could be a problem. What if I want more?"

I know you are not a fool

"Then I would have to… Wait a minute! Who is playing this song?!?" Looking aside, I realized the music came from POD 000.

"POD, STOP THIS!" I yelled and the POD immediately stopped the music.

"Alan, what were you going to say?" Anemone asked.

"Then I would have to give you more."

"I wouldn't mind that." Anemone replied.

*Saxophone solo starts playing*

"POD!" I screamed and the saxophone solo stopped. I have to stop this before I do something I regret. Horny androids after me are the last things I need. They would destroy my hip.

"So this is why you come to the resistance camp so often?" A familiar voice behind me spoke. Turning around, I saw Devola and Popola in their disguises.

"I can explain?" I said, sweating nervously. However, Devola grabbed me by the ear and pulled me away from Anemone, to her dismay.

"You WILL explain when we get home!" Devola exclaimed.

"My ear!"

"We are very sorry for any trouble he may have caused." Popola said, bowing in front of Anemone, and walking back to her sister's side while Anemone looked at us confused.

"See you later Anemone!" I exclaimed, waving at the android, and causing Devola to pull me harder. The androids in the camp looked at us confused and curious, and I heard a few whispers along the way.

"Isn't that Cosmos' boyfriend?"

"Cosmos? I thought he was with Kokio?"

"Kokio? Did you hear how Anemone and he talked to each other?"

I saw Salieri giving me an understanding look on the way. As if this humiliation was not enough, POD 000 played Careless Whisper again.

And I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know you are not a fool

I should have known better than to cheat a friend

And waste the chance that I'd been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you, oh

Now that you're gone

(Now that you are gone) was what I did so wrong, so wrong

That you had to leave me alone?

Do not cry Alan; do not make this worse than it already is.

-Germany, Berlin, Year 11.732-

"I finally finished introducing myself to the recruits, these speeches always make me nervous." I said to no one in my office.

"Meh, I would have done better! You need to strike fear into the hearts of your soldiers, so that they will respect you and never dare to betray you." A mocking voice answered.

Another Alan sat on top of the desk in my office, an Alan with white hair and bright red eyes.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Watcher!"


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