
Yiyi’s Situation

At this time, a few hours after the war ended, Jake finally arrived at had been Fargo Village. He was drenched in sweat and heaving deep breaths. 

The Alterans outside the walls did not receive the announcement, though knowing the war ended wouldn't have changed his speed at all. 

The straight distance between Fargo and Altera was only about 100 kilometers, and even longer if one avoided the more dangerous trecks. 

Normal people would take more than a day, even if the pace wasn't leisurely, and high-leveled individuals could sprint this for a fraction of that. However, this was in exchange for a lot of health which Jake had no problem spending.

He looked around, mind a bit muddled, and a little confused about where to start his search. In the end, while looking for a familiar guard, he couldn't stop himself from asking random citizens as he traversed the village. 
