
Chapter 37

"As I said," Harry repeated as a needle-thin spike of earth shot out from behind the man, puncturing the man's spine, causing him to fall down paralyzed. "Nobody of concern."

Harry looked at the gun the man dropped and used Observe.


A machine gun made by the KGB weapons division. It is a 9mm round and is capable of using armour piercing rounds while being capable of storing 44 rounds. It was previously used by Russia but is also common in the hands of the russian mafia.

Bullets left- 23

Harry put the gun away. He was sure he could find some use in it in the future. He then checked the man's pockets and scored another cartridge of bullets and a cigarette lighter. Moving quick as a snake, he dumped the body in the shadows and then moved quick as a snake. As he approached a turn, another man appeared. The new grunt didn't even have time to respond as Harry knocked the man out with a punch and looted his body.

Dashing up the stairs into the first floor, Harry then climbed up onto the second floor and began knocking out every man patrolling the place. A punch to the gut, a chop to the neck, a slam to the chest… his fist being boosted by using fire shooting out of his elbow was a weapon good enough to take out even the beefiest of men. It took him fifteen minutes to clear the floor of the henchmen, which was a great speed, but he wasn't here to set a score. He was here to save that girl and time was running out the more he dawdled.

Finally deciding to abandon his minimum magic plan, Harry let his instincts take control.

Running up the stairs to the next level, he started apparating around like mad, letting loose pillars of fire and powerful jet streams of wind down hallways, taking down enemies by the dozens.

'They will hear the screams!' a part of his mind that he could barely hear through his bloodlust said.

Let them…let them know that death is coming…let them cower…

Harry paid neither of the voices any heed. Halfway through, something in him had snapped. There was little reason left behind his rage. He had tasted blood, and he was in no mood to stop. It wasn't long before the next floor was clear of enemies too. His mind was thrumming with rage as he walked up the stairs to the level where they held the girl. Magic shivered at his fingertips, begging to be commanded into form.

Kill them all…

It was as if his rage was a living demon inside him, telling him to do it! Something inside him tried to resist, but it wasn't nearly strong enough.

As the four men on the level came into sight, Harry locked eyes with each one of them, feeding on the fear and confusion that filled them, before focusing his mana around the four men on the level and clenching. Not the air around them, but on the water in their blood, freezing them right where they stood. Harry's scar flared with tremendous pain.


Harry obeyed.

The blood in their vein froze. Deprived of oxygen and frozen in place, they desperately struggled to breathe. Their skin slowly paled, and their bodily functions shut down one by one. Grunnings was the first to go and then went the guards. Filled with a morbid sense of curiosity, Harry Observed the remaining man.

James Wesley










The face of a criminal empire. The man behind numerous political assassinations all around the world. Considers himself loyal to his employer and a professional person. He is one of the best-known criminals in the American criminal underworld. Is a master marksman and really good at chess.

Just as Harry had finished reading, the window faded away and Wesley dropped to the floor, gone for good.


Skill has been evolved due to creative use!

Wandless Magic Lv- 9(11%)

Allows you to control your magic in short sporadic bursts. You can try to use it in any way you wish and it will obey your every command. Has various discoverable branches.

Cost-20 MP per minute

Branch A -Remomancy-Allows you to control any form of elements. You can reconstruct it in any way you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-80 MP per minute





Quest Completed!

Destroy the goons, help the girl escape!


3000 Exp


You have leveled up!





Harry Potter



The Gamer

Title-The Boy who Lived

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in Home Turf)

Level-9 Exp-19940/38400









MONEY- 175£ / 2042G 182S 25K

Harry Potter is a wizard, the son of Lily Potter and James Potter. He has bad eyesight making it difficult for him to do well in class. His magic has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Strange things seem to happen around him. Harry finally aware of who he is and wishes to find meaning in his life. Harry loves his parents and hates the Dursleys.

Status- wizard, giving Harry - +3 VIT, +3 DEX and the ability to control magic, talk to snakes, control his appearance and look cool.






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