

An hour later Derrick walked in the front door, with Mary, Hartwell and half of the Rangers that had accompanied them. Mary was searching everywhere as they moved through the great hall. "I'm not liking this Sire it is far too open and easy for an attack," turning back to him she stated, "or an assassination." This caused Derrick to nod as they started forward.

They had barely reached the inner chamber doors when several energy beams erupted from the far recess of the wall. Everyone watched in horror as the beams struck the emperor. Derrick fell among a great amount of screaming.

Trianas could only smile not as she had wanted to do but as long as the repulsive asshole was dead she was happy. Making her way down she suddenly encountered a Ranger cadet. Sighing she thought of another pissant to kill. Striking with almost blinding speed she was surprised when the man not only deflected most of the hits but blocked them also.

Looking at the now unconscious man she thought a second, damn it the pup seemed as if he were trained by...

"Hello Trianas, long time you traitorous bitch!" She heard a familiar from her past. A voice that she had hoped was long dead.

"So, you are still alive Dempsy." She tossed over her shoulder. Dodging several lightning fast attacks then gasping when Dempsy caught her collarbone effectively snapping it. Smiling and grimacing, she turned to look at Dempsy. "I will kill him, there is nothing you can do to stop me. Oh and before you try anything else, I think you need to save the boy. I'd say he's got about a minute to live. That is if you really give a shit about him. See you soon." Bowing in obvious pain she smiled a sick demented smile, and then disappeared.

Turning Greeson over, Dempsy struck him in several places on his back. Then with a twist near the man's neck Dempsy watched Greeson scream then pass out again. Good he'd be ok tomorrow. Damn it the bitch was still alive. He'd really hoped that she'd die; he really didn't need to be reminded of his failure.

Back in the Chamber room Derrick got off the floor to the amazement of all present. There was a shimmering around him then Mary was standing there. This of course had everyone turning to look at the OTHER Mary who nodded. Another shimmering and Derrick was standing in Mary's place.

Bowing low, Mary told him, "Thank you Sire for allowing me to protect your life."

Nodding Derrick touched his ear, "Did you get them Dempsy?"

"No sire, Greeson got to her long enough for me to catch up. It was that bitch sir. I had thought she was dead, but I actually hoped that she was dead." Dempsy stated. "Greeson should be alright tomorrow."

Derrick nodded, then thought for a moment, 'I believe we need to talk, don't we?'

"Yes Sire," a big sigh came from Dempsy. "You are the only one I can ever tell of my failure. When you wish I will be ready Sire."

Derrick nodded that it had to be really big for Dempsy to admit failure to.

A moment later the Duke burst through the inner chamber door. "My Lord I just heard! I assure you that..."

"Save it you pompous windbag!" Derrick shouted at the man. "You really think that you could hide everything from me? The poverty? Starving in the streets? NO Duke I ASSURE YOU that this stops as of today; or as of tomorrow you will no longer command let alone have a place to live!"

"My Lord the peasants have to be..." the Duke started again.

Derrick turned and had the smaller man by the throat up against the wall, his feet at least a foot off the floor. In a low whisper Derrick growled, "I can start right now if you want. I am through with all of you pitiful excuses for nobility!" With an almost wicked smile Derrick told the man. "As I said it stops at this moment, let us just hope that the other nobles are far better ready for me. I am through playing! I have five ships in orbit, I could level this... edifice in a few minutes. Think carefully," here Derrick moved the man an inch higher. "Very carefully as your next words may be your last!"

Derrick let the man drop to the floor in a heap, the man sobbing and holding his throat. "Yes my Lord it will be as you command!" Quickly the man got to his feet and started to run in terror!

Derrick spoke into his wrist com, "Keep a lock on him Shelby if he tries to escape I want him in front of me. I am past through playing with these idiots." Derrick looked at Hartwell who had a huge smile on his face. Growling Derrick told him. "Glad you're so damn happy."
