
Mysterious Kid

Althea was very excited to go to her lab (children dutifully deposited in the neighbor auntie's house) to finally develop the products she had in her head.

However, before she even settled in her lab, Sheila burst in, with wide red eyes, looking quite panicked. "Boss!" 

Althea was a bit startled, "What is it?"

"Please help us! Someone has been poisoned, we are not sure how to handle it…" she mumbled, looking very worried. Without another word, Althea gently placed down her experimental tools and followed the other woman to the clinic. 

After rushing, the two women got to their destination within a couple of minutes, with Sheila bringing her into one of the ward beds. When they arrived, they saw Betty was already there, and she was using her Healer ability to keep the patient's vitality.

Walking closer, Althea realized it was a child. It was only a little boy, probably five or six years old, with chestnut hair and freckled skin.
