
Chapter 46: Welcome Lord Liberate Us From This Fake World.

After chatting with Jenny and Kang, Jojo went to his room to freshen up and change his clothes. With a tired face, he jumped onto his bed to take a rest. Downstairs, Jenny went to prepare dinner, while Kang went to pick up Alex from school.

After a good sleep...

Knock... Knock...

There was a knock on Jojo's door. Jojo didn't pay attention to it, sleeping peacefully.

After some time...

Knock... Knock...

Once again, the door was knocked, which woke Jojo from his dream. He said a quick prayer to his favorite god for giving him this chance.

"Jojo, dinner is ready. Mom said to inform you." Alex said and ran downstairs.

After a few minutes, Jojo woke up from his sleep and went downstairs to eat. When he reached the dining area, he noticed all three of them were waiting for him at the table.

Jojo took his seat, and everyone started to eat, chatting with each other.

Suddenly, Jenny remembered the new case that was registered today.

"Jojo, today we got a new supernatural case. It's something related to a curse, which causes death when the family members are united in the same place." Jenny started to explain the details of the case to Jojo.

When Jojo heard this, he was surprised to learn about the effect of the curse they were going to face in the next case.

'I didn't expect I would be dealing with Indau in my second supernatural case.'

Jojo went into deep thought, pondering how to handle this matter, considering they were also going to deal with a psycho, hot-tempered, possessive vampire.

"What's the name of the client who filed the case?" Jojo asked, interested to know which big shot took notice of him.

"Huh... the client's name is Hope Mikelson," Jenny answered, taking the file from the couch and handing it to Jojo.

'If it's Hope, it's reasonable.'

Hearing Hope's name, Jojo nodded in understanding, knowing that Hope would often try something to attract her father's attention and make him come home.

"So, did you confirm any date for the appointment?" Jojo asked Jenny with an interested look.

"No, the call ended after she explained about the hollow, before I could confirm any date for an appointment." Jenny shook her head with a disappointed look on her face.

After finishing dinner, Jojo sat on the couch, opened the file in his hand, and examined the details about Hollow that Hope had submitted in the form. Meanwhile, Jenny, Kang, and Alex went to their house.

Seeing Hope's contact number in the file, Jojo took his mobile phone and started to dial the number to make a call.

Ring... Ring...

Cullen's House...

Esme and Edyth were chatting about their day at school, while Emmett was engrossed in a game with Jasper.

"Alice," Esme called Alice, who was painting in her room.

When Alice heard Esme, she came upstairs within a second, standing near Esme.

"Confirm that Jojo is coming tomorrow for lunch," Esme asked Alice with a smile.

Esme always enjoyed cooking different kinds of food as a hobby, and she wanted to give her best for tomorrow.

"Sure, he will definitely come. What about Bella?" Alice asked with a smile on her face.

"Come on, Alice, all we care about is Jojo coming to tomorrow's lunch. For me, she shouldn't come." Rosalie joined the conversation with a sneer.

"Don't worry, Carlisle asked Edward to invite her to lunch at our home for some discussion," Esme replied to Rosalie, who had come downstairs after hearing the conversation about Jojo.

Rosalie sat on the couch and tried calling Jojo to speak with him, but the call didn't connect, saying he was busy.


After a few minutes...

"Huh... I can't take it anymore. I want to meet him. I am going to his home." Rosalie stood up with an impatient face.

Seeing Rosalie so impatient, the others laughed.

"Okay, let's..." Before Alice could finish her sentence, Rosalie interrupted her.

"No, I am going alone. You get to spend time with him at the greenhouse. Now it's my turn." Rosalie narrowed her eyes at Alice, indicating there was no room for negotiation.

Jojo's House...

After Jojo finished the call, he sighed. When he was about to go to his room to sleep, he suddenly got a vision.

In that vision, he saw a church. The father of the church was wearing a dark robe in a dimly lit room.

There were 20 to 30 people dressed in the same black attire, their faces covered with hoods.

They held candles, lifting them above their heads, kneeling, and bowing their heads.

At the center was a coffin. The church father began to speak in an unknown, creepy language.

The flames on the candles started to burn faster. The nails on the edges of the coffin slowly moved upwards, emitting a weird, creepy sound.

Creak... Creak...

As each nail was removed, the lid of the coffin slowly lifted, and there lay a mummified body with eyes that looked the opposite of human eyes.

While humans had pupils that were black or another color with white around them, the mummified body had white pupils with black eyes.

"Welcome, Lord, liberate us from this fake world. Take us to heavens."

Seeing the dead body open its eyes, everyone in the dark room started to speak at the same time.

"My Lord, welcome to take this small offering that this servant prepared for you."

The church's father took a large pot with the help of a few members and opened it with a happy face.

He began to pour what was in the pot inside the coffin, which appeared black. The surrounding area of the coffin started to emit a black mist.

As the mist touched the father and the members holding the candles, they began to age. Their life force was being drained by the mist.

As everyone in the room turned into bodies that looked mummified, the mist started to return to the coffin. When it settled, a man without any clothing emerged.


He looked at the members who had resurrected him with disgust, as if he were looking at pests.

"Now, I, Rex, need to open the seals and release the disgusting ones placed all over the world, and release everyone inside. Hehe~ This era belongs to us."

"Hehe~ Hehe~"

The man started to laugh sinisterly.

The vision ended...



(Author's POV)

Thanks for reading the chapter! please give a review and power stone!!!
